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  1. 2015 to 2022 Tribulation is Assured

    In short, the reason you want to to be watchful and prayerful and keep the word of His patience (Matt. 24.40-42, Luke 21.36, Rev. 3.10) is because if you don't you will not be received, taken or raptured at the first rapture "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) before the first trumpet (8.7ff) of the Tribulation begins. Thus, you will pass through the Tribulation and be raptured at the last trumpet instead. And if you remain with that same attitude of not being ready, you will also not return with Christ (Jude 14,15) to reign over the nations (Rev. 2.26, 20.4-6) for the 1000 years. Thus, shall you be disciplined for 1000 years in "outer darkness" (having no fire or furnace about it) outside the light of rewards of reigning with Christ for the 1000 years. That's a long time as one of the 5 unwise virgins to lose rewards, not permitted to enter the marriage feast of the millennial first resurrection kingdom reign.

    And the reason we know the Tribulation is Sept. 14, 2015 to Aug. 7, 2022 is because this is exactly 2,520 days required for 7 years x 360 days per year of Daniel's prophecy that is applied to the last 3 feasts pertaining to when Jesus returns with the first rapture on Feast of Trumpets and Jesus stepping down on the mount of olives on Tisha B'Av (1260th day) to reign in the Temple by the 1335th day (75 days after He steps down). The 1335th day is after the 3 feasts and on the 4th day of Simchat Torah (Oct. 18-21, 2022), the final celebration as a 4 day inspection. Simchat Torah is when Israel brings out the Torah Scroll to read as well to show forth the 3 items of the Ark of the Covenant: rod that budded, ten commandments and manna from heaven.

    The Holy of Holies represents our spirit, the Holy Place our soul and the outer court our body. The Holy Spirit comes down and rests in our new spirit possesing eternal life. Our spirit has three functions exhibited in the Holy of Holies. We know the law of the Ten Commandments by our conscience that convicts us. We commune in our spirit with God as Hi Holy Spirit comes down across the cheribum to the mercy seat. Intuitively we know by what the Holy Spirit conveys to us His will by the law. And the 3 items in Ark represent the work of the Trinity: the rod that budded (Spirit's movement), manna from heaven to be eaten (word of God), and the Ten Commandments (given by the Father). The Ark of Testimony of God is not located in our soul or body but our spirit.

    Tribulation Period
  2. Hello!

    Hey everybody!

    My name is Wes and I'm
    new to the forum.

    I'm married, in my late 30s, and am part of a church in Collinsville, IL right outside the city of St Louis.

    Glad to be here - look forward to discussion!
  3. Bless the Sabbath, and I shall bless you

    Bless the Sabbath, and I shall bless you. Love one another, as I have loved you. Put away your works, look not to the cares of this world, and let go of your worries on the Sabbath day; spare yourselves the weight of all these troubles for just one day. Let all your thoughts dwell upon your God and Savior, and consider; yea, let your mind be filled with wonder and awe over the works of My hands.
    For even The Lord your God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, rested on the seventh day.[14]

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    [14] Genesis 2:3 - Then God blessed the seventh Day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made

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  4. Your Soul and Spirit Sleep and Wait for Resurrection

    Timeless Unawares or 'Unconscious' Soul Sleep

    Let us prove the altar in the 5th seal is not in Heaven to prove the point. The altar here must be the altar of sacrifices—for the following reasons.

    (1) According to Old Testament typology, no one should go up to the altar with his nakedness uncovered (Ex. 20.26). This signifies that no naked body can meet God. Anyone who does not have a resurrection body is considered naked, and therefore he cannot appear before God. For this reason, 2 Corinthians 5.4 speaks about being “clothed upon” with a new body. (After a person is dead, his soul does not go to God right away.) Without resurrection, no one can stand beside the golden altar of incense.

    "Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar, that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon" (Ex. 20.26) - You can't go before the High Priest naked.

    (2) When the Bible speaks of altar, it always refers to the altar of sacrifice. Special descriptive words such as “golden”, “incense”, and so forth are used to refer to the golden altar of incense so as to distinguish it from the altar standing in the outer court.

    (3) The blood of all the sacrifices flows down underneath the altar (Ex. 29.12; Lev. 4.7, 5.9).

    (4) There is life in the blood, and this word “life” in the original Hebrew is the word “soul” (Lev. 17.11 mg., 17.14). “Underneath the altar” means underneath the earth. The altar typifies the cross; beneath the cross is the earth. Hence underneath the altar here refers to Paradise in the heart of the earth (Matt. 12.40). We notice the following clause in Acts 2.27: “because thou wilt not leave my soul unto Hades”; moreover, in Numbers 16.32 it is stated that “the earth opened its mouth, and swallowed them up, and their households, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods” (Not only may no man appear before God without a body, neither may he enter the lake of fire without a body.).

    "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth" (Matt. 12.40). How can men spend less time in Hades than Jesus did?

    How can Jesus judge you at His return if you go to Heaven the moment you die?
    Judgment-Seat comes before you enter Heaven. When your spirit is give back to God when ...
  5. Intuition

    As the soul has its senses, so too has the spirit. The spirit is intimately related to the soul and yet is wholly unlike it. The soul possesses various senses; but a spiritual man is able to detect another set of senses—lodged in the innermost part of his being—which is radically dissimilar from his set of soulical senses. There in that innermost recess he can rejoice, grieve, anticipate, love, fear, approve, condemn, decide, discern. These motions are sensed in the spirit and are quite distinct from those expressed by the soul through the body.

    We can learn about the sensing of the spirit and its many-sided character from the following verses:

    “The spirit indeed is willing” Matt. 26.41
    Perceiving in his spirit” Mark 2.8
    “He sighed deeply in his spirit” Mark 8.12
    “My spirit rejoices in God my Savior” Luke 1.47
    “The true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth” John 4.23
    “He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled” John 11.33
    “When Jesus had thus spoken, he was troubled in spirit” John 13.21
    “His spirit was provoked within him as he saw that the city was full of idols” Acts 17.16
    “He had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit” Acts 18.25
    ‘Paul purposed in the spirit” Acts 19.21 ASV
    “I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem” Acts 20.22 ASV
    “(Be) fervent in spirit” Rom. 12.11 ASV
    “For what person knows a man’s thoughts except the spirit of the man which is in him” 1 Cor. 2.11
    “I will sing with the spirit” 1 Cor. 14.15
    “If you bless with the spirit” 1 Cor. 14.16
    “I had no rest in my spirit” 2 Cor. 2.13 Darby
    “We have the same spirit of faith” 2 Cor. 4.13
    “A spirit of wisdom and of revelation” Eph.1.17
    “Your love in spirit” Col. 1.8 literal

    From these many passages we can see readily that the spirit clearly senses and that such sensing is manifold. The Bible is not telling us here how our heart senses but rather how our spirit does. And it would appear that the sensing of the spirit is as inclusive as that of the soul. The spirit like the soul has its thoughts, feelings, and desires. But how we must learn to distinguish the spiritual from the soulical! We shall come to appreciate this difference if we are matured through the ...
  6. Man's Spirit is Dead to God

    Adam lived by the breath of life becoming spirit in him. By the spirit he sensed God, knew God’s voice, and communed with God. He had a very keen awareness of God. But after his fall his spirit died.

    When God spoke to Adam at the first He said, “in the day that you eat of it (the fruit of the tree of good and evil) you shall die” (Gen. 2.17). Adam and Eve nevertheless continued on for hundreds of years after eating the forbidden fruit. This obviously indicates that the death God foretold was not physical. Adam’s death began in his spirit.

    What really is death? According to its scientific definition, death is “the cessation of communication with environment.” Death of the spirit is the cessation of its communication with God. Death of the body is the cutting off of communication between spirit and body. So when we say the spirit is dead it does not imply there is no more spirit; we simply mean the spirit has lost its sensitivity towards God and thus is dead to Him. The exact situation is that the spirit is incapacitated, unable to commune with God. To illustrate. A dumb person has a mouth and lungs but something is wrong with his vocal cords and he is powerless to speak. So far as human language is concerned his mouth may be considered dead. Similarly Adam’s spirit died because of his disobedience to God. He still had his spirit, yet it was dead to God for it had lost its spiritual instinct. It is still so; sin has destroyed the spirit’s keen intuitive knowledge of God and rendered man spiritually dead. He may be religious, moral, learned, capable, strong and wise, but he is dead to God. He may even talk about God, reason about God and preach God, but he is still dead to Him. Man is not able to hear or to sense the voice of God’s Spirit. Consequently in the New Testament God often refers to those who are living in the flesh as dead.
  7. You Call This Grace? I Don't. I Call It Sheer Evil

    by , 12-26-2009 at 08:37 AM (Truth of Mistaken Assumptions)
    "According to the good pleasure of His will" (Eph. 1.5) the Father "himself is righteous, and that he justifies him who has faith in Jesus" (Rom. 3.26). Only those who have "received him...[and] believe on his name" become the sons of God (John 1.12-13). Jesus is offering Himself in John 6 not to an elect but to the entire unbelieving multitude, showing the gospel is for all. Pleading with you Jesus says, "My Father giveth you the true bread from heaven.... I am the bread of life" (vv. 32,35). The offer is to everyone, but the partaking is willingly from the heart. God pleading with Israel and mankind to repent are nonsensical if there are those from whom He withholds the grace to repent and the faith to believe.

    A Calvinist should be very leery the bolt of lightening he received (irresistibly) that caused him to worship without any prior repentance and faith, actually had "beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven" (Luke 10.18). There is no purpose in trying to believe, because in Calvinism a person is unable and would only lead him to the delusion of thinking he is saved through the flesh which turns people off of Christ by misrepresenting Him. Instead, he just accepts any old flashing light as though from God on High as "Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light" (2 Cor. 11.14).

    Why do some Calvinist like James White say, "May God grant us grace to hear and obey His Word" (p. 132, Debating Calvinism)? How can He grant grace to those He has from eternity predestined to eternal torment? Why pray for that since it will do no good? Why pray to God to grant us when his god has already decided? His praying will not alter the reprobate that received preterition and those who are to be irresistibly selected. Why be a doubletalker, putting on a mocking charade,unless you don't have a conscience to see your doublespeak? And why preach the gospel, giving a false hope? If this is evil for us to behave this way, to dangle a thread in front of someone but never allowing them to reach it, then why not the god of Calvinism?

    Think how evil it is to worship a god whose heart is "according to God's good pleasure...the just punishment of the wicked" (p. 138, James White). How could it give God pleasure to have to damn people to Hell? This makes us sad, why not God?

    What is the point of, "Choose ...
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