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Thread: Why I Think Judas Never Repented

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    Default Why I Think Judas Never Repented

    Why I Think Judas Never Repented

    The 1st beast is Antichrist Neron Kaiser = 666 (Rev. 13.18)

    [2Th 2:3 KJV] 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

    The 2nd beast is Judas like a military leader in the Great Trib. He makes an image of the 1st beast.

    [Jhn 17:12 KJV] 12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.


    13.11 This beast is also a wild beast. Because he is to come up out of the earth he must also be a re-vitalized person, since Hades is beneath the earth. On the other hand, “earth” may have reference to the Jewish nation. The Scriptures often classify the earth as being symbolic of the nation of Israel.

    This beast is the false prophet. He is a person since (1) three times the Bible calls him the false prophet (16.13, 19.20, 20.10), (2) the Lord has clearly stated that there will be false prophets (Matt. 24.24), and (3) there are three evil spirits: Satan, the beast (Antichrist), and another beast (the false prophet). Each has his mission to fulfill. Thus this beast cannot be a system but a person. At the time of evil, we have the counterfeit of the triune God.

    “Two horns”—Since this beast is a person and not a kingdom, his two horns should signify two spirits; for the horns of the Lamb are referred to as being the Spirit of God (5.6), and the horns of the beast are like to those of the Lamb. “To give breath to it” (13.15) may be translated “to give spirit to it”; this is one spirit, and 16.13 tells of another spirit.

    The Trinity of Satan (12.1-13.18)

    “And he spake as a dragon”—His speech is both deceitful and atrocious. Just as the first beast sits on the throne of the dragon, so this beast speaks the word of the dragon.
    13.12 This second beast works by means of the authority of the first beast. As the Holy Spirit is the executor as well as the power in the Godhead, so the false prophet is the executor and the power of the trio of evil. “To worship” here is compulsory, unlike that mentioned in 13.4 which is voluntary.

    There are many evidences to link the first beast with the revitalization of Nero. This second beast may very well be the return from the dead of the betrayer Judas. Acts 1.20, Psalm 69.25 and Psalm 109.8 all point to Judas, for Acts 1.20 quotes from Psalms 69 and 109. Psalm 109.6 declares: “Let Satan stand at his right hand” (mg.)—This is yet to be fulfilled. At the time of Christ, Satan entered into the heart of Judas; but not until the time of Revelation 13.12 will Satan stand at his right hand. We are also told in Acts 1: “that he might go to his own place” (v.25). Concerning other individuals the Scriptures always say he is “gathered to his own people” or that “he is gone down into sheol”; but in the case of Judas we are told that “he might go to his own place”—as though he has a special place set aside for his use. In the entire New Testament the term “son of perdition” is only used twice: one is found in John 17.12 which distinctly points to Judas, and the other is found in 2 Thessalonians 2.3 which alludes to Antichrist. If the first beast is Antichrist, the son of perdition, who else can be the second beast except Judas who also is called the son of perdition? In John 6 the Lord is recorded as calling Judas “a devil” (v.70). So then, who but Judas can rank among the trio of evil?

    13.13 The greatest sign he will perform is that of making fire come down from heaven. This perhaps is for the purpose of counteracting the fire which the two witnesses draw down to the earth.13.14,15 Here is the consummation of idolatry. Just as the Lord, after His resurrection, bears the marks of wounds which He once showed to Thomas, so the sword wound of the beast remains visible to people so as to convince them of his revitalization.

    “Breath” may also be translated “spirit”—after the spirit is given, there will naturally be breath. This beast possesses three characteristics: (1) to give breath, (2) to make the image speak, and (3) to cause those to be killed who do not worship the image of the beast. This is quite different from what is mentioned in Psalm 135.15-17 and Jeremiah 10.3ff. In ancient times the images or idols had mouths but spoke not, had eyes but saw not, had ears but heard not, neither was there any breath found in their mouths. In the future, though, the image of the beast will have breath. How the image of the beast can kill people is not revealed to us. It may be that the image of the beast will announce a sentence of death and people will then be put to death, or it may even possess some kind of mechanism by which to kill people.

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    Also it is interesting that a person can have regret like the Rich Man in the bad side of Hades and yet not get saved. Even though there is regret there is still an unwillingness to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. What a most deplorable state to be in.

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