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Thread: Ye is Not a Christian

  1. #1
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    Default Ye is Not a Christian

    The reason why Ye is not a Christian is because he said Hitler was born a Christian. This shows his spirit is dead to God that he would say that; he doesn't know true salvation. Nobody is born a Christian. To be a Christian requires free choice to come to the cross as a helpless sinner.

    I don't care whatever else this creep has to say. He is not a Christian. He is going to Hell. Kanye West is never going to give his life to Christ.

    Whosoever believe in me shall not perish but receive everlasting life. This implies free will and choice.

    West did not say this, but the kid on Alex Jones said the Talmud said you can kill Gentiles, but not Jews. You can give a gift to a Jew but not a Gentile. On and on it goes in the Talmud. What this kid doesn't understand is that was then, this is now. The Old Testament was a foreshadow of what is to come, and the New Testament is a fulfilment of the Old Testament. God chose Israel first to address these matters, but these teachings are fulfilled in the NT, and should not be considered for today so that today there is no difference between a Jew and Gentile.

  2. #2
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    I finally know why many people despise George Soros. He was asked if he was religious? He said emphatically NO! He was asked do you believe in God? Emphatically and directly he said NO again. He was asked also, do you have any remorse? Again, he said NO!

  3. #3
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    Kanye said Germans did a lot of good things. B.S.! Then he compares planned parenthood as just as bad or worse. I disagree. Who killed more? Hitler did, not planned parenthood. Hitler killed people at a far faster pace than planned parenthood.

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