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Thread: Why do Christians have authority?

  1. #1
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    Default Why do Christians have authority?

    Jhn 8:34 Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, every one who commits sin is a slave to sin.

    Jhn 8:35 The slave does not continue in the house for ever; the son continues for ever.

    Jhn 8:36 So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.

    Since we are in Christ forever, we have freedom that those who are unsaved are without. With that freedom comes an authority as sons and daughters of God.

  2. #2
    saint Guest


    Freedom does not equal authority...

    When the Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in America, they were now free.

    YET, they had no authority. They couldn't vote. They couldn't even use the same bathrooms as whites.

    So what actually brought authority?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by saint
    Freedom does not equal authority...

    When the Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in America, they were now free.

    YET, they had no authority. They couldn't vote. They couldn't even use the same bathrooms as whites.

    So what actually brought authority?
    You are thinking in worldly terms. I am speaking about eternal life. There is great difference. Christians have liberty in the Lord. Because we have a new life, there is authority that comes with that life from God. God chose us, and thus in God's eyes, we have authority on that basis of being His own sons and daughters for eternity. Someone who is a freed slave, may not yet be born again, so he would not have the authority of a Christian to do God's work.

    I have noted all your posts, and one thing is common in all of them. Your thinking is narrow as you are always wrong in your assessment of things. You seem to revile me for speaking the truth. You have no value to contribute to this forum at least not so far in your several posts, so unless you can change, and speak from the spirit by the Holy Spirit, what else can one do but ban you? This forum is not a place for those who have a spirit of dissension.

  4. #4
    ~~TurboWaitress~~ Guest


    Let it be our goal to save those lost ones, Amen.


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    Yet you are not born-again. God says we shall know them by their fruit.

  6. #6
    Maiden Guest


    Of cause I am born again! I do have a personal relationship with our Father. :)

    What are you to judge such things?


  7. #7
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    Arrow Help for you!


    Given the cumulative total of what you really believe, it would be a rare case that you would be born-again.

    You believe in a goddess (sinless Mary idolatry), historicalism (amillennialsim) that of claiming we are in a millennial peace now despite wars and rumours of wars, adding to God's 66 books of His complete Word, and not believing God has the foreknowledge to give eternal life at new birth (once-saved-always-saved) as shown in your profile under TurboWaitress which is also banned.

    You also believe with the RCC in paying for indulges, popery not in the Word, dividing the body of Christ beyond Biblical locality, and intermediary priesthood. There are other lesser errors, but errors still the same.

    I pray you will repent of these things you are deceived by and come to the cross to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

    As stated, you are banned because of the cumulative accusations in your various posts under TurboWaitress and Maiden, showing you are not here for Christ, but to promote your cult.

  8. #8
    Holy Song Guest



    Given the cumulative total of what you really believe, it would be a rare case that you would be born-again.

    You believe in a goddess (sinless Mary idolatry), historicalism (amillennialsim) that of claiming we are in a millennial peace now despite wars and rumours of wars, adding to God's 66 books of His complete Word, and not believing God has the foreknowledge to give eternal life at new birth (once-saved-always-saved) as shown in your profile under TurboWaitress which is also banned.

    You also believe with the RCC in paying for indulges, popery not in the Word, dividing the body of Christ beyond Biblical locality, and intermediary priesthood. There are other lesser errors, but errors still the same.

    I pray you will repent of these things you are deceived by and come to the cross to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

    As stated, you are banned because of the cumulative accusations in your various posts under TurboWaitress and Maiden, showing you are not here for Christ, but to promote your cult.

    You should know if you know anything about the Catholic church that we do not believe Mary to be a Goddess!
    We did not add to God’s word

    I don’t believe “once saved always saved” because we can reject Christ at any time in our lives and turn away from him!

    Once again it sounds like you banned me for my beliefs, just like what you accused Christian forums banning you for the same reason!
    Looks like the “truth” on this site is covered up because you keep on banning opposing views!

    What is your definition of a cult and how is the Catholic Church a cult?
    I have read many books and websites on cults and I have not found one professional source that believes that the Catholic Church is a cult!

    Holy Song

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holy Song

    You should know if you know anything about the Catholic church that we do not believe Mary to be a Goddess! We did not add to God’s word

    I don’t believe “once saved always saved” because we can reject Christ at any time in our lives and turn away from him!

    Once again it sounds like you banned me for my beliefs, just like what you accused Christian forums banning you for the same reason!
    Looks like the “truth” on this site is covered up because you keep on banning opposing views!

    What is your definition of a cult and how is the Catholic Church a cult?
    I have read many books and websites on cults and I have not found one professional source that believes that the Catholic Church is a cult!
    Holy Song
    When you say Mary is sinless, you make her what she is not, a goddess. Mary would not approve of your mistreatment of her. How much more will God? You add to God's Word.

    You don't believe in OSAS because you have no faith to believe in God's infinite foreknowledge to give eternal life at new birth. Thus, you place yourself above God in your own personal assessment of things, but it is not real. When God gives eternal life, it is eternal; that is why it is called eternal - it is forever! God foreknows whom to give eternal life to because He forsees all things; that includes forseeing who authentically chooses to be in Him forever.

    Those who are truly in Christ are in Him forever and will never reject Him. Satan, your god, whom you cherish, says to you that tomorrow you can be unsaved, but God says to His children, we can never lose salvation because we will never stop believing. This has been true of me. God is not a fickle God. You just have no faith to believe in this awesome power, but believer a man made system that tells you otherwise.

    You are not banned for your beliefs, but your obstinacy and belligerency. Such repetition is mindless and fallen into passivity. It is unhealthy for a spiritual forum. Forums that ban based on lies is wrong is not why you are banned. You are banned for believing in a lie never endingly to hell. Banning you for legitimate reason is good. Opposing views that never can substantiate their claim, repeating themselves like a clanging bell, will be banned. We are not to cater to the flesh day and night. This is why Christians do not break bread with the tares of the RCC, cults or those outside the kingdom.

    The Bible considers the RCC the largest cult in the world. It describes it as the great harlot who sits on the beast (Rev. 17) to make drunk the nations with the wine of the wrath of her fornications (14.8). There are thousands of sites that consider the RCC a cult. Here is another,

    You should study Revelation 17 on "religious Rome". It will help deliver you from the largest cult ever known to mankind,

    It is also helpful to see how the RCC cult began as the church of Thyatira which came after the calender of the Pergamum (of Constantine's high tower marriage of state and church); and Sardis (weakened revivals of Luther, reformed, etc.) which came after the RCC,

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