Quote Originally Posted by kwikee View Post
A minor thing I want to mention is that in your "perfect proof" you state that Islam teaches its followers to sacrifice their children as "suicide mass-murderers." This is not something that is taught in Islam, so these are not real muslims.
I believe they are the deeper Muslims based on text of the Koran and other important Muslim texts.

aliens now... yeah, I kind of have to. There's no reason they can't exist
They don't exist. There are over 800 factors we know of that require life to exist on another planet. When factored into all the planets in the universe, there is no chance of aliens.

God created us, sure, but who is to say He wrote or inspired the Bible as well?
By the proof of the resurrection which you can't explain away naturalistically.

Christians believe Satan authored the Qur'an and both books sound very similar.
Not at all. Jesus died on the cross in the Bible, and some guy in a cave all by himself six centuries later said He didn't. Historians examine primary sources.

these books are true (your mention of Jesus' proof of resurrection comes to mind), but we get these traits from the very book in question, we can't take its worth for truth.
We can take some things to be true because almost all skeptical scholars accept them (for good reason): 1) Jesus died on the cross, 2) disciples believed they saw Jesus alive from the dead physically, 3) Paul was converted because he believed he saw Jesus resurrected, 4) James, half-brother of Jesus, was converted after believing he saw Jesus resurrected, 5) the tomb was empty. No naturalistic theory can account for all 5 facts.

Jesus said His resurrection would be the number one proof He is God. He said this is the sign of Jonah and He would raise His temple on the 3rd day.

no basis to claiming the earth is 6000 years old.
The Bible not does the 4 Step Proof claim this. The definition of sin being used is the dictionary definition without any mention of God.

Therefore, you have no grounding in agnosticism.