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  1. I Have Some Questions About the Total Lunar Tetrad and Revelation 6.12

    by , 12-29-2012 at 11:01 PM (Faithful Follower of Jesus)

    1) Why is it that 12 out of every 19 years there are always exactly 2,520 days (Daniel's 7 x 360) from Feast of Trumpets to Tisha B'Av, and the other 7 out of 19 years there are always exactly 2,520 days from Feast of Trumpets to the Day of Atonement?

    2) Why are there exactly 7 sets of 7 or 17,640 days ((7 x 360)*7) from June 7, 1967 when Israel took over Jerusalem to the Day of Atonement Sept. 23, 2015?

    3) Why are there exactly 120 Jubilees of 6000 years (50*120) from 4004 BC when Adam was born to 2015 AD?

    4) Why is there not another feast Tetrad to the 2014/15 Tetrad until 2582/83 after the 6th one fell on when Israel became a nation again (1949/50) and the 7th one when Israel entered Jerusalem (1967/68)?

    5) Would the earthquake in Haiti 2010 (320,000 deaths, 2nd most deaths of earthquakes recorded) constitute a great earthquake in Rev. 6.12 before the first trumpet of the Tribulation is blown (8.7)?Would the earthquake in Japan 2011 constitute a great earthquake (4th greatest in the world in magnitude)? Back to back, year over year, has there ever been on record two earthquakes with this magnitude and number of deaths?

    6) The 2nd item in Rev. 6.12 is the black sackcloth sun solar eclipse. Would the Nov. 3, 2013 solar eclipse constitute just such a rare eclipse? There are 4 kinds of eclipses. The rarest is the Hybrid which occurs about 5% of the time. There are 3 kinds of Hybrids. The rarest Hybrid occurs about 5% of that 5%, called the H3. And NASA additionally breaks down eclipses as long or short. The long are more rare lasting more than 1 min 30 secs. It just so happens the 4th long H3 since Christ is this eclipse which occurs on Nov. 3, 2013 smack in the middle between the great earthquake and Total Lunar Tetrad as required by Rev. 6.12.

    7) The 3rd item is the moon red as blood in Rev. 6.12. If the Tetrad in 2014/15 is not the red blood moon, but since God wants us to know what it is, then what could supersede it that it would be that obvious to us?

    8) If these 3 events are indeed the events of Rev. 6.12 before the 2,520 days of the Tribulation start, and the Tribulation would begin shortly, would it not commence at some point within the Tetrad period since the 5th, 6th and 7th Tetrads did just that with regard to the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, Israel a nation again, and Jerusalem reclaimed?

    9) There are 2,520
  2. The Way to Seek Healing

    The Way to Seek Healing

    How should men seek healing before God? Three sentences in the Gospel of Mark are worth learning. I find them especially helpful, at least they are very effective for me. The first touches upon the power of the Lord; the second, the will of the Lord; and the third, the act of the Lord.

    a) The Power of the Lord: “God can.” “And Jesus asked his father, “How long has he had this?’ And he said, “From childhood. And it has often cast him into the fire and into the water, to destroy him; but if you can do anything, have pity on us and help us.’ And Jesus said to him, ‘If you can! All things are possible to him who believes”‘ (9. 21-23). The Lord Jesus merely repeated the three words which the child’s father had uttered. The father cried, “If you can, help us.” The Lord responded, “If you cant Why, all things are possible to him who believes.” The problem here is not “if you can” but rather “if you believe.”

    Is it not true that the first problem which arises with sickness is a doubt about God’s power? Under a microscope the power of bacteria seems to be greater than the power of God. Very rarely does the Lord cut off others in the middle of their speaking, but here he appears as though He were angry. (May the Lord forgive me for phrasing it this way!) When He heard the child’s father say “If you can, have pity on us and help us,” He sharply reacted with “Why say if you can? All things are possible to him who believes. In sickness, the question is not whether I can or cannot but whether you believe or not.”

    The initial step for a child of God to take in sickness therefore is to raise up his head and say “Lord, you cant” You remember, do you not, the first instance of the Lord’s healing of a paralytic? He asked the Pharisees, “Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, “Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, “Rise, take up your pallet and walk’?” (Mark 2.9) The Pharisees naturally thought it easier to say your sins are forgiven, for who could actually prove it is or is not so? But the Lord’s words and their results showed them that He could heal sickness as well as forgive sins. He did not ask which was more difficult, but which was easier. For Him, both were equally easy. It was as easy for the Lord to bid the paralytic rise and walk as to forgive the latter’s sins. For the Pharisees, both were as difficult.
  3. Why does the Tribulation period have to start the same day as the First Rapture?

    Quote Originally Posted by DeLane

    I've been convinced by your site and others that the Rapture will indeed fall on the Feast of Trumpets. I've been studying the return of the Lord for over 20 years, and am excited to know that it is severely soon! I just have a question that perhaps you can clear up.

    Why does the tribulation period have to start on the same day as the rapture? The tribulation kicks off with the confirming of a covenant (Dan. 9:27), but with all the chaos of the rapture and what it would bring to the world with millions suddenly disappearing, it seems unlikely that the world will be concerned with a treaty on that day. The fact that the anti-christ is able to confirm one at all lends to his unbelievable power during that time. I just think the rapture could happen and it be some time, perhaps even the 1 year anniversary on the next feast of trumpets for the anti-christ to make his move. This might put the rapture in 2013 or 2014. Then 2015 could still fit, and this truly would fulfill Jesus' words in Mat. 24 that no one knew the day or the hour, because it was not specifically on the day the tribulation starts.

    I would be interested to hear your opinion on this, please just explain why tribulation Must start same day as rapture.

    Thank you so much for your dedication, I look forward to hearing more. I preach anywhere I'm invited of the soon coming of Jesus, your website has helped tremendously.
    Some reasons why the first rapture is not a year or two before the Tribulation starts:

    1) Rev. 7.9 are the overcomers (not all Christians) "before throne" in 3rd heaven by being first raptured before the Tribulation starts. Then "when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour" (8.1) not a year or two. The Tribulation is "7 trumpets" (v.2). Then the "first angel sounded" (v.7) for the 1st trumpet. Only those Christians who were watchful (Matt. 24.42), prayerful (Luke 21.36) and keep the word of His patience (Rev. 3.10) will escape the hour of trial that is to come upon the whole world by being raptured beforehand.

    2) Sept. 14, 2015 Feast of Trumpets is that day during the Total Lunar Tetrad. It can't be Sept. 5, 2013 because the Tetrad has not started yet by then.

    3) Sept. 25, 2014 is not feasible because there are seven sets of seven (17,640 days) from June 7, 1967 to the Day of
  4. The Law of Cause and Effect and Passivity

    "MY PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED for lack of knowledge" (Hos. 4.6) is certainly applicable to our day. Christians nowadays generally are lacking in two kinds of knowledge: (1) a knowledge of the conditions by which evil spirits work; and (2) a knowledge of the principle of spiritual life. Ignorance here is furnishing Satan and his evil spirits an incredible advantage and is inflicting enormous harm on the church of God. What grieves our hearts is that, even as folly is prevailing, Christians continue to boast of their familiarity with the Bible and of the abundance of their experience. They do not realize that their much so-called knowledge is mere human reasoning, quite devoid of usefulness. Humility before the Lord and eagerness in seeking the revelation of God’s truths are almost unknown. While boasting in the richness of their knowledge, they themselves sink into the very quicksand from which they can neither extricate themselves nor rescue others. It is indeed a most dreadful scene.

    The Law of Cause and Effect

    For each and every thing God has created there is a law. All actions are governed by laws. Hence evil spirits also operate according to definite laws, one of which is that certain causes will produce certain effects, Now should anyone fulfill the conditions for the working of evil spirits (whether he fulfills them willingly, such as the witch, the medium, or the sorcerer—or unwittingly, such as the Christian), then he has definitely given ground to them to work on him. Notice that the law of cause and effect is involved here. Fire scorches, water drowns: these are laws: none escapes scorching if he falls into fire, nor can any escape drowning if he jumps into water. Likewise everyone who meets the requirements for the operation of evil spirits will be harmed by them. Hence the same law of cause and effect is operative here. It pays no heed to whether one is a Christian or not; once the conditions are met, the evil spirits do not fail to act. Just as a Christian cannot avoid being scorched or drowned if he falls into fire or water, so he cannot escape the danger of being hurt if he ignorantly supplies the prerequisities for the working of evil spirits. The fire scorches everything put into it; the water drowns all who are immersed in it; and evil spirits attack all who give them ground. One will not escape simply because he is a child of God. If he provides the enemy the opportunity, he will not hesitate to ...