What makes you think there is only one verse proving the millennial reign of Christ on earth? And what is that verse by the way? I don't understand how you can keep contending 1260 days are really years when Jesus would have returned in 1948 if you were right. Nothing happened in the 1290th which would have been 1978. 1335th would be 2023. Nonsense! The 1290th day is 30 days of judgment by Jesus when He is on earth. The 1335th day is 45 more days to set Israel up as the center of all nations.

What indefinite plural are you talking about? And why don't you believe God's word is "definite"? Are you a relativist?

The language of prophecy is not figurative, but specific, exacting and precise. Take for example the book of Revelation. There are 30 or so symbols, but half of them are explained right there in the text. So in 22 chapters that is less than 1 unexplained symbol every two chapters. That can hardly be construed as figurative language. The other half are relatively simple enough to discern from other parts of the Bible.

You accused me of being an unregenerate because Jesus said He is returning in Person to reign for the 1000 years (Zech. 14.4, Acts 1.11, Jude 14,15, Rev. 1.7, chapter 19.11-16, 20.2-7)? It would seem to me your accusing the saints (Rev. 12.10), therefore, you are following Satan, so you would be unregenerate?

The Antichrist described in Revelation 13, I gave you a lengthy post under in Roman Church forums, which you didn't respond to at all, so the burden of the proof remains on you to challenge it. Furthermore, you admit if the Antichrist is true you will clearly be deceived because you wouldn't even accept him when he arrives since you don't think he exists.

You are blinded by the fact not just 1/4 of the world are antichrists because they are Muslims, but almost everyone else is antichrist too including the vast bulk of Christendom who actually worship a false Christ. You are antichrist, because you reject the Christ and accept Antichrist who you admit if he comes on the scene since you deny his existence, you will not discern him and his deception.

Since you are a follower of Antichrist, then you are not a Christian.