Mormons are confused. (1) Some believe that God and intelligences (whatever that is, it's not in the Bible) had a creator and that creator and prior intelligences had predecessor intelligences and creators, so on and so on, for an eternity of the past. Call this supernatural atheism.

(2) Other Morons believe God always existed, but alongside God also always existed this stuff called intelligences from which out of he created spirit babies. The eldest spirit baby gets to be a god of another planet (apparently Jesus was the eldest spirit baby, but not sure how they knew ahead of time he would excel as a man) by virtue of him being the oldest (which seems like demographic warfare and Calvinistic) then his first spirit baby gets to be a god of another planet, so on and so on. And yet Mormons teach that if you excel as a man you can become a God, not just because you are the eldest spirit baby. You get contradictory explanations of how this works. In this 2nd version there was an initial beginning God who brings spirit babies into formation out of pre-existing intelligences which were the pre-existing form of all conscious beings. It is troubling that Mormons pridefully exalt themselves as individually always having existed alongside God. (This is the most popularly held view by Mormons and LDS.)

(3) In the spirit of further confusion, there is a third option some Morons ascribe to. After all there are at least 150 sects of the Mormon cult. This third design is where God always existed, but intelligences did not. God had to create these brand new intelligences, conscious beings, from scratch which he turns into spirit babies. This is even more confusing when you think about who creates the new batch of spirit babies? Is it the initial uncreated Creator? or is that privilege given to the next order of gods that use to be men?

All 3 are wrong of course, since God was alone from everlasting.

Authority God Man Christ Salvation Future Hope
LDS The Church Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) has four primary works (the "Standard Works") which are authoritative: The Bible (preferably the KJV), The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price. They also use the New Translation of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith is considered to be the latter-day prophet who has re-established the true church with his teachings. There are many gods and the Trinity is comprised of three separate beings, two with physical bodies and one with a spirit body. The Father is an exalted man who was granted rule over our world. He himself has a father and a mother and also has a wife. He is the creator of all the spirits of those who will eventually be born on earth.