That's silly. Coyness is never the answer. You exhibit the same unethical behavior. Calvinism is a cult and like other cults they shut their minds down, ban those who speak plainly against them why they are a cult. I would be happy to respond to anything you say. You won't get banned here for discussing like you do on Calvinist sites. You can even claim someone is unsaved and you don't get banned for that either. Their position is so untenable all they can do is like John Calvin kill the Arminians or in this day and age, ban them from the internet. James White definitely is unsaved and in all probability going to Hell, because he will likely never give his life to Christ. He worships a false Christ. Your conscience can't see this because likewise I am sure it has not been quickened by the Holy Spirit, but I pray one day you will. You're underestimating what a bad man he is: he is "condemned already" (John 3.18) for refusing God's way of salvation for another. There's lots of a good videos on the internet that show James White is not born-again.