Quote Originally Posted by DD2014 View Post
But we can't see everything in the universe. So how do you know that everything is uncaused? No one has seen or can even understand everything, so you are assuming that the universe can't cause its self. So please don't claim things that are impossible to know (you get a infraction for False Teaching). On that note, don't use the uncaused creator argument anymore because no one can prove it.
I didn't say we see everything in nature but that "everything we see in nature has a cause". The preponderance of evidence is there are trillions of things with causes so one is easily able to conclude the first event of nature requires a cause too. Hence, we are left with only one possibility, the uncreated created. Learn to go with the evidence, the preponderance of evidence. Since you can't find one thing happening all by itself or anything being able to create itself, then you are just in a fantasy world and shutting your mind down to reality, on you way to Hell.