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Thread: The Alberta Racquetball Association and Dishonesty of Barbara May

  1. #11
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    Default The Immorality of John Halko and Barbara May

    Despite John Halko, president of the ARA and Barbara May, Executive Assistant of the ARA trying to do everything possible (unwarranted) to try to prevent me from playing racquetball by banning me from all Alberta tournaments (going on 4 years now) and their other underhanded behavior, I do have some good news to report.

    Since starting up playing racquetball again after 3 years in hiatus, I beat Ashton Duda from Regina (ranked 9th in Canada, 2nd in Canada 18 and under) in the Saskatchewan Open, October 19-21, 2012. This tournament took place at the same time as the Edmonton Open that Gordon Cutting removed me from as per instructions from Barbara May and John Halko. Cruel people eh? But then I wouldn't have beaten Ashton Duda. It's amazing how God works things out for His good pleasure.

    My goal is to be ranked #1 in Canada 45+. In order to do that I need to beat a player ranked 29th (currently Michel Gagnon) or higher. I have 13 months to do it till Nov., 2013. For me it is exciting, because I hope to do it in the backdrop of hostility from a few atheist and non-Christian racquetballers in the Edmonton area.

    I encourage anyone who reads this to question John Halko and Barbara May whether they are of sound mind and body, and challenge them to provide a specific evidenced explanation for their behavior instead of leaving them to their belligerent, coy and aloof state.

    Word was given God has judged by closing the Mayfield Athletic Club a month after John and Barb conspired to ban me, a Christian, from this club. One wonders what further judgment God of the Bible is going to administer as long as their hearts remain so obstinately antichrist and against those in Christ.

    The question then becomes, assuming John Halko and Barb May still continue to never give their lives to Christ, why did God create them knowing they would go to Hell?

    Troy Brooks

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    Jack's legacy now in his 70's is to martyr a Christian, namely myself, by trying to get me banned not just from the Alberta Racquetball Association and the Mayfield Athletic Club (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) but Racquetball Canada as well. I've never met anyone as old as Jack who ever gave their life to Christ, but this will be remembered to help lead people to Christ just as Christianity has grown on the martyrdom of the Apostles and putting Jesus to death. The Pharaoh (Jack McBride from Edmonton, Alberta) kept chasing after the Jewish people plague after plague (e.g. closing down of the Mayfield Athletic Club, Kane Waselenchuk wanting nothing to do with the ARA/RC and no high ranking players in Edmonton except for myself after beating Ashton Duda ranked 9th in Canada, Nov. 2012, 2nd in Canada 18 and under), but the Pharaoh and his army (Barbara May, John Halko, Barry Ould, Manny Gregorio) eventually died in the gulf of Aqaba the Red Sea. What gives me peace is when Jesus said in Luke 6, "Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you [from their company], and shall reproach [you], and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake" (v.22).

    The link Jack McBride doesn't want people to see that he removed from my profile at r2sports for racquetball: My favorite website is so this is my "favorite website" that I added back to my profile. I would appreciate not being discriminated against even further. It is a Christian site, how to be saved and other important aspects of God's word.

    A letter sent to Troy Brooks November 19, 2012. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada:

    To Mr. Troy Brooks;

    While updating the website, it has come to Racquetball Canada’s attention that you had a link on the ranking system under “favorite website” that contained content which violated Racquetball Canada’s Code of Conduct. The complete Code of Conduct is on the website under documents and I have attached a copy as well.

    As you may not have been aware of the Code of Conduct, we are taking this as an opportunity to ensure that you are familiar with the Racquetball Canada Code of Conduct. You should pay careful attention to the following:

    Racquetball Canada is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect. Further, Racquetball Canada supports equal opportunity and prohibits discriminatory practices.

    3. All members have a responsibility to maintain and enhance the dignity and self-esteem of members and participants of Racquetball Canada by:
    a. Demonstrating respect to individuals regardless of gender, ethnic or racial origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, religion, political belief, disability or economic status.
    b. Focusing comments or criticism appropriately and avoiding public criticism of athletes, coaches, officials, organizers, volunteers, staff and members.

    A further violation of the Racquetball Canada Code of Conduct will result in a formal notice and disciplinary sanctions will be applied.

    You should also be aware that Racquetball Canada is in discussion with our Provincial counterparts on having:
    1. The Racquetball Canada Code of Conduct used as a template for the Provinces.
    2. Have reciprocal acceptance of any sanctions imposed on violations of the Codes of Conduct.
    3. That a registrant for a Racquetball Canada event must be a member in good standing with their Provincial association.

    It is hoped that you fully understand the ramifications concerning this matter. Please be advised that there will be no further dialogue on this issue between Racquetball Canada and yourself, but that this is solely intended to be informative for your benefit. It is hoped you will act accordingly.


    Jack McBride
    Racquetball Canada
    Letter for Mr. Troy Brooks (2).docx


    I won't post a link for my "favorite website" on the Canadian Racquetball Association to the abuses and injustice I have endured by John Halko and Barbara May of the ARA. [I have since changed my mind about that. Evil behavior needs to be exposed.]

    But I would like to say it's an evil world and people can commit evil (Satan is the god of this world the Bible says), but when you speak up against it, further reprisal comes. I love people who stand up for the truth and against abuse. How about you? Banned for life from the Alberta Racquetball Association without just cause? I thought someone in your position Jack would stand up for what's right in life.



    [Jack McBride is NOT being respectful. Discrimination against Christians is not respectful but disrespectful.]


    As per 1 below, you are aware that it is not treating a person "with respect" when you ban them from the Alberta Racquetball Association without explanation other than some vague untoward way, and that this is a "discriminatory practice."

    As per 3a below, where is the "responsibility to maintain and enhance the dignity of members" supported by discriminating against a person for their Christian "religion" when those on the board of the Alberta Racquetball Association who are non-Christians as the only explanation for their actions?

    As per 3b below, when such injustice occurs such as banning someone from the Alberta Racquetball Association without just cause (easily proven in court) even contradicting the ARA's own code of ethics, by attacking or censoring the person in various ways who speaks up against this injustice is itself an injustice and unrighteous. Would you not agree?

    Does your conscience speak to you about this problem with the ARA? I fear what is going to happen down the road is legal action because that is the only option against obstinate people; and of course, I am speaking of the Alberta Racquetball Association in particular, John Halko and Barbara May on behalf of, who have gone wild and maintain their belligerency who enacted this ban in 2009 and continue it to today. I have shown much grace these past 3 years leaving me no option.

    1. Racquetball Canada is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect. Further, Racquetball Canada supports equal opportunity and prohibits discriminatory practices.

    All members have a responsibility to maintain and enhance the dignity and self-esteem of members and participants of Racquetball Canada by:

    a. Demonstrating respect to individuals regardless of gender, ethnic or racial origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, religion, political belief, disability or economic status.

    Focusing comments or criticism appropriately and avoiding public criticism of athletes, coaches, officials, organizers, volunteers, staff and members. [Jack McBride's emphasis.]


    Just to inform you and make you aware, lately I have received advice from several friends, family members and people in passing when we talk about this abuse of John Halko and Barbara May of the Alberta Racquetball Association board and your recent email to me with various threats.

    I never bring it up, but they suggest I should take legal action for discrimination and of course, Barb lying to protect her hide which is an abuse of power. So I am going to start calling lawyers to get the ball rolling because it appears by your placing in bold these words that you intend to accelerate things with 3a and 1,2,3 below at the impetus of the ARA. Once I find the right lawyer I believe Racquetball Canada would be guilty also for the same reason if I find myself also banned from Racquetball Canada. It is hoped that you fully understand the ramifications concerning this matter. I am giving you every opportunity to do the right thing, but I am anticipating you will leave me no choice.

    I understand that you are not Christian because you refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated, acknowledging who He is that He is God, and recall how you were hostile on this matter to me when we previously interacted; therefore, you are going to Hell according to the Scriptures. Of course in court and by your verbal and written statements, I will bring Scripture to bear to prove the point. It is to prove the point that your hostility would lie in the fact that I know you are going to Hell because you refuse to come to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior. And this is why similar to Barb and John you would take it out on me in such egregious fashion as banning me. Any contact I make with the ARA, of course, will be through my lawyer since I am fully aware of how deluded they have been.

    3 a. Focusing comments or criticism appropriately and avoiding public criticism of athletes, coaches, officials, organizers, volunteers, staff and members.

    You should also be aware that Racquetball Canada is in discussion with our Provincial counterparts on having:

    1. The Racquetball Canada Code of Conduct used as a template for the Provinces.

    2. Have reciprocal acceptance of any sanctions imposed on violations of the Codes of Conduct.

    3. That aregistrant for a Racquetball Canada event must be a member in good standing with their Provincial association.


    Follow the rest of this correspondence with Terry Nelson, Technical, of Racquetball Canada and the decision rendered.

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    The "Shady Lady" Barbara May of Alberta Racquetball
    From St. Albert, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

    Do you believe there is real evil in this world? I am not talking about the kind that murders, rapes and steals that are so obvious to us all as heinous sin. I am talking about the other kind that is underhanded, deceitful, manipulative and self-preserving through lying at other peoples' expense. There is even religious discrimination at hand here which ultimately is rooted in disobedience to God. This violates not only the ARA code of ethics but the code of ethics for Racquetball Canada. Thus, we see a doublestandard not treating others as you would like to be treated.

    My name is Troy Brooks. And I would like to tell you how this very kind of evil has impacted my life and exalted Barbara May's life with the help of John Halko. John Halko is the current president of the Alberta Racquetball Association (2012), and Barbara May is a paid government employee given by the government to assist the development of racquetball in Alberta. She is called an executive assistant. There are many perks being on the ARA board such as free tournaments and other expenses paid when going to tournaments out of town. This organization generates a huge some of money from casinos.

    I've been playing racquetball ever since I was 14 years old. And I gave my life to Christ January, 2001 at the age of 33. When I was 41 years of age in 2009 several players in the racquetball community in Alberta thought it was a good idea that I start up a tournament because there was not enough tournaments in Alberta just the Alberta Closed, Calgary Open and Edmonton Open that had Open divisions. So I initiated the process by setting up the tournament on the r2sports website with Barbara May's approval. My access to the r2sports site for the tournament page was given to me by the president of Racquetball Canada Usher Barnoff, board members of the ARA (Barbara May, Marc Caouette, John Halko), and the administrators of r2sports company. I was also required to meet with Barbara May which I did.

    In that meeting with Barbara May she had many strange ideas for the tournament none of which I was able to use. I called it the
    Alberta Racquetball Top 16 Invitational. Suffice to say all of her recommendations were turned down both in terms of cost and unnecessary impositions. At the conclusion of the meeting she said she approved of the tournament and would recommend it to the Alberta Racquetball Association for sanctioning. James Brayley said he would pay for t-shirts, Barbara May said she would not. This was just one of many contradictory and unhelpful aspects of working with Barbara May which I go into more detail in the link below.

    Within 24 hours, she emailed everyone saying that I was incompetent to run the tournament and lied to protect her hide, claiming she told me not to use the r2sports program but that I went ahead and used it anyway to set up the tournament. She did this to deflect away from her negligence since she never told me to wait to use the program. There is a substantial proof proving she lied - read here. My response to her lying was to expose her for her lying. Her lying and the matter of doing a 180 on me was never addressed. Be "not doubletongued" (1 Tim. 3.8). Upon request I was never given an opportunity to meet with the ARA about this matter.

    A few days later I receive word from the Alberta Racquetball Association that not only was the tournament cancelled but that I was banned from the Alberta Racquetball Association not allowed to play in any racquetball tournaments in Alberta. I could still play outside Alberta in Racquetball Canada sanctioned events, but I was banned for life from playing racquetball in Alberta tournaments. I subsequently emailed through the r2sports database of racquetball players in Canada this abuse that had taken place. Going on 4 years now which will turn into 10 years down the road even 100 years, I will never be allowed to play in a tournament in Alberta. This is evil!

    Since I am sure almost everyone believes this is unjust, we must look to the underlying motivation behind such action. We know for a fact through various interactions that Barbara May and John Halko are not Christians. That is, they do not accept Jesus is God, that He resurrected Himself the third day and have not repented to the cross as helpless sinners to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior. Please read John 3 and 1 Corinthians 15. Furthermore, those who are unwilling to receive Christ for forgiveness of sins, the Bible says, and receive eternal life are going to Hell as they wish to be eternally separated from their Creator God of the Bible.

    The other board members of the ARA at the time of this incident were Gerry Slamko and Marc Caouette who also through personal interactions with them revealed they too are not Christians. Gerry and I actually had a very lively debate about it. He left in a huffy puff I recall vividly. I do not know the composition of the board today other than Barb is still the executive assistant and John Halko is now the president so there is where the guilty parties lie.

    There is one other common denominator among these board members. None of them have ever beaten me at racquetball even in a single game.

    So combined with religious prejudice and jealousy in their frustration they could never beat me at racquetball, I believe we have a perfect brewing mixture of hostility that exploded upon me, and I am the brunt of their hatred. They knowing that I know they are going to Hell according to the Scriptures causes them to react towards me in bizarre ways since I was saved. Which leads us to what Jesus said, "Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you [from their company], and shall reproach [you], and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake" (Luke 6.22).

    This hostility has tricked down to a couple of atheists and non-Christian racquetball players who are not on the board and who have also never beaten me at racquetball: Jack McBride (got angry with me when I asked him if he believed Jesus is God, and he said he didn't want to talk about religion), Barry Ould (he banned me for life from his league at the Mayfield Club and said I am not allowed to talk about Christianity at racquetball), Cam Bourque (called me a "radical lunatic" for my faith), Manny Gregorio (came up to me after 3 years not playing racquetball and said his aunt is a Jehovah Witness and that I should apologize for something but when asked, he didn't know what I was to apologize for), and Jerry Vasilash (a Messianic Judaizer who believes initial salvation is by works not faith alone). We are talking about just a handful of individuals showing their aggression. The rest of the racquetball community are free spirits. None of these individuals mentioned are Christians, and they have each expressed their hostility towards Christ on multiple occasions. Consequently, they conspired to get me banned from the Mayfield Athletic Club in July 2012. A month later the Mayfield Hotel & Suites gave word that the fitness facility will be shut down permanently to be replaced with more hotel rooms. The Holy Spirit in my spirit and the word of God confirm in agreement with other Christians in the racquetball community that this was God's judgment upon them. By December 21, 2012 they will be disbanded.

    I prophecy that I will one day take legal action against the Alberta Racquetball Association and its administers, in particular, Barbara May and John Halko. Gerry Slamko and Marc Caouette are no longer part of this organization. The reason I can be so confident that legal action will happen is because I don't believe the parties above will ever repent of their religious hatred and abusive behavior. Religion "is the way to God" whom they reject. They will rationalize their flesh come hell or high water. And I have never met anyone as old as this lot who ever gave their lives to Christ. We are talking about individuals in their 50's, 60's and 70's.

    On a more positive note, I recently beat Ashton Duda (ranked #9 in Canada; 2nd in Canada 18 and under) in the 2012 Saskatchewan Open. However, it is my belief from a recent letter sent to me by Jack McBride, president of Racquetball Canada (2012), that he intends to try to get me banned from Racquetball Canada also. I have been warned through conversations taking place between Barry Ould and Manny Gregorio they are trying to find something on me to convince Jack McBride to get me banned from Racquetball Canada. If you don't think this is evil run amok think again!

    Who says evil is not alive and well today? Satan is the god of this world. Let us pray for the soon return of the Son of Man Christ Jesus who will reign over the nations with His overcomers with a rod of iron (Rev. 2.26,27). Praise the Lord! Amen.

    In Christ,
    Troy Brooks

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    "Any regime restricting the rights of man is abusive and must be resisted."

    A full listing of all articles (and a video) pertaining to this matter can be found here. Consider this the resistance!

    Where there is no Jesus, evil always reigns. "Man's misunderstanding does not affect the testimony: "keep your conscience clear, so that, when you are abused, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame" (1 Pet. 3.16). Good conduct cannot appease an evil conscience; but neither will much reviling by man cast a shadow over a good conscience.

    "Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you [from their company], and shall reproach [you], and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake" (Luke 6.22).

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