Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
In doing all that I can do relying on the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to help you evan, consider these questions honestly with yourself:

1) Instead of shutting your mind down for Satan, why don't you ask yourself what caused your god and who caused the god who caused that god and the god that caused that god? So on and on.
I have. The Lord has not seen fit to provide an answer to that. However, it does not concern me. There are many things that the Lord has not revealed, and I trust that he will in his own due time.

Likewise, have you asked where God came from? Is it enough for you to just say "He was uncreated" without understanding what that means?

2) You would come to the conclusion that there is a never ending chain of gods causing gods in your kingdom in the eternity of the past, but how can this be? And can it be disproven?
Perhaps, but you have not offered anything to disprove it at all.

]3) Christians agree before being saved we were sinners and no man is without sin. All which is born of the flesh is flesh. Even as believers we are often selfish and even sin, but to much less degree onwards towards being perfected for the new city which takes some time to reach, even through the millennial reign when Christ returns. The question becomes if we all sin and none are sinless and if there is an eternity of the past of gods creating gods you suppose, then you would have had an eternity of the past to be perfected by virtue of the approximation towards infinity and the exponential progression of our conscience in just 6000 years in the backdrop of 13.7 billion years it will not take an infinity to reach sinlessness for the new city, yet you still sin; so, it is not possible there be an eternity of the past of your gods creating your gods as taught in moronical mormonism, but it is a fabrication of your cult, so why believe it? Why be so selfish to make us such a lie?

Your logic makes no sense. You assume that gods creating gods means that I have had an eternity to become sinless? This implies that you think that I have been around for the same eternity as the gods.

4) Since of course you can't let go of this lie, any Christian would reasonably conclude you have never been regenerated by the Holy Spirit and are bound for hell. Thus would you not agree you will be in hell soon?
[sarcasm]Oh my gosh! You are so absolutely right![/sarcasm]

Your other false fruit which show you are not in Christ (according to your profile answers as of this date):
Considering that you got my other 'fruit' wrong, I do not trust your judgement.

- denying Christianity in the belief in the Trinity
- denying the distinction of God's 3 Persons as the Uncreated One Being, the great I AM
No comment.

- rejecting God's infinite foreknowledge to give eternal life at new birth which can never be lost (note that you believe in a created being which does not have infinite foreknowledge to be able to do this; that is, your god is impotent to be able to give eternal life at new birth which can never be lost. For example, if you think you are saved, you believe it's possible not to be saved tomorrow. Satan keeps this doubt in your mind because you were not truly saved in the first place. The glue that sticks is not a strong bonding like Christians have-once-saved-always-saved. Your god of mormonism is really just a fabricated facsimile and idol which you create for yourself to be disobedient and independent from God because you want to be saved another way and deep down inside, you are too selfish to be saved according to God's design. You reject your uncreated creator.)
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that once you are saved you are always saved. Please provide scriptural evidence of this. On the other hand, we have much that shows that we can 'lose' salvation. You also say that because 'your god' is uncreated, it has power whereas 'my god' does not, as it is created. This is without any support from scripture.

1Co 10:8-12 Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day three and twenty thousand.
Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents.
Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer.
Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

Hebrews 6:4-6 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

Thus we see that it is very possible to 'lose' your salvation, and that the Bible does not state anywhere that people are 'once saved, always saved'.

- adding books to the complete Word of God's 66 books
Dealt with before
- altering Biblical tongues to mean gibberish babble
You obviously know nothing about LDS faith (as you have shown already), nor do you know nothing about me. I do not believe that biblical tongues are 'gibberish babble'. I responded "No" to that question because of some other part of it. The part I did not agree with is:

Do you accept that tongues are known by the speaker though may be unknown to the hearer if the latter does not know that particular language?
This to me negates the whole point of tongues. If you will supply scriptural evidence to the contrary, I will re-evaluate my answer.

- rejecting Jesus died on the cross on good Friday and resurrected on Sunday
I do not reject this. What I disagree with is your claim of the exact time of his death and date:

Do you believe when Jesus died on the cross at 3 p.m. on Friday, April 1st (Nissan 14), 33 AD,
I do not believe that you know that exact information.

- rejecting firstfruits to the harvest
I do not know what this relates to. I cannot find it in the questions.

- rejecting baptism by fire, ie the use of hell to burn off the dross of false works
I do not find the term 'baptism of fire' in the New Testament at all.

- denying Paul went to towns to appoint elders for localities which God needs to be fulfilled before His return
I agree that Paul appointed elders etc, but please show scriptural evidence that support your claim as you have written above.

- rejecting the rapture of the Saints as was Jesus raptured
I do not reject the 'rapture' as Jesus was 'raptured'. I have offered my explainations for my beliefs which you have pointedly ignored. You have not answered my explainations at all.

- rejecting the dimensions of the new city in Rev. 21 have purpose (don't believe in universalism of infinite space for all to be saved, for God says hell is vast and the new city is only a certain size)
I agree that the new city in Revelation 21 has its size described. I disagree with this:

Do you believe God discloses the size of the New City to indicate how few are actually saved which should motivate a person to receive the cross as a helpless sinner?
This will never motivate someone to come to Christ. What will motivate them is God's love. This statement shows that you indeed have a 'head salvation', not a 'heart salvation'. Your beliefs are all based on what you think, and how you see things, not on your actions which are the true indicator of living, vital faith.

Do you agree 1.2 billion souls (resurrected-saved) would be a reasonable estimated upper limit according to the space provided of 1379 x 1379 miles with walls 216 feet high? (Rev. 21.16,17)
How can anyone agree with that??? Talk about off-the-planet speculation!

- rejecting the Bible when it says the old earth will be burnt up and that there be a new city on a NEW EARTH which is also without the sea, that it be a physical earth since in the 17 point proof the new city is a physical city.
This is not what I object to and you know it. I object to your UN-BIBLICAL claim that MARS! will be the home of the new city.

I find your use of these questions to 'prove' that I am hell-bound to be highly suspect. You have not included the full statements as made in the questions, nor have you addressed my concerns with them which I have previously posted. Also, you include statements that are not supported by scripture as being indicators of faith.