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Thread: 4 Step Proof for God of the Bible

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  1. #1
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    Just because the Bible is inerrant, does not mean other things can not be inerrant, that is, without mistakes. For example 2+2 =4. This is a flawless calculation. How silly it would be if Christians believed everything had a mistake. Do you see how you misread Christians? In your heart you sin bearing false witness, overassuming which is illogical and without the love of the Lord. After hundreds of tries, no one even came close to finding fault against the Proof of God of the Bible. The Holy Spirit gave me this Proof, and it remains solid because it was founded on the Spirit of truth.

    The essential 4 Steps are perfect. Therefore, for you to still reject Christ after understanding the Proof of God, is punishable with eternal separation from God, since this is in fact what you want. In fact, you never even needed to hear the Proof, for you are made in God's image already without excuse. However, the Proof is powerfully convincing since it is perfectly unchallenged, and thus quite helpful to unregenerates. In the same way, we give the Gospel to lead people to Christ.

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    Ultimately, where do people fail in trying to disprove the Proof, that is, where do they clam up which if they continued with the reasoning of Step 1, they would give their lives to Christ? In other words, what do they fail to look at, where do they stop short that make them dullards?

    Where people stop short is taking a look at the myriad of examples of the exponential increase in progression of our conscience so that we know that it will not take another 6000 years to reach sinlessness. It is very painful for an unsaved man to look at their own conscience and reason out that indeed, it will not take the time from Adam to now again to reach sinlessness in the saved, while the unsaved are cast into perdition, an eternal separation from God, though not annihilated

    So, instead what the unregenerate does is create a plethora of horrible reasonings that are intellectually dishonest, that in any class they would get an F on. Apparently the unsaved don't mind being absurdly unreasonable. They don't get embarrassed by being belligerent and obstinate, because their conscience is so utterly darkened and deadened to God they feel nothing.

    There is no fear of the Lord because they believe the worse thing that could happen to them is to cease to exist, so no big deal! What they don't realize is they are in fact made in the image of God which can never be annihilated. They can never cease to exist. Therefore, they must be resurrected to GWT and cast into hell forever. God does not treat us as instrumental value, but instrinsic value because He wants to walk with us who love Him. We were created for Him. For the unsaved, death is never a way out. When the unsaved reach the Great White Throne, they will be amazed at how dumb and selfish they were to refuse God's loving and saving grace through the atonement of Jesus Christ on the cross for forgiveness of sins to bring souls into the new creation.

  3. #3
    pajken Guest

    Default The search for truth

    Let us assume that I accept your arguments that there exists an entity that transcends the system of cause and effect. I, like you, define this as God. My God created everything but does not provide detailed answers for every aspect of existence. Neither does he give me any specifics about his qualities or the way he created everything. To figure this out is left as a task for me. He wants me to do this by focusing on the important things like the fact that I am here and what this means. He is utterly uninterested in me finding out unverifyable details about who was married to whom 2000 years ago and things like that. My God places no responsibility on me to impose my findings on others. However, my God makes it very clear that I have a great responsibility in respecting my peers and their understanding. He also instructs me to call a spade a spade.

    In leaving out the dogmata, he has effectively taken away the basis of using him as a reference when spreading ignorence and hatred, and in opressing others. This means that what he lacks in described features and history, he makes up in integrity - No one has ever started a war or justified atrocities in his name (in addition of being omnipotent, he is also quite clever!). Looking at the track-record of organised christianity, we can clearly see that we are not talking about the same deity.

    In order for someone to claim that they can present a proof, what they present must not be depending of who interprets it or who is the arbitror. This is the very definition of what truth is; it is not negotiable or relative. If I say that the proof presented applies equally to my definition of what God is as it does to a traditional, christian definition, your answer cannot be: "No, and it is like that just because I say so (or God says so)". If you do that, what you are defending is a "beleif system" and not a "proven reality". This is perfectly fine - you are entitled to do so but please let us call a spade a spade...

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    Why assume anything? It is proven in the Proof. And this Proof is the basis for the Word of God. God doesn't even need to be so merciful as to give this Proof because He simply wants men to believe His Word. He does not use spectacular ways to prove Himself. Jesus said, "But Abraham saith, They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them" (Luke 16.29). The rich man perished because he had not heard the word of Moses and the Prophets, whereas Lazarus was saved because he did hear Moses and the Prophets.

    Jesus said, "Beginning from Moses and all the prophets interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself" (24.27). Then he said to them, "These are my words which I spoke to you, while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled." Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures, and said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead," (24.44-46).

    God has already given us the Bible. Even though people sin so terribly, they will not be instantly stricken to death by lightening. God has hidden himself to such a degree that men begin to imagine there is no God. And he said unto him, "If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead" (16.31).

    Now you know why perdition is needed.

    The Bible is a a book of spirit for our spirit. It is to God's good pleasure we discover truths in agreement with the Word. The qualities God unfolds are His righteousness (His way of doing things) and His holiness (His nature). This is you can trust. He wants you to focus on His Son, because if you look away from His Son, you are also looking away from the Father. The only way to the Father is through the Son. By focusing on His Word, He will show you why you are here. I already know why we are here, and for me personally, I know my task set before me.

    Why do you have an issue to even mention whom is married to whom 2000 years ago? God does not coerce anyone, but this does not mean to not speak the truth of the Word in sharing the Gospel. You can give the Gospel to people without being imposing. If you do not believe Jesus is God, your god then is Satan, for Jesus died on the cross for you and said He is God. He did not lie. If you don't believe Him, then you would be calling Him a liar? What say you?

    Jesus mentions 4 things why bad things happen to good people. This is God's integrity, His perfect way of doing things. The question is, Do you agree with Him? Do you agree that all will be recompensed?

    Indeed, we are not talking about the same diety, because you accuse Jesus Christ who created you. This means you are going to hell. Do not doubt this for the Holy Spirit has already condemned you (John 3.18) because you do not believe in the only begotten Son of God. This is your choice you are allowed to have, in being made in God's image.

    Your issues with Christendom is already dealt with in Matthew 13 in which God describes the sins of Christendom (the outward appearances of the kingdom of heaven today) by the unsaved tares who try to look like the saved wheat, which Jesus said, He will put his sickle to the tares. The tares are in the kingdom of heaven, but unsaved. You are outside the kingdom of heaven and unsaved.

    "Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn" (Matt. 13.30).

    The reapers are the angels, and so is the sickle. Otherwise, people may use this passage to justify the religious inquisitions of the Roman Catholic Church. The following parable is that of the mustard seed which represents how fat Christendom has become quite unlike the nature of this small seed, and in Rev. 17 the RCC is considered the woman who sits on the beast, that makes drunk the nations with the wine of the wrath of her fornications (14.8). So you see, Jesus is against the tares, that which you argue against as well, but you still reject Jesus Christ, which means you are still unsaved. You may even accuse Jesus of being dogmatic. You may even use a lame excuse to reject Christ by blaming the tares, even though they are unsaved also, just like you.

    The most deceiving words I have ever heard people speak are those when a person says, they don't believe in religion. Jesus does not believe in religion (occult and false religion) either as we see (Luke 13.1-3). But we all need religion, that is worship. We all worship, but what do you worship? You worship self for you say you have a god, but that god is not Jesus. You can remain coy about your unascertained god, but that is an unrighteous trait of your god, for being coy and it reflects badly on you. Jesus was murdered and you call him a liar, saying he lied. This speaks volumes about your god.

    Your god is a god of self. It will proclaim itself and exalt itself, even to the point of rising yourself above Jesus Christ who died on the cross for your sins, selflessly. Jesus said if you are not for Him, you are against Him. He has the power to cast you into hell, and He will do exactly that if He can not wash away your sins before Father by the precious blood if you refuse His sacrifice for you.

    What your god lacked previously, he still lacks now by the way you treat the love that was given to you in Christ, like the good samaritan that was the good neighbor (Luke 10.37).

    Those who verify the Proof for God of the Bible are brothers and sisters in Christ who have a renewed mind. The very definition of truth is not a panel of unsaved men for they reject the truth of the love given to them as though they murdered Jesus in their hearts. A panel is not truth, for politicians are elected falsely, for example and are often not the best person for the job.

    Therefore, how are you to know if this Proof is true or not? Read it. Discover that you can find no fault with it. That's the Proof. It is very personal experience where you can not find fault, because it is true. The truth is discerned not by a particular person or panel per se, but any person who accepts the truth, and that determination ultimately falls back upon God, because He created all the laws in the natural realm and the supernatural realm, and reveals what we can or cannot know.

    The reason your god does not fit the profile in the Proof is because your god did not die on the cross for your sins, selflessly. You must see that your god is too selfish to do this. Therefore, my God will remain, but yours will be destroyed as well as its followers. Your god is limited to a select few or only you alone. God of the Bible was shared by 40 writers, it is the most popular book on the planet today, and about 1 in every 3 people at least call themselves Christian.

    Let's call a spade a spade as you wish: you are unsaved because you call Jesus a liar, the only sinless man that ever lived and died on the cross for your sins to give you eternal life. Behind your god is the selfish center placing you at the center of the universe in which you are under Satan. Just as Satan is going to hell, so are you. You said, lets us call a spade a spade. This is spiritual reality.

  5. #5
    pajken Guest

    Default Continued search for truth.


    I mentioned the issue of "who was married to whom" as one example of a detail specified in the bible which I fail to understand the significance of. Just an attempt to try to explain my position.

    When did I ever accuse Jesus Christ of lying? I have no opinion of anything what this person might have done or said. I think that you have a strong opinion on the matter and I think you have the right to that. For all I know, you could be 100% correct. What I do not understand is why I can respect your position and you seem to have difficulties accepting mine.

    How can you say that I will end up in hell? You know almost nothing about me and still you claim to be able to say where I am headed after I die (And I certainly have no association with someone you call Satan. I do not have any knowledge of such a person/entity. What a perfectly random thing to say!). I find it surprising that someone who is speaking on behalf of a good and merciful God would make comments like that. If you try, can you understand that statements like these are much too personal and quite offensive? If you are trying to intimidate me into aligning my understanding to yours, I must say that this strikes me as being quite medieval. On the other hand, it could serve as a good clue to one of the reasons why agression and violence seem to follow organised religion like a dark shadow.

    Troy, citing the bible and repeating that the proof is true does not, in itself, make it more so. It only shows that you are a great believer in your God and in repetition.

    Are you saying that the proof only works when it is arbitred by " are brothers and sisters in Christ who have a renewed mind"? In that case, we are done - if the proof is not absolute in the meaning that is true regardless of who is looking at it, it is not a proof but a statement of belief. If the proof works in a generic way: "Perfect Proof of God of <insert you holy book of choice>", it could be applied on any other definition of God. And in doing so, you must allow the same rule as to who must judge if it holds or not as you have applied yourself. Since most definitions of God (including Christianity) are mutually exclusive, it logically follows that the proof either is false (in its entirety) or it cannot be applied on the God as defined in the Bible.

    Let me be clear: A statement of belief is also something important and valuable but it should not be confused with a proof. And, for all that I actually know, you could be perfectly correct in your definition of God. You simply have not proven it to be so.

    On your website, you have encouraged me to try to disprove your proof. This is what I have done. Anyone who is truly "intellectually honest" will agree to this.

  6. #6
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    Red face


    I am not sure what you are referring to specifically since you don't say. But I can say that God promised a physical line of souls all the way down from Adam (first God-conscious man) to Christ (firstfruits) to point to Christ on the eternal cross, by seeing whom beget whom. Since the finished work of Christ, this pattern has changed by splitting the veil rent. I realize this truth does not help your position.

    You have not spoken for Jesus being God, which is to say, you are against Him, thus calling Him a liar. You don't have to say "He is lying" to say he is lying. Having "no opinion" is calling Jesus a liar, since if you are not for Christ, you are against Him, which is calling Him a liar. Remember, He said, if you are not for Him, you are against Him. By holding no opinion, you are against Him, thus calling Him a liar.

    Jesus said these words, not I. You are not really accusing me, but you are accusing Jesus already without even seeing the verse where He said this. Why overassume? This is not humility. God's Word is not an opinion, but a fact. An opinion can be wrong. A fact cannot. How can you ask me to respect your opinion, when you call Jesus a liar? He gave His life for you, and you call Him a liar. You should never ask someone why they don't respect liars, for it is obvious the reason: sinning bearing false witness is a sin.

    You asked how I know you are going to Hell? Again, Jesus already said why. He said in John 3.18 that you are condemned already to go to hell. You have no reason to doubt His statement. You are not really asking me this question, but your question is put to God why is He going to send you to hell? He gave the answer. Thinking you at the center of the universe is not the guiding principle to salvation. Your salvation is dependent on receive the blood to wash away your sins so that you can be sanctified. You have in no uncertain terms said that you reject the blood of God's forgiveness. God needs to administer this blood because all men are born into sin. All men deserve to be struck by a lightening bolt this second and the entire human race through into hell as this is the just penalty for sin. The only way to remove that sin in God's eyes, is if the person accepts His only Begotten Son, because only His Son was sinless.

    You certainly have a deep relationship with Satan, for you are a fallen man, and the evil spirit entered your spirit when you were born into sin. The Holy Spirit can not enter your spirit to remove the evil spirit unless you are born-again and receive new birth to enter into the new creation.

    The knowledge of this relationship you have with Satan need not be a conscious day to day, How are you doing Satan? Well fine, you say. How are you? he asks back. Remember, your spirit is dead to God and alive to Satan. You don't even know you have a spirit to know that the evil spirit is there because your soul has smothered your spirit, so of course you don't think you have a relationship with Satan, but it is easy to see even over the internet by your words your relationship with the Devil is profound. It is not difficult at all to see. I understand your flesh says it is a random observation because that is just another one of those lame excuses and sins bearing false witness, but as you can see, belligerently saying it is random is not justifiable, nor have you made your case.

    A righteous God who is merciful has said this truth to us all, and in so saying, He also says how to be saved from it. Why do you reject the love given to you? It is because you want to go to hell. You like your sin nature, and you like being a bad person for as long as you have in your flesh. This is observed in your self-exaltation and self-centered opinions that are false. What you shut your mind down to is the fact that God's law requires you be resurrected to GWT, and then cast into the lake of fire without your soul ever being annihilated, because you are not instrumental value to God, but intrinsic value. There, you will maintain conscious awareness of your eternal separation from God. You have a foretaste of this now it is a foretaste of hellfire.

    Sinners certainly find such statements personal and offensive as I once did too before I was saved. This has never been in doubt. Nevertheless, such offense and personal truth does not change the fact of the matter that you desperately need to accept these truths by repentance which fulfills the condition for God's entry into your life. Sinners don't want to accept they are sinners, so shall they receive hell. It is too personal and offensive for them to accept the truth and would prefer to live a lie in their seared conscience for the time they have left in their flesh. They may even engender the thought that they won't be resurrected for hell, but they will.

    It is understandable that your flesh and the evil spirit in your spirit will find you the excuses you need to keep separated from God forever, such as these mischaracterizing words that you accuse the brethren with: "intimidate" and "medieval," but it is not the case at all, for sin leads to death and the second death (hell). This fact is true in all centuries. The propitiation of your sins has been given, which you reject, and thus, you are really rejecting the source of how and from whom you came to be in existence in the first place. It is so easy to see, but not so easy for a blind man. If a parent is loving, then the child disowns the parent, what do you think of that? That child may have to be sent to some school for deliquents. How much more true of man made in God's image. The main difference is there are no more chances after you leave the body of flesh and blood, to enter into the lake of fire.

    You're asking about organized religion, and why there has been acts of violence. The answer is simple: for the same reason such acts of violence exist in non-religions: the flesh. Hilter killed 6 million Jews. Stalin killed 20 million Russians. What was their non-religion? Humanism and natural selection. Regions fight to preserve their beliefs. You pride yourself on being neither of these groups because you do not kill people in war, yet. But realize, this is your point of pride in your "good self", which you allow the evil spirit to instill in you to keep you separated from receiving God's atonement. Jesus never killed anyone, so it would make sense those in Christ would not either. You agree with Christ against the religious tares (Rev. 17, 14.8) and occult (Luke 13.1-3), yet you call Jesus a liar, because you are living in your good self, but the good self can never save you. Only God can save you from your sin soaked spirit, soul and body. So much sin, is it really so surprising that what must happen to you?

    Think of your reasoning as an idol which you place above your creator. You say you have a god, but this god calls Jesus a liar an so do you, yet you have no reason not to be for Christ, not even a possible consideration. The Gospel has been preached to all the world, so you are without excuse to say pretentiously, you do not know what He said. To stand back while the Word has been available to you all your life, to say you don't know what He said is just your flesh reviling Jesus by never reading what He said. You love the world so much, and who is the god of this world in the dispensation of grace? Satan. The Bible has been in your grasp all your life. God will not forgive you if you do not repent to the cross. That I can personally and offensively guarantee you because God's Word does not lie.

    pajken, you wrote, "Troy, citing the bible and repeating that the proof is true does not, in itself, make it more so." Not more so, but just as true as it was when it was first said! What this really shows, is the truth is not unreasonable, but it is unloved. This is why there is the Proof, and you find no fault, yet still reject the truth. Now you know why Hell exists, because it is for those who self-declare themselves in separation from God to be independent of Him forever. As you wish. That is your choice. You have noone to blame but yourself.

    Only those who are saved can accept the Proof, because only the saved have entered into the new creation to believe something so reasonable. Even though the logic is perfect, and you have nothing to say against it, you still do not accept it because of the belligerent evil spirit in your spirit that does not need a reason to reject something.

    If someone only knows how to do addition (you, because you are not saved and going to hell), you can never know how to do math unless God gives you the grace to learn how to do math (God's children). In that case, since you reject this truth (math), and are held back in school, and you declare "we are done" as per your statement according to the truth of what has been said here. I shalln't cast what is holy unto dogs further. So at your unwitting request, I will remove your account and pray for you to one day come to the cross to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

    The Proof is true no matter who looks at, irrespective of who looks at, but only Christians can understand it to the point of accepting it because only Christians have a regenerated spirit with God's life. You do not have God's uncreated life, because your spirit is dead to God, so no matter how pure and true something is, you will still reject it (it being the the truth to lead you to Christ) because you are a bad person who is going to hell. The only way for this not to occur is if you repent to the cross, and this right you have exists because you were made in God's image to be able to receive God's saving grace, which you reject. Could there be anything more insane?

    I have told you the truth.

    The Proof does not work in anyway but to lead to Christ. No other qualifies, than does Christ, which the Proof already shows. So to keep talking about it, while not seeing that it is so by being selfless to read it, is merely vanity and petty talk on your part. Another valid reason for your removal! Therefore, those who would judge it who are unsaved, would immediately be disqualified from discerning the Proof. They can humbly see that it is true once they are saved, and it can help convince one to Christ, but not until one is saved can they truly appreciate the Proof or the Bible to have a relationship with the Word. That appreciation and acceptance only comes from being saved. God only gives you the means to the cross by free-choice. What unfolds afterward can not be comprehened by the unsaved because they are unsaved. This is perfect cause and effect. The old creation can not perceive the happenings in the new creation, just as Christians, though we have a foretaste of heaven (and the new city), we can not fully comprehend it all because we still have not been given a newly clothed spiritual body from which to be resurrected with to the the throne (Rev. 7.9) or to the air (1 Thess. 4.15-17). Even when we are first resurrected we will not have a full appreciation of the new city (Rev. 21) until after the millennial kingdom is completed (Rev. 20.2-7), which has yet to begin.

    There is only one definition of God and that is in Christianity, nowhere else. There are definitions of others what they perceive God to be, but they are wrong if they reject Christ as we have seen. Each of their beliefs can be shown to be false or limiting. Your god is both false with its errors as well as limiting to your opinions mostly: a self-created god. Not most, but all different views of God are mutually exclusive. Let me explain. You can't say your god does not agree with Christ while saying they are not mutually exclusive. That is a contradiction and nonsense. Therefore, since all definitions perceived to be God are mutually exclusive, it stands to reason as I have shared with you, that it logically follows that the Proof would be true in its entirety because not only no non-Christian but neither do my brothers and sisters in Christ find fault with it, and thus it continues to remain the foundation of the Word of God which does not come from me, but was originated by God of the Bible. It is also found in the Bible too, since Jesus is the Word and verses provide us the same finding.

    Let me be clear: the Proof is not a statement of belief but it is a Proof of God of the Bible. Self-declarations are irrelevant when you say the proof has not been shown, for it has: nothing in your words speak to the contrary. You just can't see it because you are going to hell, and that is what you want, so no amount of truth can convince you if it is your desire to go to hell. This relegates your opinion the cause of your going to hell and giving no consideration to the fact that you can find no fault with the proof. Without a regenerated spirit, you will have these contradictory thoughts (easily exposed) that can never be resolved, because they will alway be wrong. Some say this is being a dullard! I say the same. People don't mind such contradictions as the reasons for their rejecting God.

    You said you disproved the Proof, but you have not done so, as given by my counter to your words in this response which show your errors in what you had deemed as being a disproof. Anyone who is being intellectually honest with themselves would agree with this. This therefore, shows, you have been intellectually dishonest with yourself as are all those who are unsaved; that is why they are going to hell, because not a one of those who are going to hell want to accept they are rejecting God for the real reason: they are bad people.


  7. #7
    DRay563 Guest

    Default DRay563

    Let me first establish that I am a Christian who believes in earnestly seeking truth. I feel it is my job, as well as the job of everyone else, to find that which is true within the bounds that God has established for us. That being said, it is important to analyze that which is real and to some degree rely upon scientific observation (that is, where it does not obviously contradict the Word of God), especially where science is virtually infallible (empirical and observational science, not predictive science). That being said, all of what I will say from this point forward is what I consider to be true based on logic, rational thought, and current scientific evidence, all of this presented from an Atheistic standpoint (as this argument cannot presume the existence of God to prove the existence of God). Let it also be known that my attempts to refute (or help refine) the argument of "4 Step Proof of God" is not for personal glory, but rather to help continue uplifting God and what is truth, for God is truth (John 14:6).

    Simply stated, If for eternity things have been evolving (biologically or non-biologically, etc.), by this very definition of evolving (in causes and effects, before or after the amoeba, even before or after the big bang), you would have had an eternity to be perfected (without sin) irrespective of when you personally started in the evolving chain according to calculus where the approximation of eternity is taken as eternity.

    (quote taken from the second sentence of the first paragraph of Step 1)

    I find several problems with this statement. First is that this statement goes against scientific evidence. The idea of an endless amount of time leading towards perfection is both counter-intuitive and counter-evidential. The Second Law of Thermodynamics says that all closed systems undergo an accumulation of entropy, such that even if there is a located decrease in entropy, the total amount of entropy in the system will increase. The nature of the Universe as a closed system has not been proven or refuted, as the understanding of the curvature of spacetime has three possibilities. Two possibilities, negative curvature and no curvature, lend themselves to an infinite and unbounded Universe that is an open system. One possibility, positive curvature, lends itself to a closed system, in which the Laws of Thermodynamics can and would apply. Therefore, if one were to postulate that the curvature of spacetime is positive and therefore a closed system, an eternity would lend itself to chaos (as this is what entropy is a measure of, the amount of useless energy or chaos in a system) rather than perfection. If one were to postulate that the curvature of spacetime was either negative or none at all, then this would lend to an open system and the Laws of Thermodynamics do not apply. However, there is nothing in the evidence that would suggest perfection would be a result of an infinite system; rather, only the possibility of anything as there would be infinite mass and infinite energy.

    The second problem I see is the direct connection between sin and the evolution of the cosmos. You have quite clearly defined the evolving nature of the cosmos as being both biological and non-biological, and that given enough time, this biological and non-biological evolution would result in perfection. Now, assuming that such a conclusion is true (even though I just spent a little bit of time establishing why I think it is not true), there is an inherent flaw in this line of reasoning. Sin did not enter the cosmos until approximately 6000 years ago. In fact, it says in Genesis that everything that God made "in the beginning" was good! Therefore, prior to any sin being in the world, everything was already perfect. Once sin entered into the world, there has been an overall degeneration of Creation.

    To provide an example of this, let us look at gene mutation and incestual relations. A common question asked is "where did Cain's wife come from?" Well, Cain's wife came from the same lineage he came from: the loins of Adam. Now, it's possible that his wife came from one of Adam's sons or grandsons, we aren't sure of this, so we shouldn't be terribly dogmatic. Fact of the matter is, one of Adam's sons had to marry one of Adam's daughters to continue to produce offspring (or Adam had to procreate with one of his daughters). This raises quite a few eyebrows, given not only the Levitical laws but also the obvious.... disfigurement that usually accompanies incestual procreation. The reason for this is obvious though. Let us say that a mother and a father have a son and daughter. The father has certain mutated genes (most of which are easily overcome by good genes) and he passes these mutated genes to his son and daughter. Now, the son and daughter decide to procreate.... and in doing so, they both pass along these mutated genes to their single child. Because of this close-relatedness and the gene mutation build-up within a family line, disfigurement is usually the result of procreation within a family line.

    However, this would not have been a problem during Adam's time, as there wouldn't have been mutated genes to pass along. Therefore, there wouldn't have been any problems with incestual relations resulting in disfigurement due to the accumulation of mutated genes. And this is where Cain's wife (or at least one of the sons' wives) came from: his sister. And this is a great example of the overall degeneration, not perfection, of the human race as time has worn on. This degeneration is the natural result of sin being in the world! Sin corrupts everything. Even the animals, originally plant-eaters (Genesis 1:30), many of them have become carniverous or at least omniverous, rather than getting closer to the alignment of their original state.

    As a clause to this problem that I see, let me say that there has been a recent emergence of order within the seen chaos. A professor at Yale did a study and proved that given an open system where there is an infinite source (the sun) and an infinite sink (the earth), there will be a local decrease of entropy. Hence the development of technology, the overall moral nature of mankind, the establishing of global laws.... etc. However, the evidence on earth does not establish the evidence universally. It a logical fallacy to give to the whole that which can be seen of a part (you wouldn't call a whole car blue just because the seatbelt was blue). Also, this recent emergence of order does not counteract or deny the degeneration of sinfulness as it has accumulated over the generations. This degeneration is becoming more and more painfully obvious, not only within the animal kingdom and within gene mutation, but also with the spiritual deadening of society as a whole (America is a great example) and the lack of emphasis on God as the key to life (and more of an emphasis on man's ability and scientific reasoning to explain life and reality as a whole).

    The third problem I see with this is that cause and effect has been debunked within the scientific community. Cause and effect are wonderful for Newtonian physics, even to some degree Einsteinian physics. However, once you leave these realms and begin moving into quantum physics, cause and effect don't apply. Cause and effect are principles based on the predictability of things. Given a certain condition, a certain object will do a certain thing, 100% of the time. In quantum physics, however, all objects live by the rule of probability. There is a certain chance that they will do a certain thing, given a certain condition.... but they could also do something else! Even more so, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle allows for the creation and destruction of particles, seemingly at random, within a false vacuum state of energy. Where we see nothing (space), there is in fact ambient energy and within this energy, particles are somewhat circumventing (but not breaking) the law of conservation of energy. They create themselves (a pair of a particle and an anti-particle) from this energy and then recombine into the same energy they were made from. There is no cause, no rhyme or reason discernable, other than the reason that there cannot be emptiness (the impossibility of a perfect vacuum).

    Now, I will say this. There is a cause for everything, and that cause is God. But, since the conclusion of this proof is that God exists, we cannot use the conclusion to prove the premise. Since, from an Atheistic and purely scientific standpoint, there is no deducable cause for the things we observe and measure in the quantum level, cause and effect is a law that doesn't apply in that world. That being said, it is unsound to use the law of cause and effect to prove the evolving nature of the cosmos (as the cosmos is made up of, and therefore bound to, the nature of the quantum level).

    Second, if the universe and time are without a cause and continued to exist in the eternity of the past in causes and effects, then this simply reverts us back up to Step 1 which shows why there can not be an eternity of the past of causes and effects.

    (quote taken from the first sentence of the third paragraph of Step 2)
    I have spent time arguing with an Atheist on the CARM boards about the nature of this type of argument. And I walked away with a very important conclusion that I hope you will accept rather than reject.

    There is no particular reason to argue for or against a "beginning" or "no beginning," as both can be reasonable and neither can be disproven, using merely logic and science. If one wishes to argue for an unbounded past, such that there is an infinite regression, this is possible as it would not take an infinite amount of finite steps to traverse such a regression. Let me explain.

    Traversal requires a beginning point and ending point. The end point is obviously where we are now, the present. The beginning point cannot be defined as "back unto infinity" because such a point is non-existent. It is logically inconsistent to define a point "infinity away" because there is no way to establish such a point except perhaps in your mind. That being said, any established point to traversal must necessarily be a finite distance away from the end point, being the present. Since such these two points, by definition, can only be separated by a finite distance, there is an infinite amount of regression time prior to these two points, and there was not an infinite amount of traversal required to get from one point to the other. Therefore, since you can only establish one point, there is not an infinite amount of finite steps required to traverse this gap.

    In fact, it is somewhat counter-intuitive to argue against this type of logic, as we believe that God always has been. Since there was never a time without God, it is more reasonable to assume an infinite regress than to not. Since we already have an infinite regress established, it becomes merely opinion to establish that God is the brute fact that must be rather than the Universe.

    You might, however, revert back to your argument of perfection, or even try and to establish my argument for eventual total chaos (I noted someone referred to the "Heat Death") and say that the Universe cannot be in existence for an infinite regress. However, current physics models allow for such a belief (even though, in reading them, I find them highly consistent with science fiction, they are none-the-less some of the current models for the existence of the Universe). Take for instance, one can believe in the infinite sea of indeterminite energy from which a quantum fluctuation is derived. Or, if you prefer, you can believe in the nucleation of true vacuum bubbles within a sea of false vacuum, and the collision of two such bubbles allows for
    unfathomable particle generation. Both of these models are derived from an infinite regress of an open system (in which Entropy will not be accumulated) and say that the visible universe is nothing more than one of many universes (derived from the concept that our Universe is in fact a black hole and the farthest distance we can see is our event horizon).

    These models allow for belief in something aside from God to establish not only the imperfection we see, but also the universe we see. There are still some problems with the theories, but neither is physics a comprehensive study of all that is. As was argued to me, and I have come to agree, it was merely my presuppositions that made me posit that God is the brute fact rather than some of the other explanations offered. I still posit God and my "opponents" still posit physics, but it is an important recognition to make that there are other reasons rather than merely science and logic that help us determine what we believe.... and that is our own conditioning.

    In Christ,

  8. #8
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    The 4 Step Proof states clearly that it "does not presume God first, since notice I did not mention God first." So, DRay, you may be overassuming that the Proof would "presume the existence of God to prove the existence of God."

    Interpolated predictive science is most valid on its trajectory in all walks of life. To simplify this is so, take for example, the increasing size of the sun. We know eventually one day, in about 5 billion years from now, the earth will be burnt up and be without the sea because of the increasing size of the sun. This a certainty. Scientists also agree the universe has been expanding at an exponential rate with no end in sight. The dark energy has shown to be greater in strength than dark matter and matter. The same can be said regarding the conscience towards sin. It has been exponentially increasing so we don't dare do some things we commonly did before.

    Step 1 is not saying eternity leads to sinlessness, but that if you had an eternity, you would have ample time to attain sinlessness. And as Step 1 shows, by interpolating the exponential progression of man's conscience, it is evidentially and experimentally reality. This revelation agrees intuitively.

    There is not a requirement for the knowledge of whether the universe is a closed or open system. The 4 Step Perfect Proof is perfect, and thus, does not rely on things unknown, only that which is known to know it is perfect as evidentially predicted.

    Chaos to man is merely randomness, but to the laws of cause and effect, it still has its causes and effects. This does not change the principle of Step 1, which indicates there could not have been an eternity of the past of cause and effect, otherwise you would have attained sinlessness. Whether a system is closed or opened, space is curved or not, makes no difference in our observing our exponential progression of conscience and thus, eradication of sins.

    The only required proof is observing the progression of man's conscience in the past 6000 years. If it is exponential, then it is true that eternity is more than enough time to reach sinlessness as we approach infinity. Ergo, there was not an eternity of the past of causes and effects, and man was created. Only Christ fulfills that characteristic when compared to all other gods.

    Your problem, I sense by the Holy Spirit, in reading the Proof is not reading the whole Proof. Let it all sink in before overlooking something vital to the Proof. Perhaps you stopped at the first couple of sentences of each Step, for I am merely repeating what the Proof already shows evidentially.

    Your next mistake is thinking sinlessness is pertaining to the Cosmos, when I am only focused on man in the Proof attaining perfection by God's grace. As was stated, "Note: this proof is not referring to nature merely reacting, but to man made in God's image, and only those men who are being perfected because they are born-again or saved. We are referring to only man, not animals, and only those men and woman who are saved." Sin first entered with Satan, so God made the earth desolate and waste in Gen. 1.2. When man was created in God's image 6000 years ago, sin soon followed again. This impacted the whole earth as well. But this time, God did not wipe out the whole earth, only locked man out of the garden and flooded the earth locally. You can take this as an exponentially increase in conscience. It is showing God will not flood the whole earth again and wipe out all creatures, but only 1/3 of the people of earth (Rev. 9.18) in the Tribulation. The Cosmos is not God's focus. God's focus is man made in His image to be in the image of His Son so that God can walk with man in the millennial kingdom and be the center of the new city in the new earth after the millennium. Even one day, the universe will dissipate, but man will continue on.

    We see in God's design from the moment of God placing man in creation to the time of man's perfection it does not need an eternity. Thus, you can take the starting point of man being placed in creation as approximating the eternity of the past to show that it does not require an eternity to be perfected.

    The loins of Adam that you presume Cain's wife came from is not to say a child of Adam, but included in all those in the Adamic race. This is not incest, but rather all human beings on planet earth, no matter what continent they were on were in the Adamic race. As soon as Adam was God-conscious all men and women were God-conscious. Just as when Christ died all men died and covered by His death, though not all receive His atonement. Be careful not to legalize the Scriptures. Cain came directly from the first Adamic man, but his wife may not have. We can't say because the Bible doesn't say, so it should not be an issue. You should take your own advice and not be so dogmatic. Your initial mistake premise is causing you some faulty reasoning.

    There is the added point too that if you claim incestuous relations to deny exponential progression of the conscience, then you are arguing against yourself, because today, such practice is rare. This is another example of an exponential progression. You said there is no mutated genes to pass along in incestuous relationships in Adam's time if his own children procreate with each other, but that is not true. If such a thing occurs, it automatically is a defect because any procreation, whether incestuous or not, is being born into sin from the fall of Adam and Eve.

    The meat-eating animals and insects stem from creation's fall instigated by Lucifer when he was cast out of 3rd heaven. When God flooded the earth in Gen. 1.2, naturally there was some residual creatures that would make up the food chain. Such sin was not completely eradicated, nor could it have been. Notice day 2 in the restoration of creation was not called a good day because up came some of those demons that were cast into the deep in Gen. 1.2, one tempting Eve. They were disembodied spirits that entered creatures, even man after man's fall. Man was protected in the Garden of Eden until his fall. What do serpents eat? Then, when man sinned even man was not protected from meat-eating creatures because man was cast out of the garden. What Gen. 1.30 is telling us was God's original design creating perfect, and the 6 days of restoration are a summary of bringing about that which was already there. Unfortunately, some negative things persisted, though it should not have been a worry to us if we remained not in sin.

    The emphasis in terms of conscience is in percentages. I have already made this point in Step 1 which you overlooked. Simply, percentage-wise murders per capita are decreasing, crime per capita is decreasing. Take for example, form of punishment. Decapitation is not common now, nor is brutal forms of punishment. Incest is less prone. One spouse is the norm. Though things are getting more complicated, there is this overall civility in society that exceeds that of previous generations. The Wild West of gun stand-offs is not something we do today. It is not to say there is still not problems and horrible things that happen still, but on a per capita basis there is an improvement.

    In the past the great majority were unsaved, and so it remains today. The ratio of saved to unsaved is much lower than you think then and now. The issues you raise are not a matter of worsening condition, since the things we can do now were not available in the past because the technology was not there. You would be comparing apples to oranges. Today we can still guillotine people to death, but we choose not to. Today, incest is still an option, but per capita is less the case. The fact that things are more complicated and we sin in these new scenarios is not a proper claim on things getting worse. It is merely a reflection of more complicated things. If things were this complicated 3000 years ago, man would sin much worse.

    In all forms of science, cause and effect still apply. There is nothing in quantum physics that precedes with an effect without a cause. To think so is just a mistaken assumption, since it can not be shown to be the case. Where is the humility in that? All probabilities have their causes. Just because in a deck of cards there are different outcomes, does not mean there is not the same 52 cards that cause those outcomes. Similarly, there is the same molecular components, but they still must abide in the same laws of cause and effect, just as the 52 cards must abide in the shuffle. Whatever you want to call the energy source! Whether there is a perfect vacuum or not is irrelevant for even the vacuum or non-vacuum has its cause. Whatever we are confused by is no justification for deciding that it is not under some law of operation of cause and effect. How silly. After realizing Step 1 of the Proof, then see that nothing happens all by itself, which is Step 2 in the Proof. Just because you can't discern, does not mean there is not a reason; otherwise, you are pointing to yourself as the center of the universe, that what you know becomes the guiding principle. But this is not reality, for obviously there is things going on you are unaware in their cause and effect.

    You'll just have to accept there is some things God does not want you to know. That would seem reasonable, if you were created by God. The Proof places the burden of the proof on you. It is a perfect Proof because it has stated a position that nothing in nature happens all by itself and that nothing is without a cause, which is backed. This is seen in trillions of examples in creation, yet not one example can be given for the idea that something can happen all by itself. Do you see therefore how the odds are against you in claiming that the quantum level can possibly happen all by itself? It is illogical to surmise that since so many examples can be given of all things having a cause and effect, that then something can happen all by itself without any evidence from you.

    By your admitting there is not an infinity of the past of cause and effect, then unwittingly, you have accepted Step 1, so precede to Step 2. Notice how you contradict yourself because you said, "There is no particular reason to argue for or against a beginning or no beginning." This contradicts what you said: "The beginning point cannot be defined as back unto infinity because such a point is non-existent." You have agreed with Step 1 because you admit there is not an eternity of the past of cause and effect since you said it is "non-existent". But then you said there is no particular reason to argue for "no beginning". This is doublespeak. You do the very thing you advise against. 1 Tim. 3.8 says be "not doubletongued". Wise men do this to be couth, but it is pretentious.

    In your reasoning about finite points, calculus solves your problem. You said "It is logically inconsistent to define a point infinity away because there is no way to establish such a point except perhaps in your mind." It is not necessary to give the exact date of a proposed eternity of the past by atheists and agnostics as they try to disprove God, for it is enough to know that it is not possible because we still sin. A point of eternity in calculus is taken as a spot to work from which approximates infinity. I think you should take a calculus class. If there was an eternity of the past (~) in causes and effects then you would have had an eternity to be perfected, but since you still sin proves that you were created by God, given Christ.

    Just because there has always been God is not reason to believe in an infinite past of creation. That is not even logical, for God would have created at some point. Intuitively it makes no sense that there would be an eternity of the past of causes and effects just because God exists. God can exist in the eternity of the past without His creation having yet been created.

    Even if there was multiple universe, the law of cause and effect still applies, no matter how confused you are by entropy, open and closed systems, vacuums, collisions, bubbles, black holes, various models, and event horizons.

    God alone has made it clear and revealed to us the Proof of His existence. It is the same thing He said in the Bible, look at the mountains and the stars, and ask yourself, did you do that? No. God did it! The 4 Step Proof merely digs a little deeper into that truth in 4 steps:

    1) If there was an eternity of the past of cause and effect, you would have had an eternity to be perfected, but you still sin, so therefore, you had to have been created and there was not an eternity of the past of cause and effect.

    2) Nothing in nature happens all by itself. It always has a cause. Thus, God did it. God is uncreated creator.

    3) Don't argue against some god, for we are speak of God uncreated. Disproving some god is not the subject of this Proof. None have been able to disprove this Proof of God in the 4 Steps.

    4) In the supernatural realm: there can not be an eternity of the past of gods creating gods and supernatural causing supernatural because then you would have had an eternity of the past of cause and effect to attain sinlessness, yet you still sin. Thus, God created according to His divine providence. This brings you back to Step 1, which is God's perfect Proof revealed by the Holy Spirit. And remember, this Proof first does not assume if God exists, but through the evidence it becomes the Perfect Proof for God of the Bible.

    In all of this we have seen God has proven Himself to be the cause of creation and reveals it to us intuitively in agreement with the workings of creation evidentially, predictably and intuitively.

  9. #9
    DRay563 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork
    The 4 Step Proof states clearly that it "does not presume God first, since notice I did not mention God first." So, DRay, you may be overassuming that the Proof would "presume the existence of God to prove the existence of God."
    If I misspoke, I apologize. I know the proof does not presume the existence of God. The proof is designed to prove the existence of God. As such, using God as an initial reason or as a premise is faulty logic. This is all I meant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork
    The same can be said regarding the conscience towards sin. It has been exponentially increasing so we don't dare do some things we commonly did before.
    Evolutionists use a similar observation to say that we have evolved a "moral gene" if you will. Remember, however, that sin doesn't just find its roots in immorality in relation to other people. How much sin happens daily when people use the Lord's name in vain, when people worship idols, when people lie, just to discuss three of the commandments?

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork
    Your next mistake is thinking sinlessness is pertaining to the Cosmos, when I am only focused on man in the Proof attaining perfection by God's grace. As was stated, "Note: this proof is not referring to nature merely reacting, but to man made in God's image, and only those men who are being perfected because they are born-again or saved. We are referring to only man, not animals, and only those men and woman who are saved."

    I am curious, then, how this applies to what I quoted from Step 1 of the proof in my first post? How is it that the proof focuses on man, when the proof clearly states, "
    If for eternity things have been evolving (biologically or non-biologically, etc.), by this very definition of evolving (in causes and effects, before or after the amoeba, even before or after the big bang), you would have had an eternity to be perfected (without sin)..." (quote taken from the second sentence of the first paragraph of Step 1)? Clearly there is at least some focus on the cosmos. This quote continues to say "...irrespective of when you personally started in the evolving chain according to calculus where the approximation of eternity is taken as eternity."

    Eternity has not been here for man. Man, as you have stated, has been here for 6000 years. In this, I feel you are tying together two things and jointly connecting them to eternity, when only one has the potential establishment of eternity. Let me be more clear:

    1) If for eternity things have been evolving, THEN
    2) These things cannot include man as man has only been here for 6000 years.
    3) The result of having an eternity of things evolving, provided by the proof, is sinlessness.
    4) The possibility of evolving in relation to sin, as sin does not have any relation to the cosmos, can only come into play for mankind, THEREFORE
    5) The evolution under discussion has only been here for 6000 years, THEREFORE
    6) The discussion of the possibility of cause and effect for a past eternity does not apply AS
    7) An eternity of things evolving does not pertain to the evolution of man which has only been around for 6000 years, THEREFORE
    8) Any said conclusion that eternity cannot have been here due to the observance of sin only maintains that MAN has not been here for eternity, not the cosmos, THEREFORE
    9) This proof does not establish that the cosmos cannot have been here for an eternity, but only man.

    My 9 step proof here establishes, in a nut shell, that Step 1 wrongly assumes that since man has not been here for eternity (as such an eternity would result in sinlessness, a seemingly ad hoc proposition), the cosmos cannot have been here for an eternity and therefore require an uncaused cause, i.e. God.

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork
    Sin first entered with Satan, so God made the earth desolate and waste in Gen. 1.2. When man was created in God's image 6000 years ago, sin soon followed again. This impacted the whole earth as well. But this time, God did not wipe out the whole earth, only locked man out of the garden and flooded the earth locally. You can take this as an exponentially increase in conscience. It is showing God will not flood the whole earth again and wipe out all creatures, but only 1/3 of the people of earth (Rev. 9.18) in the Tribulation. The Cosmos is not God's focus. God's focus is man made in His image to be in the image of His Son so that God can walk with man in the millennial kingdom and be the center of the new city in the new earth after the millennium. Even one day, the universe will dissipate, but man will continue on.

    I see a whole lot of stating, and not a whole lot of proving.

    Genesis 1:1-2, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters."

    In this, we see that God created. There is no indication of Satan or spirits, there is only that which God created and an earth that was formless and empty and water. How is it that from this you draw the conclusions about Satan and a pre-earth?

    I am familiar with the passage in Ezekiel 28:11-19 which is probably where you get the idea of Satan being cast down to earth.... but we must also remember that this passage is a prophecy concerning the King of Tyre. While there is clearly metaphorical representation of the King of Tyre to Satan, we should not be terribly dogmatic about drawing conclusions such as a pre-earth that was destroyed by a flood. We know of two things from Genesis. God made, and the earth was covered in water. We have nothing, from this, to say that God made anything other than what is determined in verse 2.

    Also, where do you get the idea of a local flood? This is completely unfounded in Scripture; rather, it is an super-imposed idea of the modern world as science says there is no evidence for a global flood.

    Genesis 6:13, "So God said to Noah, 'I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth."
    Genesis 7:4, "[God speaking] Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made."
    Genesis 7:20-24, "The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet. Every living things that moved on the earth perished--birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind. Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died. Every living things on the face of the earth was wiped out; men and animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds of the air were wiped from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark. The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days."

    This doesn't sound local to me. We both established that we should only agree with science when it doesn't conflict with the Word of God. What reason, beyond science saying that there is no evidence for a global flood (which there actually is), is there to say the flood was local?

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork
    The loins of Adam that you presume Cain's wife came from is not to say a child of Adam, but included in all those in the Adamic race. This is not incest, but rather all human beings on planet earth, no matter what continent they were on were in the Adamic race. As soon as Adam was God-conscious all men and women were God-conscious. Just as when Christ died all men died and covered by His death, though not all receive His atonement. Be careful not to legalize the Scriptures. Cain came directly from the first Adamic man, but his wife may not have. We can't say because the Bible doesn't say, so it should not be an issue. You should take your own advice and not be so dogmatic. Your initial mistake premise is causing you some faulty reasoning.
    You are implying, I think, that God created other humans, and that Cain's wife could have come from these other created humans? I would ask, what reason, other than maybe to lower a few eyebrows over incestual relations, would you have for trying to impress this into the Bible? God gave us a relatively comprehensive account of His creation, and mentioned making one man and one woman. While it's possible He could have created others, there is no reason to believe this unless you are trying to resolve some external issue (such as Cain's wife). As for God-conscious:

    Genesis 3:6-7, "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened..."

    The Bible doesn't specify whether or not it was because they both ate of the tree that both of their eyes were open or if it was because Adam ate of the tree that both of their eyes were open. Therefore, to establish a doctrine such as "all men were God-conscious when Adam was" would be mere opinion. Also, in terms of understanding that having other created people is potentially contradictory to Scripture:

    Genesis 3:20, "Adam named his wife Eve, because she woudl become the mother of all the living."

    How is that possible, if God created other humans? If Eve were the ultimate mother, the bloodline for all humanity, then God could not have created other humans (unless they were other men, but I'm not sure how much sense that makes).

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork
    When God flooded the earth in Gen. 1.2, naturally there was some residual creatures that would make up the food chain. Such sin was not completely eradicated, nor could it have been. Notice day 2 in the restoration of creation was not called a good day because up came some of those demons that were cast into the deep in Gen. 1.2, one tempting Eve. They were disembodied spirits that entered creatures, even man after man's fall. Man was protected in the Garden of Eden until his fall. What do serpents eat? Then, when man sinned even man was not protected from meat-eating creatures because man was cast out of the garden. What Gen. 1.30 is telling us was God's original design creating perfect, and the 6 days of restoration are a summary of bringing about that which was already there. Unfortunately, some negative things persisted, though it should not have been a worry to us if we remained not in sin.
    Again, more declaration without Scriptural evidence. What residual creatures? Where is this found in Scripture anywhere? The only possible reason I can think of would be to help reconcile the fossil record, once again, science super-imposing something into Scripture. If there is another reason, one founded in Scripture, please enlighten me!

    Yes, there is no recognition in Genesis 1:2 of it being "good." But the light was called good on day one (Genesis 1:4) and when God separated the water and made the sky one day two, it wasn't good either, but there isn't a connection between this and some pre-earth that Satan and the demons inhabited.

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork
    The emphasis in terms of conscience is in percentages. I have already made this point in Step 1 which you overlooked. Simply, percentage-wise murders per capita are decreasing, crime per capita is decreasing. Take for example, form of punishment. Decapitation is not common now, nor is brutal forms of punishment. Incest is less prone. One spouse is the norm. Though things are getting more complicated, there is this overall civility in society that exceeds that of previous generations. The Wild West of gun stand-offs is not something we do today. It is not to say there is still not problems and horrible things that happen still, but on a per capita basis there is an improvement.
    Where do you get your data? I would be interested to see the comprehensive study that details this? I mean, the Holocaust? 6 million people dead. The current holocaust situation in Africa? Millions dying. Women raped multiple times.

    I just started reading Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller, and one of the things he discusses is that the system established in America is not one to help people become moral; rather, it is a system of checks and balances so that people will not be immoral. Everyone watches everyone so that everyone is good. But this doesn't change the inner nature of humans. We are all broken by our sin nature. If we were evolving towards sinlessness, then we would need the police less and less. The reason for any decline in committed atrocities should be more or less attributed to a better legal system and good law enforcers, not because we are becoming better in and of ourselves.

    If, in a certain amount of time, we could become better on our own, then we would have no need for Christ. If time is all that is needed for righteousness to be a natural fruit of man, why did God send His only Begotten to die for us? It doesn't make sense, unless you contend that the atoning sacrifice of Christ was a necessary step in the evolving process. This, however, has nothing to do with man being able to evolve on His own. Instead, we have an indication that God has intervened to help us "evolve" to be better. This, however, requires an intervening act of God, the very God this proof is trying to prove. Since we cannot use God to prove God, we cannot say that Christ came to redeem mankind as part of the evolving process. Since the premise is the decline of immorality in mankind as a whole, then there is no need for a Christ-figure to be a sacrifice as time is the only miracle worker provided by the proof. Given enough time, we will become sinless. Therefore, it doesn't follow that Christ was needed, doesn't follow that God ever needed to die for us. This proof undermines the whole basis of Christianity.

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork
    In the past the great majority were unsaved, and so it remains today. The ratio of saved to unsaved is much lower than you think then and now. The issues you raise are not a matter of worsening condition, since the things we can do now were not available in the past because the technology was not there. You would be comparing apples to oranges. Today we can still guillotine people to death, but we choose not to. Today, incest is still an option, but per capita is less the case. The fact that things are more complicated and we sin in these new scenarios is not a proper claim on things getting worse. It is merely a reflection of more complicated things. If things were this complicated 3000 years ago, man would sin much worse.
    Does the method really matter, so long as the sin is the same? If you contend that using a guillotine to kill people is a sin, it is not the tool (the guillotine) but the act itself (capital punishment). I myself do not have a formulated opinion about capital punishment, as I haven't sat down and really thought about it a whole lot. Maybe I should.... Anyway, the point is, technology just improves methods of sinning or not sinning; it does nothing to change the nature of the sin. Sin is the heart, embodied by the action, enhanced by the tools. If a person murders with a gun as opposed to a stone carved spear, what's the difference? It's still murder. If a man looks at pornography and lusts (technology has made this sin much more available.... and just so you know, pornography being one of the top industries in the world doesn't lend itself to less immorality) or watches a woman walk by and lusts, what's the difference?

    The difference, you might say, is that if we had given a man 3000 years ago the button to launch an atom bomb, he'd do so without hesitation. Maybe. Maybe not. It's pure speculation to say so. If one were to explain the consequences of firing the atom bomb, well known consequences today, he might not do it.

    In fact, I think that's the key. The accumulation of the knowledge of consequences to sin has had an overall impact on the observable quantity of sin. I include the word "observable" because, just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. When men would steal in broad daylight, it was not because stealing was more practiced, it was because the chances of getting caught were much less. As the consequences are more severe (that is, if we took France's road and chopped off a man's hand after he stole), we'd see a much sharper decline in thievery. This merely has to do with a knowledge of consequence, not with the actual lack of intent.

    I pose you a question. If there were no government, no laws, no officers, only anarchy was the master of men in America.... what do you think the country would be like? Orderly or chaotic?

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork
    In all forms of science, cause and effect still apply. There is nothing in quantum physics that precedes with an effect without a cause. To think so is just a mistaken assumption, since it can not be shown to be the case. Where is the humility in that? All probabilities have their causes. Just because in a deck of cards there are different outcomes, does not mean there is not the same 52 cards that cause those outcomes. Similarly, there is the same molecular components, but they still must abide in the same laws of cause and effect, just as the 52 cards must abide in the shuffle.
    I think you are missing the point. While I understand your point, given the deck of cards, it doesn't follow as a good analogy for the quantum level. Let me give you an example, seen from watching Brian Greene's "The Elegant Universe" videos. A man walks into a quantum bar and orders a blue drink. The bartender says "I'll try." She comes back with a red one. Now, another copy of the same man walks up, and another, and another, until 9 copies of the same person all reach for the same glass simultaneously. They each pull out a different color drink (with a few duplications, like two of them had orange drinks), even though the glass on the table had a red drink in it. This is a good example of the nature of quantum physics.

    In the deck of cards, there are forces that establish which cards will be where. These forces are gravity, shuffling, the stickiness of the cards, among many other factors, and the probability of where cards will be are firmly based in this understanding. As such, if we were to verify every force and every detail that went into dealing the cards, we could say with 100% certainty which cards would be where. In quantum physics, in knowing (at least, within the realm of current scientific thought) every force and every detail that go into determining quantum behavior, we are still only left with probability. This also goes hand in hand with another aspect of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, which states that we cannot know both the location and speed of subatomic particles. It is this uncertainty that rules quantum physics, and as such, does not play into cause and effect.

    Granted, quantum physics does not state (to my current knowledge) that an effect comes prior to a cause. Rather, it states that there are things that happen without cause (an important element of cause and effect and this proof), such as the nature of determining which of the possible choices a particle will "choose" given a certain set of conditions.

    I am being particularly dogmatic about this point because cause and effect is a phenomena that is established within the scientific community. The name "cause and effect" has certain scientific understandings that you are, knowingly or unknowingly, appealing to in your proof. This appelation is caused merely by using the name "cause and effect," as it has certain connotation that the reader will associate with it. I am merely stating that these specific connotations do not hold up within the scientific community. Since the proof is undergirded with this scientific term, it must bow to the scientific understanding of the term, both where it is upheld and where it is shot down.

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork
    You'll just have to accept there is some things God does not want you to know. That would seem reasonable, if you were created by God. The Proof places the burden of the proof on you. It is a perfect Proof because it has stated a position that nothing in nature happens all by itself and that nothing is without a cause, which is backed. This is seen in trillions of examples in creation, yet not one example can be given for the idea that something can happen all by itself. Do you see therefore how the odds are against you in claiming that the quantum level can possibly happen all by itself? It is illogical to surmise that since so many examples can be given of all things having a cause and effect, that then something can happen all by itself without any evidence from you.
    Actually, seeing as science shows things without causes (of which I have delineated), there are in fact more examples (just merely unobservable ones to the naked eye) of things that are uncaused than there are caused. This is easily understood as things that are observable are made up of trillions of tiny particles unseen, atoms. These tiny particles are then made up even smaller particles, quantum particles, and these quantum particles outnumber the atomic particles. Since the quantum particles abide by quantum rules, and therefore cause and effect doesn't apply, and the atomic particles follow Newtonian and Einsteinian physics, where cause and effect does apply, we can reasonably and safely say that there are more cases of a lack of cause and effect than cause and effect. Since the burden of proof was placed on me based on the overwhelming cause and effect evidence, it is now placed on you to prove the legitimacy of cause and effect as there is overwhelming evidence against it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork
    Notice how you contradict yourself because you said, "There is no particular reason to argue for or against a beginning or no beginning." This contradicts what you said: "The beginning point cannot be defined as back unto infinity because such a point is non-existent." You have agreed with Step 1 because you admit there is not an eternity of the past of cause and effect since you said it is "non-existent". But then you said there is no particular reason to argue for "no beginning". This is doublespeak. You do the very thing you advise against. 1 Tim. 3.8 says be "not doubletongued". Wise men do this to be couth, but it is pretentious.
    I am not being pretentious, nor am I being doubletongued. If you feel I am, I apologize, for this is not my intention nor my goal. As I established from the beginning, I am merely seeking truth, not personal glory. Any self-contradiction is due to my imperfect nature, and I will gladly and willingly recognize such self-contradictions and flaws within my reasoning when pointed out at me.

    What I am saying is that a beginning to the Universe is in accordance with the kalam argument, such that "everything that has a beginning has a cause, and the Universe had a beginning; therefore, the Universe had a cause." However, as Step 1 doesn't seem to follow (as I attempted to prove earlier in this post), then Step 2 necessarily becomes a natural extrapolation of personal opinion. If Step 1 holds, then Step 2 becomes a natural following, to this I will agree. But, since I don't believe Step 1 holds sufficiently, Step 2 doesn't hold either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork
    In your reasoning about finite points, calculus solves your problem. You said "It is logically inconsistent to define a point infinity away because there is no way to establish such a point except perhaps in your mind." It is not necessary to give the exact date of a proposed eternity of the past by atheists and agnostics as they try to disprove God, for it is enough to know that it is not possible because we still sin. A point of eternity in calculus is taken as a spot to work from which approximates infinity. I think you should take a calculus class. If there was an eternity of the past (~) in causes and effects then you would have had an eternity to be perfected, but since you still sin proves that you were created by God, given Christ.
    I have taken 3 years of calculus, and 3 years of applying this calculus (although, two years of calculus and two years of application overlap, so really, only four years). I feel that I understand quite well the concept of infinity. Let's take an example:

    f(x) = 1/(x-1)

    The graph of this function would go to positive and negative infinity as you approach the point x = 1. At the point x = 1, however, would be an undefined y-coordinate. Why? Because infinity cannot be defined as a point. Try dividing 1 by 0 in your calculator. It gives you an error, because this is an undefined point. This is where the difference between calculus and reality comes into play. Calculus recognizes infinity as "finished sets," such that it sums up the infinite into the finite. Zeno's paradox is a classic example. If you travel half the distance every time, you can never reach a destination. The importance that calculus allows us to realize is that the summation of the infinitely smaller numbers results in a finite number, the actual distance you travel.

    An important aspect of calculus, however, that many people lose, is the difference between a calculus infinity and a real infinity, a calculus zero and a real zero. A calculus zero is as close as you can possibly come to zero without it actually being zero. A real zero is just that: zero. If you divide a number by a calculus zero, you get infinity. If you divide a number by a real zero, you get undefined. There is a very real and important difference in this!

    A point of eternity taken as infinity from which we can measure things does not apply to an infinite regress. The infinite regress is a real infinity, not a calculus infinity. It doesn't follow to assume that if we use the calculus infinity method to solve the real infinity, we should get the same result.

    Take for example, when solving a limit where you have the condition of zero divided by zero, you use L'Hopital's Rule to solve it until you get an answer. However, if ever have a math problem with zero divided by zero, something is seriously wrong. It is an impossibility, a mathematical flaw, not a calculus wonder! The difference is that the "zero over zero" condition for calculus is in fact a limit as something approaches zero, not an actual "zero over zero" situation.

    All of this to say, we cannot use calculus methods to solve for a real infinity, as calculus is based on limits and not actualities. The infinite regress is not the limit as it approaches infinity, but actually infinity. The two should not ever be confused.

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork
    Just because there has always been God is not reason to believe in an infinite past of creation. That is not even logical, for God would have created at some point. Intuitively it makes no sense that there would be an eternity of the past of causes and effects just because God exists. God can exist in the eternity of the past without His creation having yet been created.
    I'm sorry if I was unclear on what I was saying. Let me restate what I meant, as it seems I was unclear.

    If you believe God has always existed, then you believe in an infinite regress. Those who believe in an infinite Universe also believe in an infinite regress. Therefore, it is illogical to argue against an infinite regress (I included this only because many argue against the infinite regress, William Lane Craig being one of those [see his argument about Hilbert's Hotel], and I thought you might do so also). I believe that God created and that the Universe is not in a state of infinite regress. However, it does not follow that the Universe could not have been in an infinite regress as a brute fact anymore than God existing as a brute fact, which is usually what these types of arguments narrow down to.

    If for eternity things have been evolving (biologically or non-biologically, etc.), by this very definition of evolving (in causes and effects, before or after the amoeba, even before or after the big bang), you would have had an eternity to be perfected (without sin)... (quote taken from the second sentence of the first paragraph of Step 1)

    Another argument against this proof that came to mind is the very wording of the proof itself. In stating that to be perfect is to be without sin, there is a recognition of sin and therefore a recognition of God. Sin has a very religious connotation, and in fact, its definition is rooted in disobedience to God. You cannot have sin if there is no God, because you cannot disobey that which isn't. Therefore, in defining perfection, and therefore defining the ability to be perfect, you have established the concept of God. Since the proof is designed to prove God, you cannot use God as a premise to prove God. As such, the proof does not hold up.

    In Christ,

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    Step 1

    It doesn't help your case to disprove the Proof by saying what the Proof already agrees to such as your admitting the Proof doesn't claim God first before proving God's existence.

    We see an exponential improvement in conscience in man by citing many examples of things we just don't do anymore. This is how God designed us: to move forward not backward. That's why we don't do many horrible things we use to do. Evolutionists see it as a moral gene, so therefore, they should agree that they were created by God, otherwise they would be contradicting themselves. Evolutionism is not wrong, since the body is formed from dust. Evolution is just limited in its scope since it deals with the physical since the Amoeba. It doesn't explain that which precedes the biological.

    Just because man is in the cosmos does not mean it is about the cosmos, for it is centered on man. The cosmos is merely the conduit. God's point of focus is man made in His image, not the cosmos. The point of the cosmos is that it containing man, if it had been eternally existing in the past would mean also man had an eternity to be perfected within the cosmos when we approximate to eternity of the past. But since man still sins, therefore, you know you were created and there has not been an eternity of the past of cause and effect. Very simple truth.

    Your continual problem is not understanding calculus. Just because man was made in God's image 6000 years ago, does not discount the process by which God went through to bring man to that point. Therefore, if there was an eternity of the past of cause and effect it is irrelevant when man started in the evolving chain, for wherever man starts, it is accounted as being in the eternity of the past if there was an eternity of the past of cause and effects. But since man still sins, we know that is not the case and man was created. Step 1 remains true.

    Evolution, the dust in Gen. 2.7, did not begin 6000 years ago, for man's body was being formed biologically since the Amoeba.

    Creation, Desolation and Restoration

    Gen. 1.2 reads "And the earth became waste and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."

    The word "became" is also used in 2.7 and 19.26, so it should be used in verse 2 also. In your creation, your god creates waste and desolate. In God's perfect creating, He creates perfectly in verse 1. Events then follow such as Lucifer's fall from 3rd heaven, fallen angels and the demons, causing God to make desolate in verse 2. He deals with this problem accordingly, but no such dealing is availed to your belief system to account for the tempter in the serpent.

    The details of Ez. 28.11-19 are laid out. The first part (verses 1-10) address the Prince of Tyre. The second part (verses 11-19)-which is a lamentation against the King of Tyre-points to the future Antichrist. Historicalists are against this teaching, because they are historicalists; so shall they be deceived by the coming Antichrist. I can give you much aspect and understanding of this when you are ready to hear. Suffice it to say, Satan is still the god of this world and he holds back the Antichrist until he has no choice but to release him.

    No doubt the Great Accuser will accuse of being dogmatic when it is pointed out there were the events of the fallen archangel Lucifer between Gen. 1.1 and 1.2, long before 6000 years ago.

    You're contradicting your own position in these words of yours: "Also, where do you get the idea of a local flood? This is completely unfounded in Scripture; rather, it is an super-imposed idea of the modern world as science says there is no evidence for a global flood." You said "there is no evidence for a global flood" and "where do you get the idea of a local flood." Why contend for no global flood when I have said there is a local flood? That is nonsensical.

    Noah did not know the world was round. His world was the world locally. So the verses pertaining to his experience of the flood are indeed local. Learn to put yourself in the shoes of the person in the day they were living. That's the selfless thing to do. Legalisms are for dullards. Scientific evidence has shown that part of the land gave way around the sea, flooding the whole area. The exact spot where scientists suspect the land giving way is known and also evidence of artifacts in the sea bed are also found. Those artifacts are particular to that time period.

    This is a nonsensical statement: "You are implying, I think, that God created other humans". There are not other human beings. There is only one kind of human being: human being.

    As we have discussed this I have found you to be wrong on everything we talk about. The Holy Spirit has revealed to me so much error in you, that I will know you by your fruit. Based on our private talks and in the open forum, the Holy Spirit has revealed you are not a Christian. And, you will not change your view.

    All Men and Women are in Adam and Eve

    Adam and Eve are the first God-conscious beings. As soon as they became the first all were in Adam, that is to say, all the dust formed to create the bodies, caused all mankind that flows from Adam. No matter what continent you are on, you have no excuse. All were in Adam: human beings. This happened about 6000 years ago. The number of souls exceeds that of the specific family line of Adam and Eve. Adam is spoken of in particular because from Adam to Christ is 76 generations in this lineage. We know 6000 years ago there were men on all continents. Therefore, your theory is disproven. For example, study the Egyptians to know there were cities back to of 10,000 BC, except that they did not have God-consciousness; thus, they would cease to exist. It was only until 4000 BC that man was created in His image as the Bible says so which science can agree to.

    Adam and Eve were not God-conscious when they ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. You misread me in claiming I said that. When Adam and Eve were created in God's image they had God-consciousness. Do you see the difference?

    Eve is the mother of all creation since she is the first God-conscious woman and all men and women are in her as all mankind is of the Adamic race. Your problem is you only see the physical legalistically, so you think all must physically be born of Eve by bloodline. But it is true that there were humans (not other humans since there is only one kind of human made in God's image) on other continents so that when we say all were in Eve, we do not mean they were born physically from Eve's womb, but spiritually speaking, all human beings flow from the Eve.

    Day 2 Was Not A Good Day

    What residual creatures? When you flood a planet or even take away its atmosphere (Gen. 1.2) it is possible for some residual creatures to remain living. It is from these creatures that the long period of restoration is summed up in the 6 literal summary days. When the firmaments were split to restore creation, day 2 was not a good day like the other days because up came some of those demons. You asked for proof, this is it. The 6 days are not "created" but the Hebrew word is "restored". The purpose of the Bible is not to give you a detailed scientific record. If you want to read between the lines, you will have to abide in these facts which agree with these verses and words the Bible employs.

    Day 2 follows Day 1. Day 1 follows the making desolate in Gen. 1.2, since the days are days of restoration. You are utterly confused, for you wrote, "there is no recognition in Genesis 1:2 of it being good." I did not say Gen. 1.2 is good, for I was talking about Day 2 not being a good day, because up came some of those demons God cast into the deep in Gen. 1.2. If you would like to study about Earth's earliest ages, read these two links. For example, many including C. I. Scofield believe that Jeremiah 4.23-26 refers to the condition of waste and void cited in Gen. 1.2. Read those two links to understand the details of this.

    Do accept your bad logic in knowing Lucifer was cast out of 3rd heaven, then not accounting for the time period from then to when one of his demons entered the serpent around 6000 years ago to tempt Eve. This creates a big hole in your theology.

    Raw Numbers are Not the Key

    You only see the raw horrific numbers, but on a per capita basis the numbers are better today than before. Whole nations would be wiped off the face of the earth in previous generations. Many children would not make it to the age of 5 percentage-wise, and no less for the reason of child-sacrifices. Though in Islam they still perform this ritual, teaching their children to blow themselves up. Israel was suppose to wipe out such evil nations in Canaan that did this, but Israel failed, and so such child sacrifices remain today.

    The number of police per capita is less today. A much greater percentage thousands of years ago were devoted to men in arms. It is quite narrow-minded to overlook this fact. You are only focused on the now, and not making comparisons.

    Though common grace is showing us improvements, this is not to mean that Christ is not needed for redemption. The good self can never save a soul, and still needs the blood of Christ for forgiveness of sins. This is why many souls are still going to go to hell. Though they appear to have received some common grace improvements, even so, they still need to be regenerated by the Holy Spirit. This is most evident in the fact that the Great Tribulation is still ahead of us (still hostility), there will still be a faction of those who will take the mark of the beast. The good nations will be transferred into the millennial kingdom, yet they must believe still individually. That's why I say that when I speak of sinlessness exponential improvements unto perfection, I am talking only about the saved specifically. Whereas, the unsaved will be forced into hell because they did not want to repent of their sins. They may have have had some refinement by God's common grace, but they remain unregenerate, eternally separated from God. God intervenes, even in common grace.

    This is entirely illogical: "Since we cannot use God to prove God, we cannot say that Christ came to redeem mankind as part of the evolving process." It is not that we can't use God to prove God, but that for the purposes of this 4 Step Proof, God has afforded us a proof that does not need Christ first to be mentioned to hold its own in proving God. We certainly can say that Christ came to redeem mankind. God gives us this stand alone proof. Thus, no man has any excuses.

    Ultimately, in this section, you are confusing regeneration and common grace. No matter how refined an unsaved person is, he will never be saved. He still needs Christ on the cross.

    Whether it is the weapon that changes that causes the sin or not, the fact remains on a per capita basis the death penalty is less. There would be a 1000 women in the temple giving sexual worship. Percentage wise this is far worse than all the pornography on the internet and brothels in the world today. Again, all this shows, is an exponential improvement. There were entire cities that were homosexual in the OT, but today it is much less the case.

    Would man push the button to create a nuclear explosion 3000 years ago if he had the technology. You bet he would. If for no other reason his conscience is not up to speed with knowledge. Thus his conscience is not nearly as strong as it is today, even if only a conscience that is affected by common grace and not actual regeneration of the spirit. Everyone knows the consequences of an Atomic bomb today, so don't make excuses for people by saying "If one were to explain the consequences of firing the atom bomb, well known consequences today, he might not do it." Indeed, man has not done it yet today which is a testament to the exponential improvement of conscience generally. If a man could throw his own child into the mouth of a fiery Moloch god, surely, blowing up a city is on his list of things to do.

    I must admit I find your ideas very dull, and boring to talk to, since you are always wrong in your conscience and self. Whether I am casting pearls before the swine or what is holy unto dogs, it makes no difference. You are not ready for this conversation.

    The policing of a state, or lack the need of, is a reflecting on the improving conscience of a society. In all of what has been said we continue to see how Step 1 remains true: If there was an eternity of the past of cause and effect, then you would have had an eternity to be perfected without sin, yet you still sin. Ergo, you were created by God, given Christ. The exponential progression of conscience, in believers unto regeneration, and non-believers unto hell remains an axiom we can prove continually. The difference being, non-believers never accept God's atoning sacrifice.

    Physics Agrees with Determinism

    In your drink analogy, it fails in that you confuse the scenario by that amount of your own lack of understanding of the laws of cause and effect in play. Just as the force behind the deck of cards pervades, so are laws also behind the working of quantum physics which you can't perceive. Just because you can't perceive them does not mean they don't exist, for we see the consequences of them. Humility dictates that it is so. The outcome is not "firmly based in this understanding" as you say. Your understanding is irrelevant. Whether you understand or not, does not change the fact the laws of cause and effect are still prevalent and in play. Just because men did not know there were other continents, thus not included in the flood, does not mean they didn't exist. When man discovered the continents and understood of their existence, does not mean they all of a sudden came into being.

    Your logic is undesirable in trying to distinguish quantum mechanics from deck of cards. You said "in knowing (at least, within the realm of current scientific thought) every force and every detail that go into determining quantum behavior, we are still only left with probability." It is the same with a deck of cards, whether we know all the elements involved or not. The reason men use quantum mechanics as an example, in their hostility towards God, is because it is so utterly complicated, that they can input their own crazy ideas, but your ideas fail you. You said, "It is this uncertainty that rules quantum physics, and as such, does not play into cause and effect." This is entirely illogical. Just because there is uncertainty is no grounds to saw there is no law behind it of cause and effect. Just as in a deck of cards, we don't know the next card that will come out of the deck, yet the law still exists in the probabilities of it. If an ace is missing, there is just that amount less chance of an ace appearing. Quantum mechanics is just way more complicated, but holds to the same principle of one thing causing another.

    The reason I know you are not a Christian is because you are contending for the idea that something is without a cause and happens all by itself. This is against the Word of God.

    Your version of quantum physics states, "that there are things that happen without cause (an important element of cause and effect and this proof), such as the nature of determining which of the possible choices a particle will choose given a certain set of conditions." Quantum physics does not state this. Though some may say this is what quantum physics states, it is not proven, and there is no reason for such an assertion, since nothing in nature exhibits this character. All the odds are against you since more than a trillion things have seen to have a cause, yet nothing is seen to be without a cause. Just because you can't understand the complexity does not mean you can arbitrarily demand causelessness. That's dumb, without humility and ultimately hostile to God.

    Cause and effect hold up within the scientific community (in all of nature seen), and I am not referring to pseudo-science that you are contending for where you claim like an atheist and agnostic things happen all by themselves just because they are too proud to accept there is something they don't know as being the cause. I agree with you when you say you are dogmatic, except that you are dogmatically wrong in contending for something so dogmatically that you can't show, or even come close to doing so.

    Herein is your pride and what keeps you eternally separated from God: "Actually, seeing as science shows things without causes (of which I have delineated)". Science never showed that things in creation happen all by themselves. Nor did you delineate it. I praise God that self-declarations from selfish souls is nothing but independency from God. Your open theism (claiming God is without infinite foreknowledge) and calvinist tendencies (claiming God is without foreknowledge of our free-choice) and puff the magic dragon teachings (pridefully claiming things happen all by themselves without evidence) is why you are going to hell. These are the tools you employ to separate yourself from God. And they are a symptom of your unregenerated spirit. They are the false fruit by which you are known.

    When I speak of causes in nature it includes unseen and seen causes, unseen being interpolated and seen being visible by the eye, which they both observe laws. In all instances everything has a cause. The only thing that does not have a cause would be the causeless cause, God. He is proven by the fact that nothing in nature happens all by itself. Ergo, God did it. And the exponential progression of conscience means there could not have been an eternity of the past of cause and effects, since it would not need to take an eternity to reach sinlessness perfection in the saved.

    This does not follow, "Since the quantum particles abide by quantum rules, and therefore cause and effect doesn't apply, and the atomic particles follow Newtonian and Einsteinian physics, where cause and effect does apply, we can reasonably and safely say that there are more cases of a lack of cause and effect than cause and effect." The problem with this statement is the false statement that quantum mechanics do not have causes and effects. That type of pseudo-science gets you nowhere. Nothing in quantum physics causes you to think something happens all by itself. You just lack the understanding to see that small in nature. It holds that since Newtonian and Einsteinian physics abide in laws of cause and effect, then it would be true of Quantum physics. If all we have ever seen in human history agrees, then there is no reason to think otherwise.

    Understand why you believe in puff the magic dragon. It is because in your spirit is the evil spirit who teaches you this and you accept it to be so deceived. You have yet to receive the Holy Spirit to oust the evil spirit in your spirit.

    Your idea is wrong: "Since the burden of proof was placed on me based on the overwhelming cause and effect evidence, it is now placed on you to prove the legitimacy of cause and effect as there is overwhelming evidence against it." Since there is no evidence yet against causeless effects, the burden of proof still falls on you.

    From the beginning you have established your desire for personal glory as evident by the constant error, paragraph after paragraph. These are not complicated things in their basic understanding, yet you say "As I established from the beginning, I am merely seeking truth, not personal glory." You are seeking personal glory, for such glory stems in so much error. You can not be so consistently wrong on every point if you were not seeking personal glory. Furthermore, we have seen in the unsaved, self-proclamations such as "Any self-contradiction is due to my imperfect nature, and I will gladly and willingly recognize such self-contradictions and flaws within my reasoning when pointed out at me." Yet after it was shown you your error, still you remained in that error, repeating it, saying it yet needs to be shown to you. What you claim is vastly different from actuality.

    Notice how you contradict yourself because you said, "There is no particular reason to argue for or against a beginning or no beginning." This contradicts what you said: "The beginning point cannot be defined as back unto infinity because such a point is non-existent." You have agreed with Step 1 because you admit there is not an eternity of the past of cause and effect since you said it is "non-existent". But then you said there is no particular reason to argue for "no beginning". This is doublespeak. You do the very thing you advise against. 1 Tim. 3.8 says be "not doubletongued". Wise men do this to be couth, but it is pretentious.

    And so you repeat your error: "However, as Step 1 doesn't seem to follow (as I attempted to prove earlier in this post), then Step 2 necessarily becomes a natural extrapolation of personal opinion. If Step 1 holds, then Step 2 becomes a natural following, to this I will agree. But, since I don't believe Step 1 holds sufficiently, Step 2 doesn't hold either."

    Since Step 1 does hold, and you failed to show otherwise, then Step 2 naturally follows. Step 1 remains so powerfully solid, ultimately given by God: If there was an eternity of the past of cause and effect (and we know all things abide in law of cause and effect, nothing to the contrary), then you would have had an eternity to be perfected without sin if you were saved. But, even, it applies generally in common grace to all people, as we have gone over numerous examples of improvements of conscience on a per capita basis. To date, you could find no problem with this observation and sound reasoning.

    The reason you still have issue even though you have no valid reason must be because you are unsaved. This is your false fruit which I know you by. The unsaved man makes a declaration without substance because self is his center apart from God. Hell is your future. Even now you have that foretaste in what the Bible describes as the tares who try to look like the wheat by their own strength, not relying on God's Spirit and Word.

    Calculus - Approximating Infinity - Agrees with Step 1

    What I find always intriguing is it doesn't matter the level of a man's knowledge, he is still unsaved. You can even be the leading scientist in an area, and still be unsaved.

    For example, you said of yourself, "I have taken 3 years of calculus, and 3 years of applying this calculus." Yet, you still contend against a point in the past which we can equate as approximating infinity for the purposes of Step 1 to show that it is not possible, because we still sin. Do you see how the mind, full of knowledge, can still be unrenewed?

    The application of approximating infinity in calculus for Step 1 is simply to say that it is unnecessary to know specific details of when and how, but merely accept that an infinity, if it had being going on for infinity, renders certain conclusions given what we know and see today in relation to sin. Since we see an exponential progression of conscience today compared through the past 6000 years, we know that according to exponential progressions the point of approximating infinity of the past demands that we would be without sin by now. Calculus says that an approximating of infinity is equal to infinity in practice.

    In your commentary on calculus you are letting things distract you from the point of what is pertinent to the Proof. You should go back to the roots of basic calculus (which I keep repeating), because you are confusing yourself and come across as someone who does not even know basic calculus, and thus will try to bog himself in inapplicable details to the relevant aspects of calculus for this Proof in its simplicity. Do you see how your mind is unrenewed, because your spirit is not regenerated?

    The reason I am deleting your account is because you add nothing, and continue to rationalize false teachings (fully detailed here), and will continue to do so, even unto hell. Since this site is for the Work for the Church, and not to discuss things that are obviously wrong, and you have not presented any new contentions to the 4 Step Proof, which you are warned against, this is warrant to expel you. Do you not realize what you are arguing for has already been discussed and you present no new information in your contentions?

    This is without distinction: "If you believe God has always existed, then you believe in an infinite regress. Those who believe in an infinite Universe also believe in an infinite regress." Just because God existed for eternity does not mean creation existed for eternity in the past. The infinite regress is different. The former is God's eternal life, the latter is God's creation. The latter are proven false because Step 1 proves them wrong.

    Desperation of an Unsaved Man

    Thus it does not follow what you believe when you say: "Therefore, it is illogical to argue against an infinite regress (I included this only because many argue against the infinite regress, William Lane Craig being one of those [see his argument about Hilbert's Hotel], and I thought you might do so also)."

    Disproving an infinite regress of creation proves God created, since there is no other option. William Lane Craig is a born-again believer. He believes there is not an eternity of the past of creation, so this proves God did it. Craig is a Christian and you are not a Christian. Do you see how that works? Praise the Lord for this discernment!

    In your profile you note several things: 1) you reject God foreknows our free-choice so you believe in an impotent god; 2) you reject that between Gen. 1.1 and 1.2 there is the happenings of Lucifer, fallen angels and the demons, rejecting God's Word; and 3) say you are not sure about a great many things in the questions at registration to this forum. I just wanted to record this here since your account is being deleted. Your being not sure is not against you, but definitely indications of your lack of spirituality.

    Since you state, "I believe that God created and that the Universe is not in a state of infinite regress. However, it does not follow that the Universe could not have been in an infinite regress as a brute fact anymore than God existing as a brute fact, which is usually what these types of arguments narrow down to," you are agreeing with Step 1 (not an infinite regress as proven), but then turn around in the next sentence and say just the opposite (could have been in an infinite regress). I am left with just the thought, be "not doubletongued" (1 Tim. 3.8). Certainly God's existence is not a brute fact, but certainly an obvious fact, just as there was not an eternity of the past of cause and effect, which is an obvious fact, otherwise you would be without sin.

    Sensitively the Holy Spirit is showing me that you are desperately trying to find flaw in the 4 Step Proof, and in so doing, making horrible mistakes because of your obsession with the task-this is your brute effort. The task has been presented not to convince you that it can be disproven, but to show you that you can't disprove the 4 Step Proof; and certainly, error prone ideas you put forth, expose you through and through. How soon you forget Rom. 1.20 which the 4 Step Proof corroborates.

    Don't be a Dullard

    You have nothing but error in your words DRay: "Another argument against this proof that came to mind is the very wording of the proof itself. In stating that to be perfect is to be without sin, there is a recognition of sin and therefore a recognition of God."

    The proof already discloses that recognition of sin is not recognition of God but observed in nature without mention of God, even though of course, sin is something God is ardently against. As the Proof says: "And, since we know we jail people for crimes, we know there is this sin that has consequence, and the mention of it does not presume God first, since notice I did not mention God first. This throws a wrench in lots of atheists'/agnostics' ideology." Why overlook this fact? It shows you did not really read the Proof.

    Though it is true sin is mentioned in religion, religion itself is particular to everyone, since religion is worship of something, anything. Whatever a person places first in their lives is what they worship. It is their religion, even that which is above God.

    This is a false statement: "You cannot have sin if there is no God, because you cannot disobey that which isn't." You can sin against man, man is. So we put people in jail.

    This statement is false: "Therefore, in defining perfection, and therefore defining the ability to be perfect, you have established the concept of God." Since the matter of sin can be discussed at least on some level without mention of God, as we have seen, then it does not demand the presentation of God first, even though certainly God is applying the redemptive design to the exponential removal of sin in the saved. Initial mistake premises lead to false conclusions.

    Last error noted: "Since the proof is designed to prove God, you cannot use God as a premise to prove God. As such, the proof does not hold up." Since the 4 Step Proof for God does not use God as a premise to prove God, then the Proof remains solid.

    Not everyone who says they are saved is saved. At least 99% of open theists are unsaved. We shall know them by their fruit.

    Praise the Lord for this discernment!
    In Christ,

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