Quote Originally Posted by Juliet View Post
But you're wrong, I dont like living "in sin". If you'd ever seen my posts on other forums, you'd know that I'm extremely principled and morally motivated:
- I became a vegan in '99 out of principle, in the interest of protecting animals' rights, even when theres no legal consequence for murdering them for the most trivial gains. [Removed advertising].
- [removed advertising], even when theres no legal consequence for ignoring others' misery and suffering.
- To the best of my ability, [removed advertising], even when its so much more convenient and cheap for me to save a dollar at the expense of others.
Of course you like to live in sin, that is why you don't want to be saved from those sins. To start off with your greatest sin is calling Jesus a liar, so He will make a liar out of you. You like this sin. Even in these posts, we see how you willingly shut your mind down and you do like it. Your love of sin is not hard to see.

Atheists try various techniques to exalt themselves above God like being vegans. This is very common. Eating animals is not a sin, but the cruelty in which animals are treated is a sin.

Please stop posting links to YOUR forums, including your own to generally search for something unspecifically. This is a violation of Board Etiquette #2 and since you were already advised against this, you are now just being belligerent and warrant an Infraction.

This thread is for discussion of the 4 Step Proof, not to try to self-exalt yourself which are just self-works to try to self-exalt yourself above God in vain. Let it go. Get back to the Proof.

I dont think I come off as a person who loves to live in sin, I go far far out of my way and inconvience myself to an extreme, just so I can minimize the harm I cause to feeling beings, because its the right thing to do. God has nothing to do with it.
To do the right thing is not always for the right reason. Underlying your reason as we have seen is to exalt yourself above God, so it has everything to do with God. This is called salvation by works which is dead. Since nobody can keep the law, anyone who tries to live by the law of good works will die by the law. What God is clearly showing is that all works are in vain because they are founded on self-strength and not through obedience unto God in receive eternal forgivenss from His only begotten Son and then do works that are assured in His will to His good pleasure.