
Who is ultimately responsible behind this abusive behavior?

John Halko is behind this action because he was an ARA board member in 2009 and is the president in 2012. Gerry Slamko, Marc Caouette and James Brayley (2009 president of the ARA) have since left the organization.

In October 2012, I inquired about running a ladder through the r2sports system but r2sports requires approval from the ARA to do so. Even after 3 years the ARA maintains the position I am ineligible to have an ARA membership to play in tournaments. The root cause of this hostility from the ARA remains as vague and coy as ever. It is arbitrary, obstinate and belligerent. This abuse began with Barbara May lying to protect her hide and being two-faced. I exposed her lying because her lie was a sin bearing false witness against me (see the 21 point proof - click here). But when I exposed what she had done then she wielded her unrighteous axe. John Halko did not stand up for what's right but defended this unethical behavior and took away my ARA membership to boot. Consequently, I had no choice but to email everyone in racquetball across Canada through r2sports about this abuse of power by the tag team of John Halko and Barbara May. Furthermore, Barry Ould in his religious prejudices says we are not allowed to talk about Christianity at racquetball. Thus, discriminating against Christians, he excludes Christians who mention Christ from joining his league-not that I would want to since I never liked the format. Jesus said, "Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you [from their company], and shall reproach [you], and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake" (Luke 6.22).

Tolerance towards believers is not their strong suit. As one Christian in the racquetball community said, "These atheists [and non-Christians] are not as passive as they would like you to believe." What's even more unfortunate is my brothers and sisters in Christ in the racquetball community have had to remain low key in order not to receive further outlash and reprisal from John Halko, Barbara May and Barry Ould. This is typical of the world's hatred toward the body of Christ and why we have to operate underground in many instances. There have been many kind words from Christians such as "It is not you they hate but God; and some of them over time might feel bad for what they have done." Another Christian said pertaining to this matter, "God's vengeance is His own," and "God works in ways unexpectedly for the better."

Ryan Rodgers who runs the r2sports program wrote to me today October 11, 2012,

"Thanks for the explanation, it is always important to hear both sides of the story.

"Taking Kane to breaker is quite the accomplishment. I played with him in Austin a few times and he is the best. I believe things happen for a reason, not sure what it is in your case yet, but hopefully it pushes you to becoming the best 45+ player in Canada.


Specifically, how is God working to harden the heart of the Pharaoh further?

May it convince and convict the atheists and non-Christians of the ARA board and in the community to listen to their conscience who have not given their lives to Christ to do so now by comparing how non-Christians behave towards Christians. Let us be Christlike, but before one can begin to grow in Christ she or he needs to be born-again (John 3.3,7). After all He created us and died for the sins of the world to save whosoever is willing to believe in and receive Him, who He truly is and escape an eternity in Hell. There is no greater love!

It's possible I will attain the top ranking 45+. One thing is certain is I have never lost this much weight before and it is happening while the ARA board continues to try to prevent me from playing in Alberta tournaments. I use to be 220 lbs back in 2008 and was 204 lbs at the McNationals in Kelowna, June 2012. I am now 162 lbs as of Oct. 2012. I've lost 58 lbs so far. My goal is to keep in the 155-160 range.

Given things Halko has said to me over the years, all I can say in response John is that you couldn't take a game off me at 220, you aren't going to be able to when I am 160. So ban me from racquetball tournaments (Edmonton Open, Calgary Open and Alberta Closed) if it makes you feel better. I forgive you even though you are unforgiving and confused about why you banned me in the first place in perpetuity. God wants you to learn forgiveness and understand the real reason why you are trying to isolate a Christian. My prayer is for you to see how God forgives you when you accept what His only begotten Son did for you on the cross; only then can you truly forgive others and let go of the grudge and jealousy you harbor. The same prayer is extended towards Barbara May, Barry Ould and others who reject Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The non-Christian will either come to Christ or grow harder against the Lord by being antichrist.

God intervenes to prove who is in the right!

God sought fit to have the Mayfield Athletic Club closed down Dec. 21, 2012 to disband a handful of atheists and non-Christians who conspired to get me banned from this club July 20 which includes the board members of the ARA/ERA (such as Gordon Cutting who is on both boards) who play racquetball at this club that holds only 1 or 2 tournaments per year. Sadly, this is to the detriment of others who get hurt when God has to intervene in response to injustice.

The Edmonton Open 2012 Nov. 2-4 racquetball tournament (I registered for this tournament but Gordon Cutting removed me) will be the last tournament at the Mayfield before it is bulldozed down and the last tournament in Edmonton because there are no more facilities to support a tournament in this city. We are fortunate, though, to have the Glen Allan Recreation Complex (GARC) in Sherwood Park, east of Edmonton, which has 3 racquetball courts (2 glass) and is less than a mile from where I live within walking distance through a beautiful park. The staff of GARC have suggested to me with the coming renovations the two squash courts that use to be racquetball courts could be made into convertible courts (for a total 4 glass courts) because their width is 20 feet - regulation size for racquetball. Squash regulation is 22 feet. And there is a racquetball court presently being used for lifting heavier weights. That would give us 6 courts. All six courts potentially can be viewed from the second floor as well.

This is God's condemnation of various individuals and they know who they are playing in the west end at Mayfield. Even those who knew the ARA was misbehaving and remained silent about the abuses of the ARA/ERA are themselves guilty for idly not taking a stand by voicing their objection. Not much of a community when a community doesn't stand up against injustice! The ARA board reputation is forever tarnished since their repentance has not been forthcoming after all these years and no apology is expected. To my conscience it is absolutely disgraceful. I would never treat someone this way! As one Christian in the racquetball community said to me, "They have had more than enough time to repent" to have avoided the closure of the Mayfield. It is a sad state of affairs for racquetball in Edmonton. Humility is not a characteristic of this organization at present with its existing executive on some power trip. Because of their immorality, racquetball is dead in Edmonton with one last attempt to resurrect it by calling everyone who has ever played racquetball to play in the Nov. 2-4, 2012 Edmonton Open before the Mayfield Club is finally shut down by the end of the year. I am also told that Cam Bourque who has been a centerpiece of hostility against the Lord had to have surgery due to stress to remove a hernia so he is not playing. One wonders what other ailments or problems those mentioned herein will incur due to their unforgiving and unrepentant hearts. Just know that God is just in all that He does.

It's likely their actions are motivated by money, whatever twisted form that may take, since money is the root of all evil according to God's word. It is clear a changing of executive is desperately needed as the existing board of the ARA does not have a conscience to stand up against abusive behavior they themselves are the source of. And this is my prayer that one day they will. When this finally happens I would be pleased to join them, to assist and add more tournaments to Alberta Racquetball as I tried to do in 2009 and promote the sport more effectively to elementary and junior high schools with a poster at those schools to join an r2sports junior racquetball league in Edmonton, Sherwood Park and St. Albert. Unfortunately even for the adults there is still no r2sports-type league/ladder in greater Edmonton because the powers that be block it from happening. This is the incompetence that racquetball in Edmonton has been plagued with for years under the guise of John Halko, Barbara May and Barry Ould. We all know that for years Kane Waselenchuk has wanted nothing to do with the Alberta Racquetball Association due to the way they went about treating him. He didn't even come up to Edmonton in 2008 to play in the Canadian Racquetball Classic IRT pro stop. I don't blame him. I believe John Halko and Barbara May are absolutely to blame, but people are too afraid to say so because of the power they hold in the ARA. Such self-righteousness is not righteous at all; it only seems to be on the surface of things, but deep down things are amiss. I encourage people to take a deeper look at the conduct of John Halko and Barbara May. Speak up against them for having done wrong, and don't be afraid of the consequences that has been my approach.

What is religion? "The way to God"

Their attitude is this. I want an r2sports league but Barry Ould does not. I want to go to heaven to be with God the Son, therefore, the atheists and non-Christians of the ARA board would rather go to Hell. I want more tournaments in Alberta. The ARA only wants 2 or 3. I believe it is proper to expose Barbara May for lying, but the ARA-namely, John Halko-shuts his mind down and tries to cover up Barb's deceit through misdirection, sinning bearing false witness and false accusation against the person who proved and exposed Barb lied to protect her hide. Always taking the opposite view, unreasonably, speaks of one's hostility and agenda stemming from one's anti-religious or antichrist view since I am a Christian and Halko, May and Ould are not.

What is religion? "The way to God." Those who despise religion reject God, run from Him and go their own way. The nature of the fall is independency. They delusionally imagine they can avoid accountability for their beliefs and actions by denying the existence of God of the Bible even God's very existence. C.S. Lewis said it is like people arguing on a train. They continue to argue even as the train enters town. They are still arguing when the train stops and when they get off the train to go to their nearby communities. But after some time finding no agreement in their communities they decide to head off into the horizon and each build their own shack. If you could look inside their shacks you would see them standing there repeating the phrase, "I told you so." It's a form of insanity in their Hell. Whereas the body of Christ has unity. Praise the Lord! Amen. This explains why the above individuals have behaved so bizarrely towards me after I gave my life to Christ. Christians are not silent Christians. But I do not push my faith on others as they have pushed theirs on me by taking such overt action against me. Do not underestimate how underhanded evil can be and how it slithers through society underneath the radar of the general public.


Ultimately, to recapitulate, the reason (1) I am banned from the ARA for life, (2) blocked from running a league which requires ARA approval with r2sports, (3) stymied from building a strong junior base, and (4) prevented from running a sanctioned tournament is because the entire ARA board are a handful of atheists and non-Christians afraid to come out of their comfort zone discriminating against Christians. If they were Christians or a majority were I would be able to contribute and the ARA would embrace these changes. Do you see how unproductive and constricting a person's false faith or world-view can be on their actions and how they treat others? We are witnessing it here.

They are not guided by the Holy Spirit (but the evil spirit) indwelling in agreement with God's word that makes the cross real to us because their spirit is dead to God; it has not been quickened with God's life so they are not God's children. It's sad really they want to remain that way. But I would not wish upon my worse enemy where they are headed. This is why the return of Jesus is so important because He "cometh with ten thousands of his saints to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard [speeches] which ungodly sinners have spoken against him" (Jude 14,15). Those who overcometh in Christ will reign with "authority over all the nations" (Rev. 2.26), presiding over the ARA also, and "they will rule the nations with an iron rod" (v.27). "They lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years" (20.4). "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection...they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years" (v.6).

In a fallen world in the racquetball community, John Halko, Barbara May and Barry Ould with their corrupted decision making hold the control but this won't last because Jesus is returning for the regeneration of the world (Matt. 19.28) and for the sake of the elect (24.22) that would include me, not Halko, May or Ould. Do you see how God's word comforts us in the face of mistreatment? People who need to behave this way towards believers who say it like it is are always overcompensating for something. Since the Christian knows John Halko, Barbara May and Barry Ould are going to Hell, for they would have given their life to Christ by now, you can get a glimpse of why they attack a Christian who knows this about them. The eyewitness Apostles were killed for the same reason. I personally have never met a person as old as them who ever gave their lives to Christ. Now, just because I know this about them in agreement with the 66 books of the Bible is no reason to discriminate against me as they have done.

Evil does not repent so all we can do is expose it on the Internet so that over time people can recollect and reflect upon such evil, read these words to appeal to their conscience, and pray fellow man does not treat others this way in the future. But when such abuse and mistreatment do take place, may you have the courage to stand up against it instead of saying nothing, letting harm come to another.

An interesting side note. I noticed at least one tournament where they liked this logo so much they are using it on their r2sports page: