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  1. Is BitTorrent Wrong?

    by , 05-27-2013 at 07:02 PM (Being Accounted Ready (Matt. 24.40-42, Luke 21.36, Rev. 3.10) Before the Tribulation 2023 - 2030)
    I had a non-Christian tell me his views on using bittorrent. He took 3 passages from Scripture: a) thou shall not steal; 2) don't covet other peoples' goods; and 3) be holy as God is holy. Of course, he rejects Christ Jesus as God, Lord and Savior who died on the cross for the sins of the world, and resurrected the 3rd day which is why he is going to Hell. You can't take the passages of Scripture selectively interpreted according to your opinion and without the flow of the Holy Spirit in agreement with the word of God that comes to one who is born-again. He said he teaches his students not to bittorrent and that he himself never does it. Never does it? Not even once?

    Then he preceded to accuse me, since I am a Christian how could I do such a thing? There was a 15 year old girl that was listening to our conversation. She immediately reacted and said "that's discrimination" to hold Christians to a higher standard than non-Christians. She took the words right out of my mouth. I couldn't agree more.

    When I first tried to give him the Christian response to his position, I pointed out that in the Bible we are told of idols that exist in a person's life which need to be torn down. His idol was that of self-exalting himself by claiming he never bittorrents and claims that all his students agree with him which I found highly doubtful, because the young girl standing next to us listening to the conversation responded in opposition by saying, "when placing a bowl of candies at the entrance after you walk through a doorway is not stealing". After hearing this, you could see steam coming out of his ears, and his entire complexion changed. He was very angry and left in a huffy puff.

    I would add further, when you download a movie, you aren't coveting anything but saving $14. Consider this God's grace. The download takes just a couple minutes if that. It is pervasive across all platforms and nations, and nothing could be simpler. This is God's judgment upon the entire movie industry to reduce their profitability as well as reduce the gargantuan paychecks for popular movie actors since it is usually these big budget movies that are subject mostly to downloading, and vanity of vanities would be to get paid millions of dollars for pretending to be someone you are not. Owners and directors of these movies are making in some cases more than a billion dollars. Avatar by James Cameron and The Passion of the Christ by Mel ...
  2. The Crazy Games People Play Who Call Themselves Christian that are Not Christians

    Have you come across people, and more potently family members, who claim to be Christians but are clearly not? They throw the word "Christian" around when tested as if somehow that automatically makes them a Christian. For example, a family member may think the atheist in the family or other members of the family are Christians even though they never want to discuss the gospel of salvation of Jesus Christ let alone hear about it. They get angry about it. So this "nominal Christian" (i.e. false Christian) essentially believes in universalism that they are all saved and is under strong delusion that they believe in Christ anyhow in some mysterious esoteric way. What a false Christ this would be!

    How does an atheist accept Christ when the atheist claims God does not exist? That is the most obvious case to put forward. But it is no less true to observe the contradiction in someone who may not vocally deny Christ, but certainly has not received Him for forgiveness of sins and resurrection life.

    This family member who is a false Christian may have accused you of being a fanatic for your faith as a Christian even though you were simply giving the gospel of salvation with love to another family member who is an atheist. You were saved so you ask this fake Christian family member when he or she was born-again? Never did he or she ever give you the gospel before you were saved (or even after). What love is that? But as the years go by this fake Christian says she or he was saved long before you were. What a surprise that is hearing it for the first time when just a few days ago she or he said she believed in reincarnation, universalism and never mentioned Jesus is God the Son. This is a perverted form of one-up-man-ship. This is how worldly people are. They don't care about the truth of the Scriptures or the Spirit of Truth.

    Not only have I experienced this demented game they play, but I know other Christians who have given me their testimony that they have undergone the same mind games from fake Christian family members. I would like to add as well, I have never met anyone over the age of 40 who ever gave their life to Christ so don't expect them to change. At some point you need to simply not discuss it with them anymore, kicking the dust under your feet even as Jesus and the Apostles did. Just be
  3. God's Lock Tumbler of Daniel's Final Seven

    Every 12 out of 19 years there are 2,550 days from Feast of Trumpets to Day of Atonement. And the other 7 out of 19 years there are 2,520 days from Feast of Trumpets to Tisha B'Av (the day the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed).

    We have good reason, therefore, to believe there are 30 days more at the end of the second 1260 days to the 1290th day, and these additional 30 days are for Jesus to judge the nations in Matt. 25.31-46 when He returns. Then 45 days more to the 1335th day are to set up Israel as the center of all nations.

    Just as Genesis 2 gives the details of Gen. 1, we find that Revelations 12 to 19 give the details of the major points of the Tribulation from Rev. 7 to 11. Rev. 2 & 3 are the church age. Rev. 4 are the 24 archangels in heaven (Michael replaced Lucifer). 24 is the number of administration by these eldest elders of the universe. Rev. 5 recounts the cross. In the 1st Seal there is a bow and arrow that looks like a cross but the arrow has been shot giving Satan a deadly wound (he no longer is able to work in the old man that has died on the cross with Christ of those of us who are born-again).

    Would Jesus wait 2000 years after picking up the scroll to open the seals of the scroll? Of course not. So the 4 Seals are the past 20 centuries very general in nature where 1/4 are killed. Whereas in Rev. 9 1/3 are killed. Two different periods. The 5th Seal a few years before the Tribulation starts gives a message to those martyred the past 20 centuries to wait a little longer for Daniel's final seven unfolds.

    The 6th Seal gives us the 3 events that occur 2010-2015 before the Tribulation starts at the 1st trumpet (8.7). The 7th Seal opens up the 7 trumpets of the Tribulation. Trumpets are loud like the events of the Tribulation. The 1st 4 trumpets (ch. 8) are the 1st half of the Tribulation. People are not killed in mass yet, only the earth is hurt in various ways. Though the Vatican will be nuked (8.7-11, detail given in ch. 17, particularly v.16) in the first half.

    The next 3 trumpets are the 3 woes. Rev. 9 says the 5th trumpet is 5 months, 6th trumpet is 13 months, leaving 24 months for the 7th trumpet for a total of 42 months. The 7th trumpet pours out the 7 bowls of wrath. Bowls are bigger than cups and they are poured silently, because so much is happening so quickly in those last 24 months before Jesus steps down on the mount of olives.

    So you can ...