- no problem was found with the 4 Step Proof so to not agree is showing one's hostility to common sense.
- it is a fairy-tale notion the universe happened all by itself and that anything in nature could happen all by itself.
- all things have a cause and effect.
- since nature did not create itself, it must have been created by the uncreated creator.
- since you still sin, you know you have not had an eternity of the past to be perfected; therefore, you and the universe were created.
- the God is the God of the Bible for many reasons that none can compare to: eyewitness testimony of His resurrection in about a eleven different group settings, Christ fulfilled 62 prophecies, unparalled miracles, unparalleled teaching, eyewitnesses were martyred for their testimony of His resurrection, the tomb was empty, James a family skeptic was converted because he saw Jesus resurrected, Paul an outsider skeptic converted because he saw Jesus resurrected, Jesus was sinless and selfless to the best of our knowledge all the way to the cross, He claimed His deity, He knew Christianity would be the greatest religion the world will ever see, and there is no lack of documentation to support all this data.
- when you accuse falsely it gives the accused more strength in Christ.
- when you use lame reasoning, inadvertently you lead people to Christ by convincing them they don't want to be like you.
- when you have no evidence for your claims, this empowers Christians.
- when you accuse with your petty self in a spirit of dissension, it makes you look bad, helps those who are thinking of coming to Christ; and increases the faith of Christians seeing an atheist act that way.
- Juliet does not want to be saved because she or he is a sinner and likes being in sin and way of being to not receive redemption.
- we are all born into sin, but we are all made in God's image (Gen. 1.26,27) with a spirit of God-consciousness (Heb. 4.12, 1 Thess. 5.23, Luke 1.46,47) so we are without excuse.
- to have a fair and equitable solution for salvation, God does not need people to be rocket scientists or scholars to observe the Proof of God, so the proof of the need to be redeemed by Christ Jesus should be quite simple for anyone to understand as God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10.34). If someone with all kinds of knowledge can't accept the simple truth, well that just shows how puffed up he is in that knowledge.
- for atheists, before you can ever accept Jesus being God as your Lord and Savior, you would first need to accept the proof of creation.
- how can you accept God's Son on the cross to receive forgiveness of sins, if you still cannot even see that the universe was created and needs a creator?
- if a small child can understand such simple things and you can't, realize it is because your spirit has been smothered by your soul in its hardness.
- even the most famous atheist Antony Flew realized this finally in his old age when he could no longer accept the corrupted and evil idea of man's atheism, because the proof for creation and a creator was too overwhelming.
- don't wait as long as he did, because though you may turn from atheism to deism, you still will need to turn from deism to Christ, but the longer you wait, the more difficult it becomes.
- two famous debates were conducted between Dr. Gary R. Habermas and Antony Flew, 15 years apart, and the moderators unanimously concluded Habermas won easily both times. This is what convinced Antony to relinquish atheism.
- if you wait too long, the hardness of your soul will have so smothered your spirit's sensitivity, that it makes it almost impossible to be born-again at that late stage as the flesh lusts against the Spirit.
- don't let overassuming pride ruin you and separate you from God, for judgment is inevitable.
- the question of your outcome, if you are still unsaved, is not set (from our perspective) until you leave your body of flesh and blood. Whether you are resurrected to the judgment seat for Christians or, separated by a thousand years (Rev. 20.2-7) for the great white throne to be judged and cast into hell is THE choice God gives you. He does everything possible with His way of doing things to convince you not to go there.

My prayers go out to you.
Thank you Jesus,