I know that you said in a naturalistic framework that naturalism is alright no matter how horrific. Therein lies the problem which shows how dead your conscience is because you accuse God's treatment of sin as a problem, but not your own horrific atheistic world view when the same events take place.

And you did say God is wrong with this statement: "I still fail to see how giving babies cancer is just" even after I gave the explanation which all I can do is repeat. Sin begets sin and hurts loved ones as the realistic operations of nature. I think a real life example would help you. Let's say you were a profuse smoker and had a baby. This can hurt the baby's development. You should stop blaming God and start blaming yourself. Grow up! Stop blaming others for what you are responsible for.

You are being incredibly intellectually dishonest and disingenuous with yourself. It's too bad you didn't want a genuine sincere conversation, but instead prefer to shut your mind down to the explanation and your obstinate doublestandard.

Christians don't need luck. We have eternal life: not only eternal blessings but an ability to have a relationship with Jesus that which you don't have. Luck won't save you.