Quote Originally Posted by Parture View Post
You misread the Bible. Gen. 1.1 God created perfectly. It doesn't say how long it took. The universe is only 13.7 billion years old, not trillions. And it was 6000 years ago when God created the first God-conscious man when He breathed in the breath of life directly creating man's spirit which when made contact with the body man became a living soul. We know aliens don't exist because no life can exist on another planet. There are over 800 variables required for life to exist on another planet. There is not enough planets in the universe to make that possible.
What? That's insane! There's not enough planets! HELLO! Has anyone seen the Hubble Deep Field Photograph. In ONE LITTLE SPEC of the night sky that's not even VISIBLE TO US, there's over 10000 galaxies which each hold between 200-400 million stars, each holding around 2-40 planets each solar system, AND THAT'S JUST ONE SPEC OF SKY which means there's probably over 300 trillian galaxies, multiply that by 300 million stars each, multiply that by 5 to UNDERESTIMATE THE AMOUNT OF PLANETS and you have about.....1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000 planets...and times that number by 30 billion....like.....not enough planets? Not enough planets? There's WAY too many planets. People should be SCARED by the amount of planets out there because that means the chances of life, even being REALLLLLY rare means that the universe is probably PACKED with life.

Earth is an anthill next to a 10 lane super-highway people! Now for those of you who think I mean there's an actual highway out there, I'm being metaphorical to prove a point to you to give you perspective on your life.

You think god can only share his love with planet earth? You think planet earth is the only one that can love god?

The religious people of this world have to prepare themselves for the very real possibility that they may come in contact with extraterrestrials that are much more intelligent than us and that are much more spiritually evolved than us. This means that when they come out of the sky they may appear as angels to us because of their spiritual growth so far beyond ours, but they will not be angels they will be extraterrestrials coming to share that same love of god with us that we share with them.

Same goes for all religions, god created all the religions. All the religions have truth in them. But not all followers are true! But the core of every religion in this world shares in one thing: The love of God/creator force of this universal existence and the hope to better themselves through avoiding the negative and embracing the positive.

Do not get caught up in simple miscalculations of each others religions and allow that to divide humanity. A muslim mother and child deserve gods love just as much as us, and she has gods love through muhammads teachings of christ, and the quran.

Do not try to find disagreements with Bhuddism, Quran, Hinduism, or Judaism. Because the core religion teaches the same core love that christianity teaches, it's just the followers that can be mislead. Just like there are christian followers that can be mislead.

How can we live in harmony? First we need to know we are all madly in love with the same God. - St. Thomas Aquinas

I love each and every one of you, Jesus loves you, muhammad loves you, bhudda loves you, God loves you. God bless us all.

If we come in contact with extraterrestrials, don't worry, or feel that the meaning of the bible has been lost, the bible will always be important even after extraterrestrials come down to this earth because 7 sins, 7 heavenly virtues, 10 commandments, those are all REALLY GOOD POINTS that EVERYONE should read and feel better knowing them than NOT knowing them.

God's love flourishes on this planet and TRILLIONS OF OTHERS. God's creation is beautiful.