Joseph Smith Figured Out an Essential Element to Creating a Cult

What is the most powerful way to create a cult? If it doesn't just last a generation, but children are born into it and raised up in it. Hence, Joseph Smith discovered the evil spirit of "Mormo". Also, your main angel is "Moroni" which closely resembles the word "moron." What better way to gain followers by telling them they are morons, yet they still join and remain in the cult anyway. Talk about masochistic!

In Greek mythology, Mormo (Greek: Μορμώ, Μορμών, Mormō) was a spirit who bit bad children, and was said to have been a companion of the goddess Hecate. The name was also used to signify a female vampire-like creature in stories told to Greek children by their nurses to keep them from misbehaving. This reference is primarily found in some of the plays of Aristophanes.[1][2] He is also referenced in The Alexiad, which goes to show that Mormo was still taught to children during Byzantine times. The Mormo would steal children in revenge of Queen Laestrygonian who was deprived by her children.

According to Anton LaVey, in The Satanic Bible, Mormo is the "King of the Ghouls, consort of Hecate". In the film The God Makers, anti-Mormon activist Ed Decker claims that Mormons are followers of Mormo, citing The Satanic Bible as evidence. Opponents of this theory note that The Satanic Bible was published almost 140 years after the Book of Mormon was translated.[3]

Of course, the Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey did not originate Mormo, but only identifies this Greek mythological spirit. Likewise, Joseph Smith did not originate Mormo but certainly follows after this evil spirit utilizing this evil spirit to create his cult of LDS Mormonism.