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Thread: God's Plan for the Church

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    Default God's Plan for the Church

    God's Plan for the Church
    Apostles for a Region of Churches appoint Elders of a Biblical locality

    Welcome to Biblocality forums run by actual Apostles directly commissioned by God to help organize the churches for the body of Christ. What is said here is most difficult for most believers to accept and which we struggled with for some time also. Nonetheless, this is the truth and truly God's calling for the Church today! The leading move of the Holy Spirit today is fulfilling the condition needed for the return of Christ. The only lack is with members of the body of Christ "to take the place in this ministry and apostleship" (Acts 1.25) with conviction, courage, boldness, confidence, insight, authority, and trusting in God's timetable to patiently wait for His instruction without running ahead! There are a few simple, key aspects to Biblical locality:

    • The first 19 questions (in your Edit Profile) are needed to validate if you are an Elder of a meeting place, relative to those in your meeting area, to be approved by an Elder of a locality (city, town or remote locale);
    • 18 additional questions are asked so the Church can know you are an Apostle for a region of churches if God has revealed this to you. Each church locale is a local expression of the Church. A region of churches comprises many church localities. An Apostle appoints Elders to take care of a whole church locality which usually has many meeting places though could have as little as only one;
    • Join the appropriate Permission Groups:
      Each Permission Group is represented by a different colored cross on your Profile page, in forum posts and is viewable by the public;
    • Once you join a Permission Group, if you are an Elder of a locality or a meeting place, provide your locality or meeting for fellowship on the Meeting Place Finder for the body of Christ;
    • Choose an Avatar that best represents your position, work or gift according to Eph. 4.11 and 1 Cor. 2.8-10;

    Have you "tried them which say they are apostles" (Rev. 2.2)? Do NOT try to seek the power of "Nicolaitans" (v.6 - those who conquer the people). In our returning to the "first love" (v.4) what is God looking for? The proper organizing of the Church. Apostles use to appoint Elders to take care of a biblical locality. In the first century, the Apostles agreed the only way to divide the churches was according to the boundary of a locality. Each church is an independent unit. The reward is is given to overcomer believers who sought after this and who were watchful, prayerful, kept the conduct of Matt. 5-7 and the word of His patience. They get to return to reign with Christ in the millennial kingdom.

    A church locality is also a miniature of the new city on the new earth. Just like the 7 feasts in the Old Testament are a rehearsal for what the Lord will do at His first and second coming, so shall it be for the millennial reign of Christ by the way the churches are organized. The Church is a rehearsal for the time of recompense. The 1000 years is then a training ground for the New City and New Earth. The Temple will be replaced by God and the Lamb at the center of the New City, and only the sheep nations (Matt. 25.31-46) during the millennium will be transferred livingly to live outside the New City. They shall continue to procreate and enter in by the twelve gates to receive renewal of their bodies from the tree of life. There is no sin but the human body is inherently weak so it needs renewal. Do you understand this and have the faith to believe it in Revelation 21? What can you do to contribute? If you want this to happen you want God's will and He is pleased with you.

    To understand these three categories of workers and their respective functions, think and pray on the importance of Accepting Authority of the Apostles. God the Father has revealed through the Word by the Holy Spirit that before the Son of Man returns in Person (Zech. 14.4; Acts 1.9-11; Matt. 24.27,30; Rev. 1.7,14.14,19.11), the Ministry of regional Apostles (2 Cor. 10.13) in appointing Elders to take care of a biblical locality (Acts. 14.23, Titus 1.5) will become a global phenomena. Until the pinnacle of the Church is reached, Jesus will continue to tarry as with the 5 wise virgins and 5 unwise virgins (Matt. 25.1-13). We only know that when He returns it has been fulfilled and accomplished. When Christ returns in Person with His overcomers (Jude 14,15), His 5 wise virgins and those who properly used their gifts and talents, they will reign (Rev. 20.4,6) with a "rod of iron" (2.27, 12.5, 19.15) over the nations and localities (Luke 19.17,19) for the literal 1000 years as mentioned six times in Rev. 20.2-7, the last 1000 years on earth before the New city and New Earth commence (ch. 21). Actually it is Heaven and Earth come together on the New Earth. "He that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations" (2.26). For some shall have 10 cities, some 5 cities, and others just one city (Luke 19.11-27), but each according to His walk in the Lord, humility an faithfulness in being led by the Holy Spirit.

    Overcomers shall also be the ministers of states and provinces even presidents and prime ministers of countries. The title name is is not as important as having true authority in God's kingdom and a clear conscience. A new order of leadership in the millennial kingdom takes place from the Head to the body. There never has been a legitimate pope. Jesus is our High Priest who enters the Holy of Holies, that is our spirit, by the Holy Spirit. He will reign with a rod of iron from the Temple in Jerusalem on earth once He throws the Antichrist and the False Prophet into Hell for all eternity. They are the first two to go. Then "the rest of the dead [unsalvageable] lived not again until the thousand years were finished" (Rev. 20.5). That includes, the fallen angels, the demons, the unsaved in mankind, and Satan. Satan who is thrown into the pit for the 1000 years is released at the end of the millennial reign to show three things: 1) he will never repent, 2) men still had some hidden sin, 3) God's righteous verdict and good pleasure for those who love Him. Satan is the last of the lot to be thrown into Hell for all eternity.

    The leading move of the Holy Spirit on the planet today is right here with the call to initially gather twelve Apostles, p[ossibly an equal number of men and women who are in complete agreement then more shall follow. To what degree this is achieived before Christ returns I do not know. With one accord we will begin to recapture the "first love" (Rev. 2.4) that was lost during the first church period (vv. 1-7) to "do the first works" (v.5) of the Ministry (Eph. 4.11) as reconstituted here and formally called Biblocality. With meekness and lowliness (Matt. 5.5,11.29,21.5), a little flock (Luke 12.32) and quiet spirit (1 Pet. 3.4). Our aim is the pearl of great price - the beauty of the church (Matt. 13.46). When Biblical locality reaches its apex and the Tribulation is finished, His overcomers (Rev. 2.7,10,17,26;3.5,12,21) will return and reign over all forms of government. First there was the three, then the twelve, followed by the seventy, 120, 3000 and 5000. As it was at Pentecost, so shall it be when just before Christ returns. The kingdom of heaven is s till here. But there are great forces that try to stand in our way...

    "And I have faced danger from men [false brothers] who claim to be Christians but are not" (2 Cor. 11.26).

    For more verses on how the Church should be organized:

    Love, in Christ,
    Twelve Apostles

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    Default What Makes Us Different?

    The ordinary concept of the constitution of human beings is dualistic—soul and body. According to this concept soul is the invisible inner spiritual part, while body is the visible outer corporal part. Though there is some truth to this, it is nevertheless inaccurate. Such an opinion comes from fallen man, not from God; apart from God’s revelation, no concept is dependable. That the body is man’s outward sheath is undoubtedly correct, but the Bible never confuses spirit and soul as though they are the same. Not only are they different in terms; their very natures differ from each other. The Word of God does not divide man into the two parts of soul and body. It treats man, rather, as tripartite—spirit, soul and body. 1 Thessalonians 5.23 reads: “May the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” This verse precisely shows that the whole man is divided into three parts. The Apostle Paul refers here to the complete sanctification of believers, “sanctify you wholly.” According to the Apostle, how is a person wholly sanctified? By his spirit and soul and body being kept. From this we can easily understand that the whole person comprises these three parts. This verse also makes a distinction between spirit and soul; otherwise, Paul would have said simply “your soul.” Since God has distinguished the human spirit from the human soul, we conclude that man is composed of not two, but three, parts: spirit, soul and body.

    Is it a matter of any consequence to divide spirit and soul? It is an issue of supreme importance for it affects tremendously the spiritual life of a believer. How can a believer understand spiritual life if he does not know what is the extent of the realm of the spirit? Without such understanding how can he grow spiritually? To fail to distinguish between spirit and soul is fatal to spiritual maturity.

    Christians often account what is soulical as spiritual, and thus they remain in a soulish state and seek not what is really spiritual. How can we escape loss if we confuse what God has divided?

    Spiritual knowledge is very important to spiritual life. Let us add, however, that it is equally as, if not more, important for a believer to be humble and willing to accept the teaching of the Holy Spirit. If so, the Holy Spirit will grant him the experience of the dividing of spirit and soul, although he may not have too much knowledge concerning this truth. On the one hand, the most ignorant believer, without the slightest idea of the division of spirit and soul, may yet experience such a dividing in real life. On the other hand, the most informed believer, completely conversant with the truth concerning spirit and soul, may nonetheless have no experience of it. Far better is that person who may have both the knowledge and the experience. The majority, however, lack such experience. Consequently, it is well initially to lead these to know the different functions of spirit and soul and then to encourage them to seek what is spiritual.

    Other portions of the Scriptures make this same differentiation between spirit and soul. “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Heb. 4.12). The writer in this verse divides man’s non-corporal elements into two parts, “soul and spirit.” The corporal part is mentioned here as including the joints and marrow—organs of motion and sensation. When the priest uses the sword to cut and completely dissect the sacrifice, nothing inside can be hidden. Even joint and marrow are separated. In like manner the Lord Jesus uses the Word of God on His people to separate thoroughly, to pierce even to the division of the spiritual, the soulical, and the physical. And from this it follows that since soul and spirit can be divided, they must be different in nature. It is thus evident here that man is a composite of three parts.

    God predestinates by foreknowing our free-choice: a condition election, unlimited atonement, resistible grace, for preservation of the saints.

    Does God offer us salvation when He says "come unto me" (Matt. 11.28) because we have free-choice: "he that will, let him take the water of life freely" (Rev. 22.17)? "And him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out" (John 6.37b). The Father draws, and He gives to His Son those He draws whom He foresees our free-choice to come to Christ and then be saved, not the other way around.

    "But as many as received him, to them gave he the right to become children of God, even to them that believe on his name" (John 1.12).

    Believe ---> Receive (Saved) ---> Child of God (with eternal life). Salvation follows belief; this is shown by the clause, "even to them..." which is the condition to be "received" as "children of God". Everyone has "the right" to be saved, and all they need do is "believe"; just as as many that receive Him, so shall they be saved. May you choose by faith to believe. God will surely give you the faith to believe and draw you to Christ if you humbly give yourself to the cross in repentance of your sins.

    "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave [them] me, is greater than all; and no [man] is able to pluck [them] out of my Father's hand" (Matt. 10.27-29).

    What does the Bible actually teach? Let us consider the following observations.

    A. Revelation 3.10 “The hour of trial, that hour which is to come upon the whole world” - This is the Great Tribulation. This verse tells us that a certain class of people may escape the Great Tribulation, even those who keep the word of the patience of Christ. Instantly it tears apart the arguments of the posttrib only interpretation as well as those of the pretrib only view. Although Philadelphia represents the true church in the dispensation of Grace, it is nonetheless only one of the seven local churches in Asia at that time. Thus it shows that only a relatively small number of people (one seventh) may be raptured before the Tribulation. Furthermore, pre-tribulation rapture is not based purely on our being born again as children of God, but is dependent on one other condition, which is, our keeping the word of the patience of Christ. Do all believers today keep the word of the patience of Christ? Obviously not. It is therefore evident that not the whole body of believers will be raptured before the Tribulation. The posttrib only believers contends, however, that this passage of Scripture does not refer to pre-tribulation rapture, for it speaks of keeping - that God will “keep” them safely through the Great Tribulation: just as, for example, when an entire house is caught on fire, one room may be left untouched; or for example, when the land of Egypt came under the plague, the land of Goshen where the children of Israel dwelt in Egypt went unscathed (see Ex. 9.26, 10.23). Such an explanation is erroneous because (1) the “keeping” in view here is not a keeping through but a keeping from. In the Greek text, after the word “keep” in this verse there is the word ek which means “out of’ (as in the word ekklesia which means “the called out ones”). Here, therefore, ek signifies a being kept out of the Tribulation. And (2) “Because thou didst keep the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of trial” (3.10a) - As we have seen, the trial which is to come upon the whole world is the Great Tribulation; but notice that it is not a keeping from the trial but a keeping from the hour of the trial, In order to be kept out of the hour of trial, we must leave the world. There are only two ways for God to keep us out: death and rapture. And hence part of the living will be raptured before the Tribulation.

    B. Luke 21.36 also proves that not the entire church but only a part of it will be raptured before the Tribulation. The accounts of Luke 21 and Matthew 24 are quite alike, except that Matthew stresses more the coming of Christ and the Tribulation while Luke focuses more on the destruction of Jerusalem and the Tribulation. Hence there is the famous question asked in Matthew (24.3), and there are also more parables recorded in Matthew’s account than in Luke’s. In 70 A.D. Jerusalem experienced a terrible destruction, and at the end she will experience a great tribulation. The record in Luke can be outlined as follows: 21.8-9 - the things before the end; 10-19 - believers will suffer; 20-28 - how Jerusalem will be destroyed (verse 28 seems to suggest that the saints will all pass through the Tribulation); 29-33 - a parable guaranteeing the certainty of these things to come; and 34-36 - Were it not for this passage, it might be inferred that the whole body of believers would surely be raptured after the Tribulation: yet verse 34 has a change in tone from the preceding verses, verse 35 shows that the things mentioned earlier concern the whole inhabited world, and verse 36 presents the condition for escaping the Great Tribulation - which is to watch and pray. How are believers to escape all these coming things and to stand before the Son of man? Naturally by being raptured. Death is not a blessing: we do not pray and expect death. The condition here for rapture is to watch and pray. Hence here, not all the regenerated may be raptured. Pray always. What to pray for? Pray that we may escape all these things which shall come to pass. “That ye may prevail” (or, “ye may be accounted worthy” AV), It is not a question of grace, but rather a matter of worthiness. How about worthiness? God cannot receive you to the place where you have no desire to go. Some people may consider heaven as too tasteless a place in which to live as may be indicated by these words: “Lest haply your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life” (v.34). If a balloon is tied, it cannot ascend. In sum, Luke 21.36 shatters the arguments of both the first and second schools of interpretation. The second school may still raise other arguments, such as (1) that rapture is not dependent on conduct - yet in reply it should be asked whether anyone thinks a carnal believer lying on a bed of fornication will be raptured? Or (2) that the phrase “all these things” does not refer to the Great Tribulation but to the surfeiting, drunkenness, and cares of this life cited in verse 34. In reply, it should be noted that verse 36 reads, “all these things that shall come to pass" - whereas “surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life” pertain to the things which are present now. And therefore, “watch ye” means to not be deceived by such activities.

    C. Other proofs as follows:

    (1) By reading Matthew 24.42 together with 1 Thessalonians 5.2, 4, it is evident that there are at least two raptures: for note that the first passage suggests rapture before the Tribulation because one must be watchful since he does not know when his Lord will come; while the second passage suggests rapture after the Tribulation because one knows when the day of the Lord shall come.

    (2) The places to be raptured towards are also different. Whereas Revelation 7.15 mentions to “the throne of God” and Luke 21.36 mentions “to stand before the Son of man”, 1 Thessalonians 4.17 says that it is to “the air” – Such distinctions would thus indicate that the entire body of believers is not raptured all at one time.

    (3) Mark 13 states, “But of that day or that hour knoweth no one, not even the angels in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father” (v.32), So that the day of the coming of Christ is unknown. But 1 Thessalonians 4 declares that “the Lord himself shall descend from heaven, with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God” (v.16). From this second passage we know that the appearing of Christ is after the sounding of the seventh trumpet. And hence the first passage relates to pre-tribulation rapture while the second relates to post-tribulation rapture.

    (4) Matt. 24.40,41-42

    (5) Rev. 7.9 takes place before the trumpets of the Tribulation, based on the readiness of the firstfruits (14.1-5) and the man-child overcomer believers (12.5).

    Questions raised against separate rapture, and answers thereto, are submitted below.

    A. Some people say that the rapture of the church cannot be divided because the body of Christ cannot be divided. It should be noted in reply, however, that the body is a figure of speech which signifies one life. If the body is taken literally, then there is already division today because the Lord is now in heaven, Paul has already died, we remain living on earth, and some believers are yet to be born.

    B. Others object that rapture is part of redemption, that since redemption is according to grace, rapture cannot be based on the concept of worthiness. In reply, it needs to be pointed out that while the act of changing (see 1 Cor. 15.51-52) is indeed according to grace, the act of being taken (rapture) is according to works.

    C. Some observers ask, is it not rather cruel to take away hope from the church? To which we must answer that in the Scriptures there is no such false hope given; and therefore it is better to alert people to this fact.

    D. I Corinthians 15.23, say some, only mentions “they that are Christ’s” and that nothing is said about works. But let us be aware that this verse does not speak of rapture, it speaks of resurrection.

    E. Since the dead will not go through the Great Tribulation, would it not be unfair to the living for them to go through it? Will not the righteous God be unjust in this regard? In response, let me say that we do need to be concerned; for during the millennium each and every believer (including all believers who died prior to the Great Tribulation) will receive, as a consequence of appearing before Christ’s judgment seat, the things done in the body while alive, according to what he has done whether it be good or bad (2 Cor. 5.10).

    F. Since in 1 Cor. 15:50-52 (“We all shall not sleep, but we shall all be changed”) “all” is the word used, surely this signifies the whole body. Yes, the “all” here does indeed refer to the entire body, but it does not have reference to the same time. For example, we all will die, but certainly not all of us will do so in one day.

    G. There is a distinction made in the Bible between wheat and tares, some say, but no difference made between wheat and wheat; consequently, all wheat must be raptured. In reply, it should be noted that the times of ripening for wheat are not the same. Thus there are the firstfruits and the later harvest.

    H. Some argue that according to I Thessalonians 4.15, the living “shall in no wise precede them who are fallen asleep” -The dead are resurrected at the seventh trumpet; and so timewise, rapture occurs after the Tribulation. Now if there is a first rapture, it will have to take place before the resurrection of the dead. But since this verse distinctly says “shall in no wise,” how then can rapture take place twice? Let me say in reply that it is most precious and significant to find in both verse 15 and verse 17 the qualifying clauses “we that are alive, that are left” - Now to be alive is obviously to be left on earth; why, then, is there this apparent unnecessary repetition? Because it implies that there are people who though alive yet have already gone ahead (that is, raptured) and therefore are no longer left on earth. Would Paul enlist himself among this class of people who are alive and are left? Not at all. He uses the word “we” only because he is speaking at that moment of writing, and the proof of this is that since Paul no longer lives today, he cannot be numbered among those who are left on earth. Our summary conclusion to all this is that the third school of interpretation seems to be the correct one - that is to say, that one group of believers will be raptured before the Tribulation while another group of believers will go through the Tribulation and be raptured afterwards.

    “Thus saith Jehovah that created the heavens, the God that formed the earth and made it, that established it and created it not a waste, that formed it to be inhabited: I am Jehovah; and there is none else” (Is. 45.18). How clear God’s word is. The word “waste” here is “tohu” in Hebrew, which signifies “desolation” or “that which is desolate.” It says here that the earth which God created was not a waste. Why then does Genesis 1.2 state that “the earth was waste”? This may be easily resolved. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1.1). At that time, the earth which God had created was not a waste; but later on, in passing through a great catastrophe, the earth did become waste and void. So that all which is mentioned from verse 3 onward does not refer to the original creation but to the restoration of the earth. God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning; but He subsequently used the Six Days to remake the earth habitable. Genesis 1.1 was the original world; Genesis 1.3 onward is our present world; while Genesis 1.2 describes the desolate condition which was the earth’s during the transitional period following its original creation and before our present world.

    The conjunctive word “and” in verse 2 can also be translated as “but”: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, but the earth was waste and void.” G. H. Pember, in his book Earth’s Earliest Ages, wrote that the “and” according to Hebrew usage—as well as that of most other languages—proves that the first verse is not a compendium of what follows, but a statement of the first event in the record. For if it were a mere summary, the second verse would be the actual commencement of the history, and certainly would not begin with a copulative. A good illustration of this may be found in the fifth chapter of Genesis (Gen. 5.1). There the opening words, “This is the book of the generations of Adam,” are a compendium of the chapter, and, consequently, the next sentence begins without a copulative. We have, therefore, in the second verse of Genesis no first detail of a general statement in the preceding sentence, but the record of an altogether distinct and subsequent event, which did not affect the sidereal [starry] heaven, but only the earth and its immediate surroundings. And what that event was we must now endeavour to discover.*

    * G. H. Pember, Earth's Earliest Ages, New Edition, edited with additions by G. H. Lang (Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1975), p. 31. (The original work of Pember, under the same title, was initially published in 1876 by Hodder and Stoughton. Later editions were issued by Pickering and Inglis and the Fleming H. Revell Co.)

    Over a hundred years ago, Dr. Chalmers pointed out that the words “the earth was waste” might equally be translated “the earth became waste.” Dr. I. M. Haldeman, G. H. Pember, and others showed that the Hebrew word for “was” here has been translated “became” in Genesis 19.26: “His wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.” If this same Hebrew word can be translated in 19.26 as “became,” why can it not be translated as “became” in 1.2? Furthermore, the word “became” in 2.7 (“and man became a living soul”) is the same word as is found in Genesis 1.2. So that it is not at all arbitrary for anyone to translate “was” as “became” here: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, [but] the earth became waste and void.” The earth which God created originally was not waste, it only later became waste.

    The Church will return to "thy first love" (Rev. 2.4) in this final church period before Christ, the Son of Man, appears with His overcomer believers who receive the reward of reigning for 1000 years over the nations as kings and priests (20.2-7). Apostles and elders, though, first need to be in agreement about deeper truths in the Word of God such as Biblocality. Apostles directly commissioned by God have asked 37 questions (and the first 19 questions for Elders) as a statement of faith so the Church can be confident in those who say they are Apostles. See the questions at registration.

    "And when they had appointed for them elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, on whom they had believed. But we will not glory beyond our measure, but according to the measure of the province which God apportioned to us as a measure, to reach even unto you. For this reason I left you in a region of churches, that you should set in order the things which remain, and appoint elders for every city as I had directed you...without taking sides or showing special favor to anyone. Never be in a hurry about appointing an elder" (Acts 14.23, 2 Cor. 10.13, Titus 1.5, 1 Tim. 5.22).

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    Lightbulb Purpose of Biblocality Forums

    I would go on various forums in Christendom and found my posts and nickname would get removed. The reason was because I believe in Partial Rapture a first rapture according to readiness (Rev. 3.10, Luke 21.36). This does not fit peoples' preconceived notions of the most commonly held views of end-times, so they do not know how to handle me. The Holy Spirit leads me to bring together pre+post and remove the dissension between pre- and post-only views. In a way, I become everyone's enemy because I have the blessing of Rev. 1.3. There is a spirit of jealousy and darkness in understanding what really in my opinion is so simple for these verses are conditional statements. Check out, for example, Matt. 24.40-41,42. The first rapture takes place at Rev. 7.9 "before the throne" before the trumpets of the Tribulation commence (8.7ff). If you don't believe in partial rapture you will totally not understand Revelation as was intended.

    The same goes for OSAS Arminian (Rom. 8.29, Gen. 1.27, John 3.16). Non-OSASers are Remonstrants who rejected Arminius' view. They all love to argue along with Calvinists, but they don't know how to handle me, since I am OSAS Arminian just like Jacob Arminius the least popular view.

    The problem continues as most take exception to Gap Restoration (Gen. 1.2). This is such an unpopular view, yet the only one that explains why day 2 was not a good day and explains why there was killing even to begin with millions of years ago. Sadly though few hath an ear to hear.

    A great many in the largest systems of Christendom don't even accept Our Being Tripartite and the dividing of our spirit, soul and body (Heb. 4.12, 1 Thess. 5.23). So they don't know how to handle me. I am a foreigner in my own land. A little flock.

    The Holy Spirit has led me to abide in Biblical locality (Acts 14.23, 1 Cor. 10.13, Tit. 1.5) also, where the Apostles for a region of churches are directly commissioned by God to appoint Elders of a locality, and those Elders approve Elders of meeting places within the locality. The many denoms ("I of Cephas" or "I of Apollos"), non-denoms ("I of Christ"), and ecumenical multi-denoms ("I of Cephas and I of Apollos") would have you believe in a hierarchy of many levels more than the three established in Scripture. Or they will expand their regional power beyond more than what is reasonable for the number of churches. We need to stop exalting independency and the independent congregationalism, mega-church, puny church, etc. Locality is what God is after, the very unit of the Church which is training ground for the millennial kingdom of how to be properly organized. Sorry, no Pope of the planet is permissible in the Church. No Archdiocese of a continent are going to be accepted.

    The Lord has shown me that a Meeting Place Finder for the Body of Christ is needed to confront these problems. Using Google Maps with vBulletin forums, this makes for an excellent fit to find Apostles to come together in agreement to ask of ourselves a certain number of questions, appoint Elders of a locality, and reclaim the first love that was lost in the first century (Rev. 2.1-11).

    May Apostles throughout the world find, come together in agreement, agree upon these questions for Apostles and Elders and record their region of churches and localities and meeting places on the Meeting Place Finder so Christians can find fellowship with correct teaching. Praise the Lord! Amen.

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