"I wish I was in a suitable place to tell it, and that I had the trump of an archangel, so that I could tell the story in such a manner that persecution would cease forever. What did Jesus say? (Mark it, Elder Rigdon!) The scriptures inform us that Jesus said, as the Father hath power in himself, even so hath the Son power--to do what? Why, what the Father did. The answer is obvious--in a manner to lay down his body and take it up again. Jesus, what are you going to do? To lay down my life as my Father did, and take it up again. Do you believe it? If you do not believe it you do not believe the Bible. The scriptures say it, and I defy all the learning and wisdom and all the combined powers of earth and hell together to refute it. Here, then, is eternal life--to know the only wise and true God; and you have got to learn how to be gods yourselves, and to be kings and priests to God, the same as all gods have done before you, namely, by going from one small degree to another, and from a small capacity to a great one; from grace to grace, from exaltation to exaltation, until you attain to the resurrection of the dead, and are able to dwell in everlasting burnings [Lake of Fire]. and to sit in glory, as do those who sit enthroned in everlasting power. And I want you to know that God, in the last days, while certain individuals are proclaiming His name, is not trifling with you or me." (LDS President Joseph Smith, History of the Church, Vol.6, Ch.14, p.305-6, LDS Collectors Library '97 CD-ROM)

Where did the Bible say the Father laid down his body? Joseph Smith said "you do not believe in the Bible" if you don't believe this. By inference then, you would not be saved if you don't believe what Joseph Smith said. How do we have to refute what Smith said when he can't find what he himself believes in the Bible that the Father laid down his body? You don't have to learn to be god, for there are no gods. You have to learn to live your life in Christ if you are a born-again to overcome your petty self and good self and self-righteous self. Joseph Smith said he is going to Hell: "attain to resurrection of the dead, and are able to dwell in everlasting burnings." "This is the first resurrection [are the overcomers]..." in contrast to "(The rest of the dead did not come back to life until the thousand years had ended.)" (Rev. 20.5) The resurrection of the saved is before the 1000 years; after the 1000 years is the "rest" of the dead [the unsaved].

Mormons are of little value (trifling) to Christians as LDS proclaim their name of their false Christ.

"Intelligent beings are organized to become Gods, even the Sons of God, to dwell in the presence of the Gods, and become associated with the highest intelligences that dwell in eternity. We are now in the school, and must practice upon what we receive." (LDS President Brigham Young, Discourses of Brigham Young, p.245, LDS Collectors Library '97 CD-ROM)

There are no gods. There is no God but One! This takes humility to accept and true repentance to the cross.

"This was the calling of Joseph Smith. He taught anew that God was in the form of man; that man was made in the image of God; and he taught the principles of justice, mercy, charity, and forgiveness. ... He taught the truths that the Prophets before him had taught; and he went beyond them. ... Joseph Smith taught men to look up to heaven and conceive of a God in the form of man. He taught them that they could become like their Father and God, who was 'an exalted Man.' And what is more simple and reasonable? Don't you parents expect your children to become like you? Or do you expect your children to be something else than men and women? No. You men will see your sons become men; you women will see your daughters become women. Then God our Father--yes, and our Mother--in heaven, looking down upon this world-- this school house in which their children are being educated--expect, and Joseph Smith taught it as a truth, that their children will be exalted, if they pursue the proper course, until they shall become divine beings themselves, worthy to stand upon that plane where stand their Father and their Mother in heaven. Like begets like; and the principle of eternal progress will make of man a God. (LDS Apostle Orson F. Whitney, Collected Discourses, Vol.5, May 8, 1898, LDS Collectors Library '97 CD-ROM)

The Bible says God the Father was never a man. God is spirit which no man can see. What prophets taught the Father as a man? Nothing in the OT that taught this. How can Smith go beyond the prophets when he rejects the prophets for a false teaching? I think Smith is just worshiping man and not God. The Bible nowhere says the Father is an exalted man. God is uncreated spirit Being. Man is a created being. There is a Mormon Mother in Heaven? Where does the Bible says this? If you exalt man above or beside God naturally you must make God a man and has a wife. Man is not and never will be a divine being. Only God is a divine being and so are the angels. Man remains man for eternity. You will never stand on God's plane, for only God stands there and none other. God and the Lamb will be the center of the New City when Heave and Earth are brought together. Our road to being perfected in Christ, those of us who are saved, will never make us a God. Only God is God. Praise the Lord!