Despite John Halko, president of the ARA and Barbara May, Executive Assistant of the ARA trying to do everything possible (unwarranted) to try to prevent me from playing racquetball by banning me from all Alberta tournaments (going on 4 years now) and their other underhanded behavior, I do have some good news to report.

Since starting up playing racquetball again after 3 years in hiatus, I beat Ashton Duda from Regina (ranked 9th in Canada, 2nd in Canada 18 and under) in the Saskatchewan Open, October 19-21, 2012. This tournament took place at the same time as the Edmonton Open that Gordon Cutting removed me from as per instructions from Barbara May and John Halko. Cruel people eh? But then I wouldn't have beaten Ashton Duda. It's amazing how God works things out for His good pleasure.

My goal is to be ranked #1 in Canada 45+. In order to do that I need to beat a player ranked 29th (currently Michel Gagnon) or higher. I have 13 months to do it till Nov., 2013. For me it is exciting, because I hope to do it in the backdrop of hostility from a few atheist and non-Christian racquetballers in the Edmonton area.

I encourage anyone who reads this to question John Halko and Barbara May whether they are of sound mind and body, and challenge them to provide a specific evidenced explanation for their behavior instead of leaving them to their belligerent, coy and aloof state.

Word was given God has judged by closing the Mayfield Athletic Club a month after John and Barb conspired to ban me, a Christian, from this club. One wonders what further judgment God of the Bible is going to administer as long as their hearts remain so obstinately antichrist and against those in Christ.

The question then becomes, assuming John Halko and Barb May still continue to never give their lives to Christ, why did God create them knowing they would go to Hell?

Troy Brooks