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Thread: My Letter to Shabir Ally

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    Default My Letter to Shabir Ally


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    Shabir Ally,

    I have some problems with your view because you seem to be accusing God your creator rather than heeding His word.

    1) The reason why Israel was to kill the tribes in Canaan was because they were engaging in human sacrifices and even if they killed only the adults, the children would grow up to do the same, so it seems to me God's reasoning is justified.

    2) God obviously considers adultery quite horrendous even to the point of stoning under the law. We are reminded of this today. Apparently, it was happening so much then, this was the only option.

    "If a man commits adultery with another man's wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death" (Lev. 20.10).

    3) Women not allowed to speak in church meetings was like you said, conducive of the times. Women were quite emotional in church meetings and raising a ruckus across the isles. Eve sinned first and was beguiled by the serpent whereas man sinned in his affection for Eve. Women in those days were not considered credible witnesses. This was not always going to be the case. Just this past century women can vote. But it troubles me to cover women so you can't even see their face in Islam because of the rampant sinfulness of Islamic men. Two evils don't make a right. If Islamic men gave their lives to Christ and died on the cross with Christ (becoming a child of God) they would have power over their flesh to stop raping women. Just like false Roman Catholic priests who are pedophiles.

    4) Regarding the bald man Elijah and the mauling of 42 children, I think you have a double standard with your valuing context. The context is Elijah is surrounded in a town of pagan worshippers and he is the most spiritual man in the world at the time, yet children or teenagers in Israel are mocking him and berating him. If children grow up with this attitude, Israel is lost forever. God had no choice but to respond.

    5) The New Testament was written in the first century, so referencing Nicene in 325 AD is irrelevant. So when Paul said in 1 Cor. 15, Gal. 1 & 2 he met the apostles who told him they saw Jesus resurrected in various group settings this proves Jesus is God. Peter confirms this in Peter. Jude confirms this in Jude. James confirms this in James. Matthew in Matthew. John in John. Mark knew Peter and Paul. Luke traveled with Paul. Luke wrote Acts and said Acts was part two of his writings. Luke was the first part of his writings, therefore, even earlier. They went to their deaths as martyrs, but do people die for something they know is a lie? They truly believed they saw Jesus alive from the dead.

    6) Jesus said the sign of Jonah and raising His body on the third day would be the greatest sign He is God. This poses a problem, because Jesus said he would die, yet according to the Qur'an he did not. That makes him a false prophet, not a true prophet, but the Koran says he is a true prophet. It is in the contradiction we find out who is telling the truth. Jesus would also be caught in a lie because he said to the disciples he was resurrected. And it also makes the disciples liars because they said they saw him resurrected, but obviously they couldn't really believe that if they saw Jesus all beaten up, scourged down to the bone, blood pouring out of his head, a chest cavity drained of blood and water from the spear. Jesus would have lied yet again, since he claimed he was God when according to the Qur'an he was not. He also lied giving the appearance of being sinless, but no mere man has never not sinned. I just don't know how the disciples go to their deaths as martyrs for the resurrection claim if they didn't truly believe their eyewitness accounts in seeing Jesus resurrected and His claim He is God.

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    Some more problems and reemphasis:

    7) If Allah deceived the disciples into thinking Jesus died and resurrected, isn't Allah a liar? For the disciples had every impression Jesus died, and they died for the resurrection of Jesus as proof of His deity and claim of being God. The church fathers record their deaths. James, in Scripture, was the first Apostle to be put to death and Paul had near death experiences several times before his final martyrdom in 65 AD under Neronian persecution.

    8) What basis six centuries later does Surah 4:157 in the Koran have to say Jesus didn't die on the cross? No credible scholars do history that way.

    9) Why do you misconstrue the sin of Adam being Eve's fault? Adam sinned of his own volition. Someone did sin first. That is the law of cause and effect. That's reality. Women don't come out in any worse light, for both sin just as much.

    10) It would seem there was a practical reason for men to administer the Church while women were giving birth to 10 or 20 children and tend to take care of the children more with such large families. Adam sinned knowingly because of his affection for Eve whereas Eve was beguiled directly by Satan. Who should take more authority in the church? Man or woman? Christ is the head and man is head of the household. He is the breadwinner.

    11) The Qur'an actually says many times this land was given to the children of Israel, the chosen people, so why don't Muslims adhere to that? Therefore, it does not belong to the newly created identity of Palestinians. The Romans in 130 AD rebuilt Jerusalem they had destroyed in 70 AD. It was rebuilt as a pagan city dedicated to the god of Jupiter. They built the temple on Temple Mount. The Jews fought back and were successful for awhile, but the Romans brought in legions to finish them off. They killed a half a million people which was another holocaust against the Jews. The Romans renamed the land Palestina. The name was changed but it was still all Jews living in the land. There were no Arabs at that time. The Jews were dwindled down to practically nothing. So it would seem to me the motivation of Muslims today is ill-gotten. In 1956 Muslim leaders were saying there was no such thing as Palestine or Palestinians, then in 1964 their tune changed. Abraham was a Chaldean. His wife was an Egyptian. They entered the land of Canaan. How is that Palestinian?

    12) The United Nations declared the Jews may have a strip of land and the Arabs were told on radio to get out to provide them that small amount of space. The Arabs did not listen and decided to fight. Israel had a right to defend itself and from further incursions by creating a buffer zone of protection from the constant attacks determined to destroy Israel. Muslims are not abiding the UN Resolution, because they know it is a prophecy of the God of the Bible being fulfilled and irks Muslims to no end. Islam is a religion of antichrist. You can't keep attacking Israel, otherwise Israel will continue to get more land as a buffer zone, and the prophecy will eventually be totally fulfilled.

    "In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates" (Gen. 15.18). "I will drive them out little by little ahead of you until you have become numerous and take possession of the land. I will set your borders from the Red Sea [Gulf of Aqaba], and from the wilderness to the Mediterranean Sea [the Sea of the Philistines], and from the wilderness to the Euphrates River. I will place the inhabitants of the land under your control, and you will drive them out ahead of you. You must not make a covenant with them or their gods. They must not remain in your land, or else they will make you sin against Me. If you worship their gods it will be a snare for you" (Ex. 23.30-33). Israel is sinning by continually appeasing by giving up the Gaza strip and other portions they had held in recent wars.

    Arabs don't want to abide in the UN Resolution and do not want to heed the injustice of the Romans stealing this land from Israel to restore justice, nor listen to God's promises in the word of God that this land belongs to Israel. The purpose of Israel is not to kill Palestinians like God wanted Israel to do in Canaan, but God's providence is at work, because of the sinfulness of Arabs rejecting Christ. God is using Israel to not just fulfill His promise but certainly to come at a time when Muslims are doing evil acts in the world or having the capacity for those evil acts such as siding with Hitler against the Jews, attacking Israel every 5 years, trying to push Israel into the sea, covering their women when they did not do so in previous centuries, suicide mass murderers, and flying planes into buildings.

    It is estimated by some intelligent agencies that Muslims have 7 to 10 dirty nukes in United States right now as we speak (August, 2009), and their plan is set them off all at once. Satan the great Restrainer is restraining them from doing so. I am not sure what Satan is waiting for. Pray for revelation. God knows the evil heart of the Muslim who wants to conquer the world by the sword all the while saying he doesn't want to. The double standards expose the Muslim. Whereas God of the Bible will conquer not at the hands of Christians, but when Jesus returns in Person. The actions of Islam speak loud and clear in their hostility to Christ. It all starts with rejecting the word of God and calling Jesus and the disciples liars.

    This is a matter of conscience. The Muslim doesn't have a conscience the land belongs to whom it was stolen from. It was stolen from Israel. It was not stolen from Muslims. In 130 AD it was changed and there was yet another dispersion. Israel could return at the appropriate time of the iniquity of the Muslims reaching their fullness. Palestinians were not called Palestinians until years after Israel entered the land. Subsequent UN Resolutions are conditional upon the Arabs recognizing Israel which they are unwilling to do. So therefore, Israel has not violated those resolutions.

    If a Muslim becomes a Christian, he is safe for a time. But in Saudi Arabia, his head is cut off. That's the law. No Jew is allowed in Saudi Arabia. Christian churches in Egypt and Pakistan are afraid when a Muslim gets saved and comes into their congregation, because the reaction is usually a bomb then they have relocate rebuild elsewhere.

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    I am trying to find some common ground. Is there something you and I can agree on particularly pertaining to the death, burial and resurrection claim? I live by evidence and nobody I have ever heard could provide evidence contrary to the evidence we have of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Wherever the strongest evidence takes us, we go with that. If you don't have stronger evidence then you strengthen my faith. It seems to me if you are being honest (and not racial) you will, reading clearly and sincerely, at least say Yes to the 3 questions below, for the text is plain. That's why most skeptical scholars will concede some things instead of taking the radical position Jesus never died on the cross.

    Do you accept as the 66 books present themselves:
    1) Jesus claimed He was God and would die on the cross for the sins of mankind;
    2) the disciples believed they saw, talked with, touched, ate with and walked with Jesus alive from the dead;
    3) the person they spent 3 years with was that same person who presented himself alive from the dead.

    For example, John was recorded as being at the crucifixion, convinced Jesus died. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus put spices on his dead body. The women were at the crucifixion also who knew the disciples intimately witnessed to them his death on the cross. Jews (enemy attestation) don't deny Jesus died, nor do Romans. James, one of the original 12 Apostles, in Scripture was put to death for his faith in Jesus being God as proven by His resurrection. Early on, Stephen was martyred for the claim Jesus was God and resurrected. Paul had many near death experiences for preaching the gospel until his final martyrdom in the 65 AD Neronian persecution. So six centuries later denying Jesus died seems belligerent and obstinate even cultic (no offence). Cults start by requiring their adherents believe something that there is no evidence for whatsoever centuries after the events.

    Even if I was not a Christian, I would concede these points, for the books of the Bible are clear in how they present themselves.

    If I was a Muslim, I would have doubts because Islam is 99+% non-whites and mostly the skin color of the middle eastern non-whites. Whereas Christianity has a really good mix of all skin colors. For example I was led to Christ from a Chinese person, Watchman Nee, who is said to have possibly the highest IQ's in the history of Christendom. Doesn't it concern you that Muhammad only had assumptions but no evidence? Whereas Scripture is multiply corroborated across 40 writers over 1500 years.

    12 Historical Facts (Most Critical Scholars Believe These 12 items)

    1. Jesus died by crucifixion.
    2. He was buried.
    3. His death caused the disciples to despair and lose hope.
    4. The tomb was empty (the most contested).
    5. The disciples had experiences which they believed were literal appearances of the risen Jesus (the most important proof).
    6. The disciples were transformed from doubters to bold proclaimers.
    7. The resurrection was the central message.
    8. They preached the message of Jesus’ resurrection in Jerusalem.
    9. The Church was born and grew.
    10. Orthodox Jews who believed in Christ made Sunday their primary day of worship.
    11. James was converted to the faith when he saw the resurrected Jesus (James was a family skeptic).
    12. Paul was converted to the faith (Paul was an outsider skeptic).


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    Watchman Nee, in his writings, said these things about Islam.


    "But he that disbelieveth shall be condemned." Disbelief alone is enough for condemnation. As long as one belongs to the world brotherhood, his disbelief seals his condemnation. In contrast, he who believes must be baptized, for as long as he is not baptized, he has not come out of the world in outward testimony.

    We discover three amazing facts in the religious world of Judaism, Hinduism and Islamism.

    (a) Judaism persecutes the baptized. Among the Jews, a person may be a secret Christian without being persecuted. The greatest difficulty with many hundreds and thousands of Jews is not in believing the Lord Jesus but rather in being baptized. Once the person is baptized he is liable to be cast out and disowned.

    (b) Hinduism ostracizes the baptized. In India, no one will lay hands on you if you remain unbaptized. But as soon as you are baptized, you will be ostracized. It is as if the world permits you to have eternal life but stands against anyone being baptized.

    (c) Islamism murders the baptized. The reaction of Islamism is more severe. It is rare to find a living Mohammedan who has turned Christian, for the Moslems kill those that do. One of the most successful workers among the Mohammedans, Dr. Zwemer, once declared that his work would never be big since the results of his labor all ended in death; no one lived on. Among the Mohammedans, those who believe must immediately be sent away or else within two or three days after baptism they will be murdered.

    Baptism is a public announcement that declares, "I have come out of the world." Never take the word "salvation" purely in the personal sense. According to the Bible, it is more a matter of coming out of the world than of escaping hell.

    For up through the time of chapter 12, all you could see was the Work of Jerusalem—that even the Work done at Antioch was also that of Jerusalem; for in reading from chapter 11 onwards you will notice that the Work in Antioch had been done by the brethren coming out of Jerusalem. If only this evidence were available, you would just naturally have to confess that God’s Work has a single center on earth, which center was Jerusalem. At some future time in Church history it might have been removed to another place—this we cannot be sure about—but nevertheless there was a center. In other words, you would have to acknowledge, on the basis of only this amount of evidence from the Bible that Christianity was to have but a single capital. Jerusalem would become the capital of Christianity just as Mecca became the capital of Islam and Chufoo, the capital of Confucianism. But thank God that the Holy Spirit made another beginning in the Work—this time at Antioch. Because out from Antioch the Holy Spirit sent apostles also.

    Original Sin
    And the man knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man with the help of Jehovah. And again she bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto Jehovah. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And Jehovah had respect unto Abel and to his offering: but unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. And Jehovah said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest well, shall it not be lifted up? and if thou doest not well, sin coucheth at the door; and unto thee shall be its desire; but do thou rule over it. And Cain told Abel his brother. And it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him. (Gen. 4.1-8)
    What is the meaning of sacrifice? One aspect of its meaning is that God’s attitude towards a sacrifice is His attitude towards the offerer. Sacrifice is symbolic. In rejecting a sacrifice, God rejects the person who offers it. In Hebrews 11.4 we read that Abel saw Christ. He came to God through Christ. He saw Christ in the lamb that he offered from his flock, and God also saw Christ in the lamb. Cain, on the other hand, being a tiller of the ground, forgot that sin was already in him. He ignored the fact that Adam had sinned. He might even have said to himself, "I have not killed, nor have I done any unrighteous thing." So Cain offered to God what he himself reckoned as good. He was confident that God would accept his sacrifice.

    Yet Cain did not realize that it was not just a matter of whether or not he had sinned. This man was spiritually dull, proud, and blind. He completely overlooked the fact that something was wrong in man’s relationship with God. He might have thought to himself that even though Adam had sinned, he had not sinned; so what? He did not know that "through one man sin entered into the world" (Rom. 5.12). This one man is Adam, and this sin is original sin. Cain viewed himself as having kept up with his conscience from his youth. He therefore came to God without fear and trembling. He forgot that mankind had sinned before God and that sin was already in the world.

    Once I had a conversation with a Moslem. He suggested that what we both believed and worshiped was the same God. Yet this was the way I answered him: "Most people do not have a good feeling towards God. Even if they do, they cannot worship Him in their sins, because God is a holy God. The Moslems say they can come to God by their good works. To use a colloquial illustration: you may wish to have a wealthy man be your godfather, but what if he refuses? You may come to God as you would to your godfather, but if like your godfather God does not accept you, then what?"

    Genesis 4.1-8 shows us how to come to God. If the way is wrong, you will not be able to approach Him. You may say you are showing Him a great honor. What if He rejects? It is a fact that sin is in the world, and this sin was committed by Adam. When Cain and Abel first came to God, they were both clean, for they had not committed any sin yet. Cain was a tiller of the ground, and he was an honest man. How did both of them come to God? Notice that in the garden of Eden it was God who sought man, not man after God. Outside the garden, however, it was a case of man seeking God. Neither of these two brothers was a man who had committed great and grave sins. They came to seek the presence of God. Yet to one of them (Cain) God declared that his way was wrong, and that therefore he could not come. But regarding Abel, we are told by the narrative that God accepted him because he brought a lamb slain.

    The very fact that "in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread" (Gen. 3.19) indicates that man is no longer in the garden of Eden. In the Edenic garden God would come to seek man, the grass would grow naturally, and the grains would ripen spontaneously. There was no need of fertilizers, and the produce was abundant. But now, in tilling the ground, a force is there to oppose man’s wish, for the earth is under a curse. Whether in farming or in politics or in education, everything betrays the fact that man is no longer in the garden of Eden. How can men who are now outside the garden use the same way of sacrificing as in the garden? How can they presume to believe and act as though nothing has happened? Without Christ, there is no way to come to God.

    The question today is not how bad men are, but rather how dull they are. Suppose, for example, that a child is unhappy. He has broken not only a bowl but even the wok (a Chinese cooking pan). Yet after school he comes home as though nothing had ever happened. He might forget, but his parents cannot forget, for they were most disturbed by the careless attitude of their child. Let me say that Cain was in his day like this child. Both Cain and his brother Abel lived in a sinful world. It was not sufficient for them to come on the basis of their own works. They needed to come with the Lamb of God.

    If man does not see original sin, sooner or later his own committed sins will spring forth. The Christian gospel tells us that we need Christ Jesus not only for our committed sins but also for our original sin. For we are no longer in the garden of Eden. Cain believed in God, and he wanted to worship God. But his sacrifice was wrong, and so he was rejected. We may not be as good as Cain; yet God is such a noble and holy God. We come with fear and trembling, yet God accepts us in His beloved Son.

    Knowing Psychic Force

    Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, founder of the Church of Christ, Scientist, denied that there were death, sickness and pain; yet she died.

    However, the Church of Christ, Scientist outlives her and continues on prosperously. They still give assent to the notion that if a sick person believes he is not sick, he will feel no pain; if a dying person believes he will not die, he will not die. As a consequence, many people are healed. Their propagators merely try to strengthen man’s psychic force for the relief of physical ailment. Through the release of man’s latent power of the soul, bodily weakness is overcome.

    Because of the development of the soul’s latent force, wonders are increasing nowadays. Of these wonders, many are highly supernatural and miraculous. Yet all these are only the manifestations of the latent power of the soul. Though I am no prophet, I have read books on prophecy. I learn that hereafter soul’s latent power will have greater manifestations. For in the last days the enemy will seize upon man’s psychic force to fulfill his work. If he succeeds in seizing this power, he will be able to do great wonders.

    There are two classes of people who hold to two extremes respectively. One class insists there is no wonder. When they hear about wonders such as divine healing, they refuse to listen. Another class lays stress on wonders so much that they do not care from what source come these wonders—from God or from the enemy. Today we should be careful not to bend to either extreme. Each time we see or hear of a wonder performed we must ask, Is this God’s doing or the enemy’s? Is it done by the Holy Spirit of God or by the law of human psychology?

    Today we should use our abilities—such as that of the mind, the will and the emotion—to do things, but we ought not express the latent power that is in our soul. The mind, emotion and will are man’s psychic organs which he cannot help but use. For if man does not use them the evil spirit will take over their usage. However, if man desires to use the latent power behind these abilities, the evil spirit will begin to give him all kinds of counterfeit miracles. All works done by the soul and its psychic law are counterfeits. Only what is done by the power of the Holy Spirit is real. The Holy Spirit has His own law of operation. For it is stated in Romans 8.2, "the law of the Spirit of life". Thank God, the Holy Spirit is real, and the law of the Holy Spirit is factual. Wonders performed according to the law of the Holy Spirit come from God.

    It is extremely difficult for Moslems to believe in the Lord Jesus. There are therefore comparatively few who become Christians. Now how do the Moslems pray? Three times every day they do so in their mosques. They say that if anything needs to be done, pray in one accord with tens of thousands of people. "Consider the mass of Mahomedans at prayer in the great Jumna Mosque of Delhi," writes Mrs. Penn-Lewis, "where an hundred thousand followers of Mahomet assemble inside the Mosque, with a still larger crowd engaged in prayer outside." For what were they praying? In unison they shouted that they wanted Turkey revived and freed from the domination of the white race. Their psychic force gained the victory. "It is sufficient," continues Mrs. Penn-Lewis, "to point to the revision of the Treaty of Sevres, under which all that was lost to Turkey had to be restored. A greater triumph of one Eastern nation over all Western nations put together, cannot be imagined. The explanation given, and believed in by millions in India, is expressed in the word ‘soul-force’."∗ Unfortunately the prayers of many Christians are not answered by God but are attained by the projection of the latent power of their soul. They accomplish their goals in much the same way as the Moslems.

    ∗Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Spirit and Soul. Poole, Dorset, England, Overcomer Literature Trust, 1968?, p.56. Also available in the United States from Christian Literature Crusade, Fort Washington, Pa.

    Look now at the powers displayed in Hinduism. Some Hindus can walk on fire without being scorched. And this is not a fake. They walk on fire, and not just a few steps, but across a long course with their feet treading on red-hot iron; yet they are not hurt. Some of them can lie on beds with nails pointed up. (Naturally, those whom they consider beginners cannot bear such things and will feel pain and hurt.) This too is a matter of the development of psychic power. How disastrous for believers to perform wonders with the same power which the Hindus use.

    Very often in meetings Christians can sense a sort of power pressing in on them, or even at times of prayer and Bible reading they may feel oppressed without any reason. All these come from Satan who uses psychic forces to depress us or to assault us. Experienced Christians all over the world are aware of the especially severe attacks of the enemy at the end of this age. Since the whole atmosphere of the world seems to be heavily charged with psychic force, we need to hide ourselves under the Lord’s precious blood and be protected by it.

    While listening to a sermon in a huge cathedral, you can sense almost instantly if soul power is in operation—whether there is something present which seems to be inciting you. Although the preacher may announce that some people have repented and have been saved, you need to consider the consequences for those proclaimed to be saved. For there has been the mixing in of improper power into the work. If the power has come from God—which is that of God’s Spirit—you would have felt light and clear. But psychic force as used by the enemy is aroused by the presence of a big crowd. May we be able to discern the difference lest we too be deceived.

    The time is now come. Satan is exciting all his energies and using all kinds of means to stir up the latent power of the soul in religionists, mental scientists, and even Christians. Such is the fact before us. We should ask the Lord to give us light that we may discern.


    Whatever recreation unbelievers judge improper, we Christians should not take up. Even certain kinds of recreation which they do approve, we still may not take up. These are the two rules about recreation in relation to unbelievers. What they disapprove, we certainly do not allow. And even what they approve we may not accept. To frequent theatres, to dance, to gamble—we do not approve.

    It is not worthwhile to argue with people about recreation. For example: suppose in a certain place, it is commonly thought that playing ball is not permissible. Since our testimony is for the Lord and not for the ball, we just keep quiet. There is no need for us to sermonize on the justification of playing ball. Also remember that our standard cannot be lower than that of the unbelievers. If the Gentiles in a certain locality consider chess taboo, let us not speak for it. Let us not waste even an hour advocating the correctness of chess playing. Our desire is to witness for the Lord, not to try to encourage these minor things. Indeed, let us not even do them. Whatever thing the people of a locality judge as wrong, be it even such an innocent thing as fishing, let us refrain from doing it. Our standard cannot be lower than that of the unbelievers. This is especially applicable to recreation.

    It is very foolish to argue with people over the question of recreation. Some missionaries have had a very bad relationship with the natives of a place because of insisting on a particular recreation. I think it is wrong to damage one’s work for the sake of a little recreation. Let us concentrate on the essentials and leave the non-essentials. If some brothers are led to go to a Moslem area, can they openly eat pork because Christians are allowed to? Eating pork is tabooed in that area, so, for the sake of the work, do not create trouble by these minor things. If you should go to Sikon [adjacent to Tibet] where people never go fishing, then you too should not fish. Otherwise it would not be right.

    All these nine principles should be laid before the new believers. Lead them to deal carefully with the matter of recreation in the light of these principles.

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    This is the opportune time not to shut your mind down to move these points forward. Just realize where Satan wins when you shut your mind down to the conclusion of what follows next. I have reasonably explained your issues that you have so God wants you to have the same conscience. Consequently, if you are wrong, it will be life changing if you are willing to have a change of mind because you won't waste your life down the path you are going. Just like Asians, Indians, Caucasians, blacks, etc. can all receive Christ, so can the Arabic or brown skins. God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10.34). Can you feel the righteousness in God's way of doing things? It's no longer about brown skins verses the whites, Asians and Indians as you leave Islam and reject the assuming nature of Muhammad or suggestions from an evil spirit claiming to be Gabriel. Gabriel wasn't even an archangel. The only archangel mentioned in Scripture of which there were 24 of, was Michael. Lucifer use to be one of the 24 archangels, but he fell from his position, like Judas fell from the twelve. Proof on the 24 archangels and 24 is the number of administration,

    "Though we live in the world we are not carrying on a worldly war, for the weapons of our warfare are not worldly but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every proud obstacle to the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ" (2 Cor. 10.3-5). "The god of this world (had) blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the likeness of God" (2 Cor. 4.4). When firmly held by Satan the mind of man becomes "hardened"; man "follows the desires of body and mind (as) children of wrath" and so "is estranged and hostile in mind" because "the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God" (2 Cor. 3.14; Eph. 2.3; Col. 1.21; Rom. 8.7). In his unregenerated state man has a darkened mind; at his regeneration it undergoes a drastic change. Because it has been so united with the devil it is vital for man to receive from God a change of mind before he can receive a new heart (Acts 11.18).

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    Don't you care about the truth and reality? As Mike Licona said in The Case for the Real Jesus (by Lee Strobel), "Think about it: if Jesus survived the crucifixion, he'd be horribly mutilated and limping. How would that convince the disciples that he is the risen prince of life? Looking at the writings on the resurrection by legitimate scholars over the past twenty years: only about one in a thousand even suggests it's possible that Jesus survived the crucifixion." The reason for people denying Jesus is because "He calls them to a life of holiness. One friend of mine finally acknowledge that Jesus rose from the dead, but he still won't become a Christian because he said he wanted to be the master of his own life-that's the exact way he put it. So in many cases-not all-it's a heart issue, not a head issue. Some people just don't like what Jesus is demanding of them." (pp.134-136)

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    Understand I was unsaved just as you are now. But then I was saved, receiving forgiveness of my sins and God's eternal life. Just as I didn't understand because I loved self (consciously or subconsciously) as all those who are unsaved do even in the "good self," you love self and are too afraid to give up that control you have of your self--this is why you don't receive what Jesus did for you.

    Think, He said He was God and died on the cross because men gloried in self and rejected Him for His claim He was Creator and thus, His work of salvation. Now whether you kill Him or making a story about Him that is not true to deny the ransom He paid and His deity, you are telling your Creator you don't want a relationship with Him. Hell is that place void of relationship with God just as you have a foretaste of even now.

    I am 100% certain that if you were to die in the next second, you would be included in the "rest of the dead" resurrected for Hell after the 1000 years (Rev. 20.2-7).

    If nothing else, realize your conscience is cold and seared from sensing the truth of these words. It is a spirit of disobedience and independency to God by rejecting God's Son.


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