Appreciate the close ties to the word "moron" and "mormon". This is not a coincidence. In order to attract someone into a cult like mormonism, they must create feelers to see who is gullible enough to believe in such things. By overlooking the similarity of these two words you make yourself open to their deceptions. Ask yourself where such proclamations come from centuries later after Christ. Do you really think God places mankind in darkness from the 1st century to the 18th century? No, of course not!

As I have shown the distinct operations of the Father and the Son does not mean separate beings. One should not jump to that conclusion. A moron might overassume this, but let us be humble. In addition to Matt. 3.13-17, the same goes for 1 Cor. 8.6...there is only one uncreated being. No subordinationism, only the agreement of the Father and the Son and the Spirit that the Son would enter into the creation of the Godhead. Christianity has always been right. However, within Christendom many problems occur as depicted by Rev. 17, 14.8. There is "hostility even in the house of God" (Hosea 9.8).

Whereas I am atoned by the Uncreated Jesus, you are atoned by a created being you call Jesus. My Jesus trumps your Jesus. Be weary of false Christs and learn the humility of not overassuming anything. This is the nature of the Word of God and where its strength is derived. God is all-knowing. You cannot lose eternal life if once-saved (born-again). Find out what mormons think about once-saved-always-saved. The Roman Church also teaches non-OSAS. The reason why big cults teach non-OSAS is because this is a means to control you. If you do not remain in their good stead then you can lose life they teach. Do you see how this is a controlling mechanism?

Did you know ultimately the reason you are mormon moron is because you have a head salvation, and not a salvation in your spirit. Satan works from outer to inner from the head. But God works from the spirit to the outer. God quickens the spirit of a person to give them new life. Through regeneration there is a sensitivity to things of God. This sensitivity prays to One Being, not three beings. How impersonal that would be. When I pray, I pray to the Father, through the Son by the Spirit, for when the council of the Godhead created, the Father spoke, the Son created and the Spirit executes and renews creation.