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    by Published on 03-23-2011 07:20 PM     Number of Views: 4039 
    1. Categories:
    2. 2015 to 2022

    The Total Lunar Tetrad on passover, tabernacles and again on passover and tabernacles occurred in 1949/50 (6th time since Christ) when Israel became a nation and 1967/68 (7th time since Christ) when Israel entered Jerusalem.

    It is the first time since Christ there were two feast Tetrads as close as this 18 years apart.

    "The disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of this age?" (Matt. 24.3) "And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you" (v.4).

    Jesus said when Israel becomes a nation again (v.32) you will know "right at the door" (v.33) when He returns. I don't see how I could know right at the door if it is more than a life-span away. Psalm 90.10 says the limit of our age is 70 to 80 years so about 75 years is the maximum time from 1948 when Jesus steps down on the mount of olives (Zech 14.4, Acts. 1.11, Rev. 1.7, 19.11-16). We won't know the hour (v.42), but we can know the day. We can't know the end of the 1000 years when the earth will be burnt up (vv.35,36), but we can know when Jesus returns in Person with His overcomer believers (5 wise virgins, Matt. 25.1-13) to reign on earth for the 1000 years (Jude 14,15; Rev. 20.4-6).

    Other Scripture Jesus explains in more detail. Joel 2.31 says we can know when the great and terrible day of the Lord is, that is, the Tribulation (Dan. 9.27), according to the trifecta (exact order) of a "great earthquake," "sun black as sackcloth," and the "moon red as blood" (Rev. 6.12). Many other verses support the signs in the heavens to know when the first rapture commences according to readiness (Matt. 24.40-42, Luke 21.36, Rev. 3.10) "before the throne" (7.9) before the first trumpet of the Tribulation starts (8.7ff) at which point the parousia of Christ begins. Parousia of Christ begins with the first rapture to the throne then Jesus comes on the cloud then through the clouds to meet the saints at the start of the last trumpet in air (Rev. 11.15, 15.2-4). The first rapture is a conditional rapture for these are conditional statements. The saints who are "alive" and "left" since they were not raptured at the first rapture are raptured with those who ar resting who shall be resurrected that gives us comfort to be raptured together in the final harvest at the start of the last trumpet (1 Thess. 4.14-18).

    Eclipses happen all the time, so we are looking out for rare eclipses. The maximum number of eclipses per year, solar and lunar combined, comes to 7. 2,520 is the smallest number divisible by all numbers from 2 to 10. It's Daniel's basic working unit in his seventy sevens. The last seven is also 7 years x 360 days per year. The combination of all these events will help us know exactly when the 2,520 days of the Tribulation take place.

    The next feast Tetrad is 2014/15 so this would signify when the Temple construction would need to begin to be consistent with the 6th and 7th Tetrads. And it won't happen again till 2582/83 so we know this is it! As hard as it is for us to believe we are actually the generation Jesus returns to, this should not be cause for doubt about these signs. When Jesus says He is returning and we can know it then have no doubt about it! Praise the Lord!

    In front of the Tetrad in 2014/15 are there any unique solar eclipses? There are 4 types and the Hybrid is the rarest occurring 5% of the time. There are 3 kinds of Hybrids and the rarest is the H3 at about 4%. There are also two types of eclipses in general: long-dated and short-dated. Long-dated are very rare. For example, the H3 long-dated occurs in 2172, 2967, 3051, 4349. It just so happens miraculously on Nov. 3, 2013 there is a long-dated H3 Hybrid solar eclipse. It will be the 4th since Christ which is approximately a 1 in 700 probability (3/2012).

    But we also need a great earthquake. We have two. Haiti 2010 was the 2nd worst earthquake in terms of total deaths and the highest in deaths per capita. Japan 2011 was the greatest amount of destruction in terms of wealth destroyed and it is the 5th worst in terms of magnitude. Clearly God's judgment is showing itself. Japan is Buddhist/Atheist. Haiti is mostly Roman Catholic. Plus, people ought to know better than to live in such hot zones. Sadly we suffer from the sins of our parents back to 4 generations and people are born in such places. In the first half of the Tribulation the Vatican will be nuked: "And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire" (Rev. 17.16). Revelation 17 is the first half of the Tribulation and Revelation 18 is the second half. These are the details of the major points in Rev. 8 to 11. The first half is the first four trumpets in Revelation 8. Hence, "there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp...the name of the star is called Wormwood" (Rev. 8.10,11).

    The probability for the two Tetrads on the two key dates for Israel in the 20th century because there was only one century with two before, combining that with a 2% chance a Tetrad could fall on one of the dates and 1% on the remaining date, we are looking at a 1 in 100,000 chance. Combine that with the solar eclipse with a probability of 1 in 700, the odds ratchet up to 1 in 70,000,000. The odds for a "great earthquake" in terms of deaths per capita or wealth destruction within 3 years of the H3 eclipse is about 1 in 2010.

    Combining the trifecta of the great earthquake, hybrid eclipse and lunar tetrad the odds come to approximately 1 in 141 billion. We are not done.

    So now we need a 2,520 day period. Since the last 3 feasts correspond to when Jesus returns, Feast of Trumpets which is the first rapture would be the start of the Tribulation. I pray there is a special day on the 2,520th day. But the Feast of Trumpets in 2014 and 2016 don't lead to a special day 2,520 days later, and the 2,520th day from Sept. 14, 2015 Feast of Trumpets takes us to Aug. 7, 2022. Aug. 7 has no apparent holiday.

    With a little investigation I found out Tisha B'Av, the day the Jews commemorate the destruction of the 1st and 2nd Temples would be on Saturday Aug. 6 (Av 9) in 2022. However, whenever it is on a Saturday it is held the day after instead (Av 10) Aug. 7.

    This happens to be a Sunday Aug. 7. The odds of a Sunday return is 1 in 7 and the odds of Tisha B'Av being held over from Saturday is also 1 in 7, so that brings the total probability to 1 in 6.9 trillion. If one takes into account less than 50% of 2,520 day periods from Feast of Trumptes fall on Tisha B'Av seven years later, we could should double the odds to 1 in 13.8 trillion. However, it's really 100% because there are no two feast Tetrads 18 year apart, no H3-Tetrad combo on record that I know of, and similarly, no great earthquake-H3-Tetrad trifecta prior to 2013-2015 or afterward to my knowledge.

    Now we know when the first rapture and start of the Tribulation take place. Knowing this, let us be spiritually ready so we may be acconted worthy to be included in the first rapture (Matt. 24.40-42, Luke 21.36) to be received up to the throne in 3rd Heaven (Rev. 7.9) and not have to pass through the Tribulation. Praise the Lord! Amen.

    There are some additional corroborating points. Jesus steps down on the 1260th day of the Great Tribulation, judges the nations to the 1290th day and for 45 days more after that sets up Israel as the center of all nations. 75 days later from the 1260th day to the 1335th day in Scripture takes us to Oct. 21, 2022. This occurs after the 3 feasts. Feast of Tabernacles is Oct. 10, 2022. It runs for 7 days to Oct. 16, 2022. Then there are two holidays after on the following two days, the second which is Simchat Torah when Israel takes out the Torah Scrolls from the Holy of Holies to read them and the items of the ark of the covenant (rod that budded, manna from heaven, and ten commandments). Just as there is a 4 day inspection of the lamb before passover, there is likewise a 4 day inspection of Jesus (Oct 18, 19, 20, 21), starting on Simchat Torah, before the millennial reign begins on Oct. 22, 2022.

    There also needs to be 2300 days left in the Tribulation (Dan. 8.14) after the Temple is finished. There are 2300 days from April 21, 2016 to Aug. 7, 2022 so that puts 220 days from Sept. 14, 2015 to April 20, 2016. Passover is April 22, 2016. The 4 day inspection of the Lamb is April 18 (Monday, Nisan 10), 19, 20, 21 to dedicate the lamb and red heifer to the newly constructed Temple. This is fascinating because Daniel's prophecy from the declaration to rebuild the Temple Nisan 1, 444 BC is exactly 69 sevens or 173,880 days to March 28, 33 AD (Gregorian). This first day inspection of the Lamb was also Monday. The 4 day inspection was Monday to Thursday, March 28, 29, 30, 31. Then Jesus died on the cross Friday, April 1, 33 AD which Satan calls April Fool's Day to mock His atoning sacrifice. The irony is Satan is rendered inoperative because our old man has died on the cross with Christ. Therefore, Satan has no flesh to work through since it is dead. Having died with Christ we are able to put to nought the deeds of the flesh. Yet Satan is still god of this world until Jesus returns.

    There also needs to be 2300 days left in the Tribulation (Dan. 8.14) after the Temple is finished. There are 2300 days from April 21, 2016 to Aug. 7, 2022 so that puts 220 days from Sept. 14, 2015 to April 20, 2016. Passover is April 22, 2016. The 4 day inspection of the Lamb is April 18 (Monday, Nisan 10), 19, 20, 21 to dedicate the lamb and red heifer to the newly constructed Temple. This is fascinating because Daniel's prophecy from the declaration to rebuild the Temple Nisan 1, 444 BC is exactly 69 sevens or 173,880 days to March 28, 33 AD (Gregorian). This first day inspection of the Lamb was also Monday. The 4 day inspection was Monday to Thursday, March 28, 29, 30, 31. Then Jesus died on the cross Friday, April 1, 33 AD which Satan calls April Fool's Day to mock His atoning sacrifice. The irony is Satan is rendered inoperative because our old man has died on the cross with Christ. Therefore, Satan has no flesh to work through since it is dead. Having died with Christ we are able to put to nought the deeds of the flesh. Yet Satan is still god of this world until Jesus returns.

    There are for the Two Witnesses 1260 days from April 18, the first day inspection of the lamb, to Sept. 30, 2019 Feast of Trumpets. There are also 49 sets of 7 from the day Israel entered Jerusalem June 7, 1967 to the Day of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015, the day the 50th year is declared. 2015 is in fact the 120th Jubilee over 6000 years from 3986 BC. Adding up the ages of the Old Testament saints takes us to 4004 BC, so Adam reached the age of accountability in the Garden of Eden when he was 18 years old in 3986 BC. There are a lot more tidbits of information I could provide but I will add this: Ezekiel's prophecy on his side for 390 days then 40 on the other take us to exactly May, 1948 (you can find the calculation at Biblocality Forums). Ezekiel was prophesying when Israel would become a nation again and remain so forever thereafter (apart from the 2 years or so it is overrun during the Great Tribulation).

    After 1260 days of the first half of the Tribulation brings us to Feb. 25, 2019 the first day of the Great Tribulation and start of the 5th trumpet (1st woe). The 1st woe lasts five months. The 2nd woe begins July 25, 2019 and lasts 13 months to Aug. 18, 2020. That leaves the 3rd woe which lasts 24 months. Since by 2035 our current 900 billion barrels of oil is tapped out at 37 billion barrels a year (averaging 100 million a day), the nations certainly won't wait till the last drop. So time wise the greatest war this world will ever see fits into the Great Tribulation period perfectly, particularly, the 6th and 7th woes from July 25, 2019 to Aug. 7, 2022. The saddest part of all of this, apart from so many unsaved souls, are the armies totaling 200 million (Rev. 9.16) which will congregate in the middle east over oil and that nuclear holocaust will kill 1/3 of the people of earth in "fire and brimstone" (v.18).

    You really can't ask for better signs than these and more serious and sobering impending events to come.
    by Published on 03-21-2011 03:59 PM     Number of Views: 3022 
    1. Categories:
    2. Regeneration

    Warren Buffet and Bill Gates
    Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are going to Hell. Was it worth it?

    Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are going to Hell. They will never give their lives to Christ. They are too set in their ways.

    What is it worth to be such wonderfully good people so loving to their family and others, give away so much money, yet still reject Jesus for their salvation?

    Is it worthy it?

    Is it worth it for Warren to give a personal compliment (as taught in his favorite books - How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie or Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill) to gain productivity out of someone or take advantage of them by causing them to sell to Warren at a lower price or buy from him at a higher price while secretly rejecting Lord Jesus Christ? Would the Apostles conduct themselves that way? Is that how Jesus would behave? "He who despises the word [of God] will die" in his sins (Prov. 19.16).

    Is it worth it to influence people to be like you yet not say a word about Jesus who died on the cross for the sins of the whole world? To more is given, greater is his responsibility. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet have squandered their family and financial blessings because they are at the end of the day antichrists.

    How many have they turned away from Jesus with their approach to life? The children of the Gates and Buffet family should be ashamed of their dad.

    How much money have they given to non-Christians over Christians because of their disdain for Jesus being God?

    I think Warren and Bill Gates cumulatively have done more damage than any two individuals in history because of their influence. They don't give their lives to Christ and don't mention Jesus to save sinners because it hurts their pocket book too much.

    I was trying to decide if I should provide the common verses about how it is harder for a rich man to get into heaven who gives his money away after he dies than it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, but then I thought, I am not to give what is holy unto dogs, so I am not going to provide any Scriptures here. I certainly won't mention anything about Jesus having said, If you are unwilling to confess Him before others, He will certainly deny you before His Father in heaven. And if you are not for Jesus, that is, who He really is, you are certainly siding with Satan against Him.

    Bill Gates and Warren Buffet have chosen to be eternally separated from God so however good they may appear to be on television or in jesting with one another, even in their personal lives, don't buy it because the greatest sin of all is in rejecting God the Father's only begotten Son who Himself is God the Son in the Godhead who created all things and rose the third day as only God could do.

    Though I am sure others have said this, I haven't read anywhere anyone pointing out these obvious facts, so I thought I should just plainly state it here. Hopefully, more people will point this out for the betterment of mankind.


    by Published on 03-13-2011 01:34 AM     Number of Views: 2761 
    1. Categories:
    2. 2015 to 2022

    When the fig tree starts showing its leaves like Israel a nation again in 1948, we know Jesus' return is soon. With the Tetrad in 1948/49 and 1967/68, something is going to happen at the Tetrad 2014/15. The next is not till 2582/83. At the very least we know the Temple will begin construction by then. But could the Tribulation also begin then? After all there are 2,520 days from Feast of Trumpets in 2015 to Tisha B'Av in 2022 (not for 2014-21 nor 2016-23). The odds for the Tetrads to fall on these two dates in the 20th century is 1 in 100,000 because only one century since Christ had two feast Tetrads, so that is a 5% chance for two to occur in the 20th century, and a 2% chance to occur on one of the dates and 1% on the remaining date. 5% x 2% x 1% = 1 in 100,000.

    According to Rev. 6.12 a unique lunar eclipse must also occur before the Tetrad. Nov. 3, 2013 is the H3 Hybrid Solar Eclipse, the 4th since Christ. That's rare enough. 3 prior eclipses divided by over 2000 years is approximately 1 in 700. Combined with the Tetrad that brings us to a 1 in 70,000,000 chance that this is a coincidence.

    It gets even more improbable when you account for the "great earthquake" in Rev. 6.12 that precedes the H3-Tetrad combo. The H3-Tetrad combo is the first since Christ and first time on record that I know of. With the Haiti earthquake in 2010, we observe the 2nd worst earthquake in history by death toll, 5th worst natural disaster by death toll, and the highest deaths per capita of all the top natural disasters. The odds come 1 in 2010, so combined with the signs in the heavens (Luke 21.25) our calculation is 2010 x 70,000,000 equals 141 billion.

    This is revelation Jesus returns on a Sunday so that raises the certainty to 985 billion to 1. And uniquely in 2022 Tisha B'Av is on the Sabbath so whenever that happens it is commemorated the day after instead on the Lord's day. That raises the odds to an astounding 6.9 trillion to 1.

    The big question on everyone's mind is does the Tribulation start in 2015 in addition to the Temple having to begin construction by 2014? If so the Temple would need to be completed by April 20, 2016 in the 4 day inspection of the lamb, so there are 2300 days left to Tisha B'Av Aug. 7, 2022 according to Dan. 8.14.

    Let me tell you how I come to the confident conclusion the Tribulation and first rapture according to readiness (Matt. 24.40-42, Luke 21.36, Rev. 3.10) must take place on Sept. 14, 2015 Feast of Trumpets.

    It all hinges on Ps. 90.10 which says the span of our lives is 70 to 80 years so 70 years from 1948 is 2018 and 80 years is 2028. I feel splitting the difference is fair, so by 2023 at the latest Jesus returns in Person.

    Corroborating data includes the world oil supplies of 900 billion barrels. At a conservative average of 100 million barrels a day of demand, that's 37 billion barrels a year. That leaves 24 years of oil left to get to the last drop. 24 years from 2010 is 2034. When the demand in 2030 is 120 or 130 million barrels of oil a day and the supply drops to less than 50 million barrels a day, it doesn't take a genius to realize the greatest war this world has ever seen will take place, and that war will occur long before 2030 rolls around, so time wise the Great Tribulation fits perfectly with our fossil fuel problem. The Great Tribulation begins with the 1st woe Feb. 25, 2019 and runs for 1260 days to Aug. 7, 2022 when Jesus returns. 1/3 of the people of the earth are going to die in nuclear holocaust (Rev. 9.18) and armies of 200,000,000 (v.16) will congregate in the middle east over oil. But if you are saved and you keep the word of His patience, are watchful, prayerful, and keeping the conduct of Matt. 5-7, God will receive you up to "the throne" (Rev. 7.9) in 3rd heaven before the trumpets of the Tribulation commence (8.7ff).

    You can see the vital importance of this message to "overcometh" since the time is short. You can't wait 20 or 30 years or more to become spiritual, since the Tribulation is Sept. 14, 2015 to Aug. 7, 2022.
    by Published on 03-09-2011 08:33 PM     Number of Views: 4746 
    1. Categories:
    2. 2015 to 2022

    Revelation 6.12 and Joel 2.31 Before the First Rapture and Tribulation Start

    Revelation 6.12 says, "there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood," and that this event occurs before the Tribulation starts, for the Tribulation is comprised of the 7 trumpets that follow which begin in verse 7 of chapter 8.

    The earthquake in Haiti 2010 killed the 2nd most people of any earthquake in history and is the 5th worst natural disaster in history. But on a nation-wide basis it produced the highest number of deaths per capita, so it certainly qualifies as the "great earthquake" of Revelation 6.12.

    In considering a rare solar eclipse, the H3 Hybrid Solar Eclipse on Nov. 3, 2013 is very rare. It is the 4th since Christ.

    The red blood moon, as predicted in Joel 2.31 before that great and terrible day of the Lord, is certainly met with the Lunar Tetrad in 2014/15. In fact, the combination of the H3-Tetrad is the first since Christ and I can't find any other instance of this. The Tetrad won't happen again on feast days until 2582/83.

    The probability of the Lunar Tetrad on feast days in 1949/50 and 1967/68 when Israel became a nation and entered Jerusalem is about 1 in 100,000 and with the H3 Solar Eclipse, it comes to 1 in 70,000,000. Add to that the Haiti Earthquake, the odds come to 1 in 141,000,000,000. That's right! 141 billion.

    All we need now is a 2,520 day period that starts on Feast of Trumpets (which represents the first rapture) and ends on Tisha B'Av because it is all about the Temple that Jesus will reign in for 1000 years when He returns. This is the date the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed so this greatly hurts God's heart and wants Israel to know He is thinking of them with these signs in the heavens. Feast of Trumpets Sept. 14, 2015 to Tisha B'Av Aug. 7, 2022 is exactly 2,520 days. It doesn't work for 2014 or 2016. And the 1335th day of the Tribulation is after the final three feasts which lands on the 4th day from Simchat Torah when Israel takes out the items of the Ark of the Covenant and read the Torah Scrolls.

    What if we were to additionally say Jesus should return on a Sunday, because of the salvation of the cross, and only allow those 7 year periods where Tisha B'Av on Av 9 fell on a Sabbath so it was held the day after on Sunday instead (Av 10). Taking into account these factors the odds now come to 1 in 6,900,000,000,000. That's right! 1 in 6.9 trillion. I call that a sure thing!

    Why does God let us know now when His parousia for seven years begins? Are we not told that, "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons" (Acts 1.7)? But wait a minute. We are also told after Israel becomes a nation (Matt. 24.32) we can know when Jesus returns "right at the door" (v.33). We can't know when the 1000 years ends (vv.35,36) nor can we know the hour of the first rapture (v.42) to be "taken" (vv.40,41), but it does not say we can't know the day. Ezekiel's prophecy is most amazing because if a person was discerning enough they could know when Israel would be a nation again straight to the month in 1948, yet Jesus didn't say anything about this when He said it is not for us to know the times or the seasons; so what I suggest is He is speaking generally to people. Generally, most people won't see it even Christians. But for the discerning they can know. Jesus speaks in this way because He does not want to overburden babes in Christ with these calculations. Even so they can be known.

    There are some other confirming points such as the 120th Jubilee is 2015 and there are 17,640 days from June 7, 1967 to the Day of Atonement Sept. 23, 2015. 2015 is the date of the beginning of the Tribulation. We would also like to see the Temple completed and dedicated so that there are 2300 days left to occur from the final day of the 4 day inspection of the lamb on April 21, 2016 to Tisha B'Av Aug. 7, 2022, and that is in fact what we find. Moreover, we would like to see there be 1260 days for the Two Witnesses (Enoch and Elijah) from the first day of the inspection of the lamb on April 18 (Nisan 10), 2016 to Feast of Trumpets Sept. 30, 2019. We find this is the case as well. That being said, I feel this is enough corroborating points.

    So the reason we can know now is to prepare us, for if we "Watch therefore" (v.42) we shall be "taken" and not "left" (vv.40,41). Matt. 24.32-25.30 is speaking to Christians. It stands to reason if we are not watchful, even though saved and can't lose eternal life, we shall pass through the Tribulation and be raptured at the start of the last Trumpet instead (1 Cor. 15.23, 50-52; 1 Thess. 4.15-17; Rev. 11.15, 14.14-16, 15.2-4).

    Again we observe, "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man" (Luke 21.36). If a Christians is not watchful nor prayerful nor keeping the conduct of Matthew 5-7, he will not be accounted worthy to escape the Tribulation that shall come to pass and stand "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) in 3rd Heaven before the Son of man.

    To triply confirm the first rapture is according to readiness-an advanced party and harbinger are found every sphere-let us seal the fact of partial rapture (or separate rapture) with these words: If "thou didst keep the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of trial, THAT HOUR which is to come upon the whole world, to try them that dwell upon the earth" (Rev. 3.10). Do all Christians keep the word of His patience? Of course not. Many are tied down to the world like balloon, unwilling to be released, loving the world just a little too much for their own good. And notice this is not a keeping from just trials but the HOUR OF TRIAL of the Tribulation itself. God cannot promise that you will escape death in the Tribulation if you so enter, but He can promise to keep you from entering the Tribulation if you "keep the word of His patience". Amen. Therefore, not all Christians who are alive on Sept. 14, 2015 will be raptured alive, but will pass through the time of testing. This is an advanced party which includes martyrs from the past 20 centuries as indicated in the 5th Seal which also occurs shortly before th Tribulation and the 144,000 virgin firstfruits Christians (Rev. 14.1-5) who shall be closest to the Lord. 144,000 is the number because it is the pinnacle God seeks after: 24 hours per day x 6000 year-days comes to 144,000 hours, so one virgin firstfruit Christian for each hour.

    Now we know why it is important to know the day of the first rapture according to readiness and when the 7 year Tribulation takes place. Praise the Lord for this discernment! Amen.

    It should also be pointed out that amillennialists, postmillennialists and preterists are unsaved, thus they shall go to Hell, because they don't want a Jesus who will return to reign on earth for 1000 years with His overcomer believers over the nations (Rev. 2.26, 19.11-16, 20.2-7). But there is additionally a problem with pretrib and midtrib onlyists and posttrib or prewrath onlyists, because there they are in the Tribulation, not realizing it and accusing a couple million souls that have vanished by accusing them of being a "fake rapture" because if it was the rapture, the pretribber assumes he would have been included. They "accuse the brethren day and night" (Rev. 12.10). Likewise, the posttribbers will accuse us also. So we can't confidently say the various onlyists views who reject the multiple raptures are actually born-again. They have a strange spirit.

    And to top it off even if some of these accusers were saved, they most certainly would not be included in the reward of reigning with Christ during the 1000 years, so they would be cast into outer darkness, outside the light of reward of reigning with Christ for the 1000 years. Outer darkness is like a log cabin beautifully lit in the forest but you are not allowed to enter as one of the 5 wise virgins. You are excluded from the marriage feast of the millennium. Only after you have been disciplined for the 1000 years will you enter the New City with those who have been reigning on earth with Jesus. Outer darkness is also like painting a house. If you are sloppy with your paint brush in the work God has apportioned for you and not filling up your vessels with oil like the 5 unwise virgins, instead of being allowed to enter directly the shower, gasoline will need to be poured on your skin to get the paint off. This stinging effect is like the discipline of losing the reward of reigning with Christ in the millennium.
    by Published on 03-08-2011 12:35 PM     Number of Views: 5644 

    To add forums to this list and their major doctrinal teachings, please contact us. And correct me if you feel I made a mistake.

    Haven't found any Christian forums, that is, forums that promote:
    1) dividing of spirit, soul and body;
    2) osas arminian;
    3) partial rapture;
    4) gap restoration; and
    5) Scriptural locality.
    I believe Christians will be judged for hanging out on false Christian forums as their primary internet fellowship.

    carm.org is not Christian because it is calvinist, amillennial, bipartite and false tongues gibberish babble.

    christianforums.com is not Christian because it is non-OSAS, amillennial and controlled by the Roman Church.

    raptureready.com is not Christian because they are pretrib rapture onlyists.

    christianity.com and crosswalk.com - not sure what they are except profiteers, but anti-amillennial posts are deleted.

    bibleforums.org are amillennial and non-OSAS.

    talkjesus.com viciously Calvinist.

    worthychristianforums.com - more Calvinism.

    gracecentered.com are amillennial.

    christianityboard.com - bombarded by Calvinists.

    christianforumsite.com - anti Calvinist and anti Amillennial posts were deleted.

    christianteenforums.com - the moderator was a Calvinist with a picture of John Piper.

    Where are the premillennial, partial rapture, OSAS Arminian, tripartite man, gap restoration and Scriptural locality forums?

    Your reward will exist by associating yourself with Biblocality Forums and not with these others.

    Truly we are a "little flock" the body of Christ (Luke 12.32).

    by Published on 03-06-2011 02:44 AM     Number of Views: 2761 
    1. Categories:
    2. Old Man Crucified

    Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with him, that the body of sin might be done away, that so we should no longer be in bondage to sin. Romans 6.6.

    The sin here points to that sinful nature which reigns in man. The old man speaks of the self which delights in listening to sin. And the body of sin means this body of ours which is sin’s puppet and which actually sins. Thus sin reigns within as master. It directs the old man to cause the body to sin. The old man represents all which comes from Adam; the old man naturally inclines toward sin. He it is who steers the body to sin. In order for us not to sin, some have suggested that the root of sin needs to be eradicated from within; whereas others have expressed the thought that we must harshly suppress the outside body. Yet God’s way is totally different from man’s. He neither eradicates the root of sin nor ill-treats the body; instead, He deals with the old man. "Our old man was crucified with him."

    If you ever wonder why you are unable to defeat and overcome your selfishness it is because you have not appropriated God's salvation. You may have thought in your head these things but they have not touched your innerman. Why is that? Because there is a necessary condition that needs to be fulfilled which is consecration and trust in these accomplished facts. I have really died with Christ. My old man has really been crucified. Therefore, I can really put to nought the deeds of the flesh.

    If any man would come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. Mark 8.34.

    We do not know what the way of the cross is. We do not realize that all which comes our way is permitted by God. Whatever is against our will, whatever causes us to be misunderstood, makes us suffer, blocks our way, or shatters our hope is a cross given by God to us. Yet how do we face such a thing? Do we resist in heart? Do we complain to people? Do we long to avoid these difficulties?

    Whenever God allows a cross to fall on us, He has a particular reason. Each cross has its spiritual mission, that is to say, it is sent to accomplish something special in our life. If we endure according to God’s will—as the Lord Jesus endured the cross (noting, however, that His cross is to atone for sin whereas ours is not)—our natural life will be further dealt with and we shall have a greater capacity for being filled with the resurrection life of the Son.

    But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deluding your own selves. James 1.22.
    We often misunderstand the word "do." We take it to mean that after we have heard and known the word of God we must try our best to do what we have heard and known. But this is not the meaning of "do" in the Bible. True, we need to will to do what we have heard. Yet the "do" of the Scriptures is not the doing with our own strength, it is ...
    by Published on 03-03-2011 12:55 AM     Number of Views: 3447 
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    2. Crucifixion on the Cross

    The 7 Words Jesus Spoke on the Cross

    On the cross, our Lord spoke seven words, which were: (1) “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do”—forgive on the basis of atonement; (2) “To day shalt thou be with me in Paradise”—the teaching out of redemption; (3) “Behold, thy mother,” Jesus had said to John—signifying that all who are born of God become one family, and this is due to the work of redemption; (4) “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”—He who knew no sin was made sin for us; (5) “I thirst”—for the wrath of God was on Him; (6) “It is finished”—He cried with a loud voice that it was done, indicating by this that the work of redemption was finished; and (7) “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit”—He gave up or dismissed his spirit, which meant that though men could crucify Him they themselves could not put Him to death. He himself gave up His own life.

    The veil is now rent; otherwise, no man could ever draw near to God. Man of old could enter into the holy place, but never the holiest of all except for the high priest who in type represented the Great High Priest (Jesus) who was to come. It is God who has rent the veil;
    thus the way to God is opened. Because Christ died, I now can live. Because He lives, I may enter into glory.

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