Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
It's demonstrated in the 4 Step Proof page with several data points. It is exponential, not linear, so you would be taking issue with it, since you think it is linear.
I mean I take no issue with the first part of the argument, which is, itself, a linear progression illustrating why you believe that there is a limit on time. I wasn't saying that your progression of conscience wasn't exponential, which I won't argue. Simple misunderstanding.

Of course, you're suggesting a limit on sin, which I think is only a limit on the time that mankind has been around, so again, I agree.

Mankind would not still be sinning if there was an eternity of the past of cause and effects. So the universe had to have been created.
Those two statements do not follow. You're suggesting that

1) Mankind would not be sinning given an infinite amount of time, and
2) The universe had to have been created.

There is nothing to connect those two statements logically, and (2) has not been demonstrated.

What comes after "And thus," is: "we know we were created by uncreated, God of the Bible, since none can compare to Christ." Logically, it does follows the prior sentence: "since we still sin more than would be the case, we know there was not an eternity of the past of cause and effects."
That doesn't really have anything to do with the fact that you haven't connected the statements above. You've now given:

1) None can compare to Christ, therefore
2) We know we were created by uncreated, God of the Bible

There's once again nothing to connect those two statements. If you'd like to connect those statements for me with additional information, that's fine. But as presented, this cannot be considered part of a logical proof.

Your two alleged broken rules of logic have fallen back upon you for your mistaken assumptions.
You'll have to clarify what you think I've mistaken, because I see no way to connect your statements. If you can see clearly how I've misinterpreted connected statements as non sequiturs, you're welcome to fill in the parts that connect them.

There may simply be missing information in the argument that you know, and I do not, and you have forgotten to include it, thinking it was implied.

Why would you be breaking the rules of the forums desiring the money?
Rule 7: Agenda. Taking money from you would necessarily break this rule, as it would hinder the purpose of the forums, which is to bring together 12 informal apostles.