I don't care if it's timeless, spaceless, or whatever, it came from outside of Earth's atmosphere and that makes it extraterrestrial. Now as to if god is a life form, god stated that there were gods before him, so obviously they are not timeless, but then again, the bible is full of contradictions, mistakes, and imperfections because it was written by HUMANS. You think that God may have wanted to hire a proofreader. Now, many modern researchers believe in multiverses, does god play a hand in those other universes too? Now you claiming that god always existed, why would he create us? why would he create a being of such imperfect and incompetent people? why in the universe would he bother to want races lesser than him? to rule over them? but no, he is all good and almighty and would never do such a thing, so he was bored? being the only thing in the nothingness? so was god the singularity? does a god exist inside every black hole?
P.S. please move on to my actual points, we can spend decades debating the dictionary definition of a fictional character.