I'm sure that this will be my last post here as I have already received an infraction. I'm not entirely sure for what, I've reviewed everything that I wrote, and though much of it was poorly written, I hardly think that this is cause for an infraction. My infraction was for "false teachings", though I taught nothing throughout anything I wrote, I merely stated fact and opinion. If "false teachings" is defined as "disagreeing", then I'm guilty.

I digress... now, onto the meat of what will surely earn me my second infraction.

First, I meant prove as in to show beyond reasonable doubt that those were in fact the events that transpired. We very much believe Jesus was resurrected, but you cannot know it because it cannot be proven. That's just a fact, though I fear we have reduced this to a matter of semantics. I am NOT belittling anyone's faith, just pointing out what I meant when I said it, it's a matter of definitions. No more on that.

If God wants us to "prove everything", why would he punish us for coming to different conclusions about life than He did? After all, He did choose to make us imperfectly. You're also telling me that you would tell someone that you are trying to convert something other than what you believe. That's a sales technique... interesting. If you come to realize that the Bible in inerrant, then that should be the claim that you make from the outset, as it should be self-evident to all that read it.

Now, onto your second quotation. What grace have I personally had? I'm still being punished for something that Adam and Eve did, this was no fault of my own yet I am still being punished for it. I was brought into this world unaware of anything, and only through my own experiences with my family (who I wasn't given the option to choose) do I learn anything about the world. If God didn't want me to be me, then why didn't he make me perfectly?

Also, you completely contradict yourself when you say that God is loving, and in the same breath say that God would never allow an unsaved person to be with the saved. Think about what that contradiction means. God's standard should be different than ours because God is perfect and immortal, therefore above the constraints that we put on ourselves as mortal men and women that have but seventy years on this planet if they are lucky.

Next, on to your third quotation. I stand by what I said. I cannot fathom a world where God would condemn you to an eternity in hell for disobeying some part of the Bible, especially when you admit that the Bible contains errors.

You're right about the technical definition of atheism. I would propose that there is no problem with my thinking, however, as I believe that you and I are both atheists to a point. Atheists just believe in one less god than we do. I stand by my point that atheism is not a cult, however, because if you say that atheism is a cult the so too are Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. That's just not an okay position for a Christian to hold.

On to your fifth quotation. I'm going to concede all of the rest of it, because I didn't know you had changed it. I was wrong to defend their thought process when I didn't know what it was. I will tell you this though, I have read the Bible cover to cover twice... which is sort of asking a lot from a person like me. Also, I have read the other gospels that we have found that did not make it into the Bible, and they are also fascinating (and tell a very different story). Have you read them?