Quote Originally Posted by Peter View Post
Matt. 7.13-14 doesn't point to salvation (new birth), but to the Christian experience. I can show you many proofs this is so as well as to several of the other verses you gave which don't point to the new birth specifically but reward to the overcoming Christian.
The narrow gate points to outward conduct. The narrow path points to the inner deeply walking by the Holy Spirit.
These NT passages do apply to me so why would you ask why they don't apply?
In your profile you said you reject Once-Saved-Always-Saved even though John 10.28 says those who are born-again "they shall never perish."
Why do you reject John 10.28?
Would you care to PROVE your belief of the narrow gate and way?

In John 10:27-28 ...
27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
28 And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish;

... Jesus is talking about those who actually:
hear His voice
are known (personally and approved of) by Him
follow Him

BTW, if you follow Him, you obey His commandments.
Those who love Him obey His commandments.
Does anyone go to heaven who does not love Him?