There is actually substantial evidence behind the hypothesis that RNA formed naturally. I read in either Nat Geo or Scientific American about an experiment that was conducted that showed that a soup of chemicals could form RNA. It is not faith. It is a supported evidence.

K, a naturalistic explanation for the eyewitness reports. A cult leader named Jesus, was buried by mistake (this happens in third world countries all the time). One of the followers from his little cult came along to try to take the body for a little cult-shrine. He opens up the tomb and finds Jesus trying to stumble out. He screams and runs away, possibly for quite a long time. Jesus finds all his old culties and tells them some stuff. He starts feeling a little woozy and walks out into the desert, telling his followers he is going to be in heaven. He then dies in the desert, and his body is lost forever. His culties believe him and spread all this word to all their buddies in the city. It eventually spreads to the Romans, and they spread the word of a dead cult leader all around the world.
The better way to say that would be to say: Jesus was buried by mistake, everyone thought he was resurrected, he crawled into the desert and died. There is no evidence indicating that group hallucinations do not happen, and people could be willing to die for greed or any other number of base motives.
Plus, there is always the argument that the Bible is just a work of fiction. Full Length Film on the subject-
The picture was making a point about a lot of the arguments I see. God exists because how else could He have made the universe?