Quote Originally Posted by Doug Yancey
You are just repeating yourself bringing up old issues we have 'discussed' and disagreed over. You have my reasons for not agreeing with you. It all comes down to our differing world religious world views and assumptions. You accept only your understand of your Bible. I accept all that God reveals today as well anciently. I accept modern prophets and the restored New Testament Church as represented by the LDS Church. That will always be the *real issue* that separates us. Some day we will both know who is 'right'. I am sure we will meet some day on that great day when the books are opened. Until then, I see no need to continue wasting each other's time with useless harangues. I will probably answer any remaining posts with very brief responses.
They may be old issues, but still they are problems which you are unable to resolve. It is not just a matter of disagreeing, but literally there is no justification for assuming multiple always having existed intelligences. A reasonable person asks where do they come from rather than just assuming they existed. In all your posts you have never given a reason for why you would assume this other than pride itself. In Christianity there are no assumptions, but your assumption is gaping wide, you can shove a galaxy through it. God doesn't reveal multiple always existing intelligences today nor yesteryear were there such things. There was just One uncreated Being and Creator. That's it. Not man or spirit children or beings or gods, but only the Trinity "from everlasting to everlasting" (Ps. 90.2; 1 Chron. 16.36, 29.10; Neh. 9.5).

So your sin is this. "Son of man, give the prince of Tyre this message from the Sovereign LORD: In your great pride you claim, `I am a god! I sit on a divine throne in the heart of the sea.' But you are only a man and not a god, though you boast that you are like a god" (Ez. 28.2). God covers all such claims whether spirit children, intelligences or gods as gods.

Anything you want to claim as being prophets for today, must still agree with God's word, and since Joseph Smith and you bring in teachings that violates God's inerrant word, then you know you and Smith are false. The Church has never taught such things and did not have to wait 18 centuries to find out. How sad that would be that for 1800 years people couldn't get saved. If Christ doesn't return I am sure in the year 2800 and 3800 there will be another fanciful cult, but since there is nothing under the sun, it will have to just rehash previous false teachings like the Mormons do which is really just Greek mythology and of pagan religions of many preexisting beings.

By claiming multiple always having existed separate intelligences you are not restoring anything anymore than John Calvin thought he was the Reformation, not realizing the Reformation is just "justification by faith".
"Not of works, lest any man should boast" (Eph. 2.9). We are "justified by faith in Christ, and not by works: for by works shall no flesh be justified" (Gal. 2.16).

We will not meet up as you think. Rather, the Bible says "But the rest of the dead [referring to the unsaved] lived not again until the thousand years were finished" (Rev. 20.5). You are going to be resurrected a thousand years after I am resurrected, and then you will be cast into Hell for all eternity. We won't meet up as you say. Remember, you worship a creator who really doesn't create out of nothing or out of Himself, because you always existed you said as a spirit child or spirit dust (like atheism) or intelligences, whatever you call it. This is your idolatry, your pet false teaching. What you worship is self, called henotheism, of a god and gods (or intelligences). But the Bible says, "God said, "I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me...besides me there is no saviour. Is there a God besides me? yea, there is no Rock; I know not any" (Is. 43.9-10; 44.8). There is no way around it. When making the claim you were intelligence always existing alongside God you pridefully, pompously and arrogantly share in His everlasting uncreatedness. Therefore, you are making yourself a god beside God which violates what God just said, there are no gods beside Him.

"Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god" (Is. 44.6).

Furthermore, your false teaching of non-OSAS is devastating to your claim. "I give unto them [my sheep] eternal life; and they shall never perish" (John 10.28). It doesn't say, I will give them eternal life if they keep my commandments. It says those who are saved, the sheep, shall never perish. Period. Adding and inserting into the verse is your sin for your cult and why you are not saved, because you too selfish to repent and believe in a God who can keep you eternally; rather you worship self who thinks you can keep yourself eternally. Could there be any greater arrogant thought and pride? You really don't know your own condition very well. What a fickle god who gives life, takes it away and gives it back maybe. Wouldn't it be better to worship a God who has the foresight to give it one time. Just as you can only be born physically once, you can only be born spiritually once, always saved.

My prayers go out to you, you can repent and leave your cult.