Quote Originally Posted by Juliet View Post
You havent provided an explanation for why we are being perfected, rather than just modified in trivial and apparently random ways.
Not modified nor trivial. Is it trivial that the murder rate per capita is going down at an exponential rate even inspite of the major wars of the 20th century! Exponential progression is a perfecting. It is visible, knowable and fully documented by scholars who study such things. Don't just shut your mind down. And stop with the mindless self-proclamations, for that is the character of the evil spirit in your spirit. After something has been shown to you over and over and you keep denying it for no reason, this is your obstinacy and ignorance like Satan himself. The difference between you and Satan is rendered in one vital fact: Satan can never be saved as an angelic being, but you can yet be saved. Trust a Christian when they tell you that you have not blasphemed the Holy Spirit, thus allowing you to be saved if you give your life to Christ.
While you say that there are definite strides in moral progress, I dont think you've actually questioned that they really are progressive. For example, in 1850, women and non-whites had a diminished perceived value, and certainly there are a number of people from 1850 who would argue that women in the workplace and equality between the races is actually indicative of moral decline where you would call it progress. Similarly, we can take the acceptance of homosexuality in the mainstream as both moral progress or moral decline, depending on who we ask (if you ask me, its progress, but if you ask James Dobson then its decline).
Your scope is too small. You can't just pick pockets of time, for that is too small a sample. Women have not been able vote for 5900 years. Now women can vote. This is deemed as an exponential achievement.

Since man was made for woman and woman was made for man, homosexuality is an obvious sin of lustful perversion and so is bestiality, and so is S&M. The calculation of significance is as usual on a per capita basis. The rate of homosexuality is going down. Again, look at your proclamation that you think it is an improvement that more men stick their genitals up other men's anus's or that more women share dildos. I am glad your future is not reality. It is unhealthy and damages your spirit. Think of the children raised in such environments. Such sin could manifest itself to compel a person to do these things to the fourth generation perhaps. Sin has far reaching consequences.
I am not arguing for subjectivism, however its just not clear to me how you define progress. Theres no real indication that our society is more progressive than any previous generation.
It should be clear for it has already been stated many times. You're just being belligerent following in the footsteps of your father Satan. The several indicators are amply supplied as significant measures.
Of course, theres something else you've overlooked: when you say that we'll become morally perfected over the course of eternity, how is that even possible? In principle, it sounds ok, but in practice is limited by quirks in psychology:
Human minds cannot store an infinite amount of data.
The limit of moral progress to infinity is measurably less than infinity.
Since I did not overlook something yet, doesn't sound like you are about to introduce something for the first time that I overlooked. You are always misreading. I am not saying we will be perfected over the course of eternity, but that IF we had an eternity to perfected we would have been perfected. Obviously we don't need an eternity, but if we had it is more than ample. The human mind does not need to store an infinite amount of data to be perfected in God's eyes. No one can say the length of time it takes to reach perfection. That would make them God, for only God has this ability. All we can say is there is an exponential progress going on. However close it approximates eternity is irrelevant. What is significant is that if there had been an eternity of the past of cause and effects, wherever our creation did begin, it would be deemed approximating eternity since it falls into backdrop of eternity itself if eternity of the past existed. It does not. Ergo, God created both man and the universe. He even took at least 13.7 billion years to create the body from dust.
Human beings are very diverse, not a homogenous whole. Some people are just very ignorant or just very uncaring, and their moral choices will reflect their ignorant and uncaring minds. Theres no obvious argument that, given an infinite amount of time, because quite simply, people are born as blank slates, and it is impossible to accumulate the total sum of all the moral values stretching back to eternity. There is and will always be room for ignorance, and we can never purge that out of society, it may not even be possible to achieve moral perfection by your definition in the first place, even if we make the presumption that moral progress tends upwards. We may be constrained by a ceiling, where over time we get closer and closer to perfection, where we are 99% perfect, then 99.99% perfect, then 99.999999% perfect and so on.
It is a false assumption there will always be ignorance. Since the exponential progression in conscience is our witness, you can therefore see it in approaching a state of sinlessness. There will always be room for ignorance for you in ultimately being separated into hell, because of your own uncaring mind and choice to shut your mind down in disobedience to God. But that is your choice. But once you are in hell you will truly know you belong there. You may be deluding yourself now, but all in good time.

Since the exponential progression in conscience is proven, it is not an assumption. For all in tense and purposes a 99.9999% approximation is close enough, and you should not rule your petty self over some minuscule incompletion. I swear your petty self is going to eat you alive in retardation as will your self-declarations and mindless proclamations after the evidence was already given to you. This warrants an Infraction, because you can't keep saying something is assumed after the evidence is given. That is not tolerated. It is like a baby having a tantrum not having his way. He is in his feelings only.
At the very least, you might be thinking that you show that 99.999(repeating)% = 100% using a simple geometric series, but that would make the presumption that ignorance can be partitioned into infinitely tiny parts, but that would also make the dubious presumption that minds can hold an infinite amount of data. But more importantly, some forms of ignorance, such as the mind of a newborn child who has no moral knowledge at all, cannot be partitioned at all; their ignorance is discrete, and the most morally perfect society can only achieve (100 - ignorance of one child)% perfection.
There is no need to hold an infinite amount of data to be perfected. How silly. Whatever God ordains to be sinlessness is the point that will be reached given the exponential progression in conscience we observe.

To be a child born no longer without sin, but does not know anything, does not mean he is ignorant. He is developing accordingly and appropriate according to God's design, but in a state of sinlessness when it is reached in the saved. Because there is no sin, there will be no death in the new earth.

I see what your problem is, for you are stuck in your head and you don't realize you have a spirit also. Read this first chapter of The Spiritual Man to know you also have a spirit in addition to a rationalizing soul. This will help you wake up from your deep slumber. You will begin to realize that your outer man is faulty even though it may think it is reasonable. Once you are regenerated you will be amazed at all the revelation you receive from the Holy Spirit of how utterly corrupted you were. Even before salvation, you know you are sinner to come to the cross, and if done according to God's standards, He will give you the gift of eternal life.
The aforementioned reasons provide a good explanation of why your principle that people will tend toward perfection given an infinite amount of time are, at best, an idealistic fantasy, but not obtainable in the real world due to some practical limitations of mind and psychology. It would only be achievable in a hypothetical world where all beings are born with an infinite amount of data already in their heads, which I hope you would agree is impossible.
Given the explanation to your misreasoning and approach in thinking about these things, we can render your idea false and of no account as was shown. You actually don't need an eternity to be perfected, but if you did, and yet you still sin, given the exponential progression in conscience, you know that there was not an eternity of the past of cause and effects. You would know for certainty both man and the universe were created. The real world and Word depicts this, not your fantasy and movie-like idea of an eternity of the past of cause and effects, called puff the magic dragon, now you see it, now you don't. How silly. Since nothing in nature causes itself, therefore the uncreated did create! The limitations you mentioned are not applicable since the conditions you mentioned to define those limitations are not real, rendering the limitations as faulty conclusions. You don't need to have infinite knowledge to be perfected. It does not stand to reason just because a child is born, and still growing, that that child is not perfected in a state of sinlessness when that point is reached in mankind. Jesus for example was born in the womb of a woman who was a sinner, but Jesus nonetheless himself was without sin showing that it is our portion as firstfruits who are saved today to be with God in eternity.

I feel somewhat sad for you because someone who has not gone through all the efforts of reviling God, would have been saved much sooner, yet you still are not saved. This indicates how bad a person you really are as you say you have been at this for years. This makes it virtually impossible for you to be born-again, but there is still perhaps a 0.1% chance. God can move mountains.