Quote Originally Posted by Sesshiro
"In Christ, faith is not blind."

If this is true, then there is a logical reason for god to be uncreated, which would mean there is no cause for god. This alone ruins your so-called pefect proof due to the fact that it operates under the fact that every effect has a cause, as you say.

Totally beside the point, it isn't even remotely necessary to talk about all Atheists, Agonostics, etc as if they are inferior to you. Also, you refered to all of 4chan as an Atheist site(or something to that effect) when you had no evidence of such a thing. Just something you should know, you aren't superior in some way to other people.
Every effect has a cause, and thus the cause for everything that is created has a cause except that which is uncaused.

The inferiority of atheists and agnostics is in theire not being born-again. This is a fact. They choose to be indepedent from God so they are without God's life. They do this because they self-exalt themselves above God. 99.9% of those at 4chan are going to hell. That is an easy call to make given what they do there.

God said that He is not respecter of persons (Acts 10.34), so I am the same as everyone else, made in the image of God. The only difference between your clan and myself is that they call Jesus a liar and God has not forgiven them for their sins, while God has forgiven me, because I believe in His only begotten Son, and so I have eternal life; you have eternal separation from God.

This is your choice.