Quote Originally Posted by Mystermenace View Post
We don't know that god has another thousand worlds that he has given the same promises to as he has here on Earth.
We know life can't exist on another planet because there is not enough interatomic interactions in the history of the universe and because Hugh Ross has taken 800 variables required for life, and there is no enough planets in the universe to make it possible. Even if there was life on another planet or another universe, it really doesn't change the fact the ultimate cause needs be uncaused with a mind.

A finite world such as ours doesn't amount to more than 0.0000...000% of god's infiniteness. Put about a billion more zeros where those three dots are and it is still too much.

To claim we are god's main purpose would be to bring him down into the finite realm of our world.
Not at all. First he created the angels and 1/3 fell away which was an eternal choice without redemption, and they knew it. So God created man who was redeemable after the fall, but only a small fraction of souls will be saved, because the vast majority are like those fallen angels who want to be eternally separated from God. How vain though since God is in control of all worlds and all dimensions. There is no escaping His design.

We are His perfect creation. Nobody knows all the things He has planned for us, and He loves us so much that He gave His only begotten to Son to pay for the sons to be the perfect and necessary ransom to meet His justice and love.

And all your biblical citations were irrelevant to the point also.
I am glad you couldn't show it.

"Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not" (1 John 3.1).

The Bible say you don't know me, you can't, because your spirit is dead to God. You're as cold as ice.

"All who claim me as their God will come, for I have made them for my glory. It was I who created them" (Is. 43.7).

Christians are for His glory. He calls the most beautiful thing on earth, the pearl of great price, the Church body of Christ. If you can't sense this, just know you have a conscience that is millions of miles away from one that is regenerated and quickened with God's life for His Holy Spirit to indwell.

Why do you say that god can make nothing perfect other than this world? Don' t you believe that god is omnipotent?
God is omnipotent, but He can't violate His righteousness. It would be evil of God to create a world ensemble less than this one. And He can't create one better than this one because this is the best.