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Thread: How are Humans Created in Mormonism

  1. #1
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    Default How are Humans Created in Mormonism

    I was wondering about how humans are created in Mormonism. As I understand it Mormons believe there is an infinite regress of nature, including Gods creating Gods in which God the Father had a Father God and that God had a Father God going back into an eternity of the past regression of cause and effects.

    I was told that God the Father and the Goddess Mother had sexual relations because they are human beings in which they produced billions of spirit babies (or spirit adults) from what they call intelligences and pre-existing material. Joseph Smith said as man is God once was and as God is man may become.

    These spirit beings are then put into human bodies on earth and other previous planets for an eternity into the past even though the universe is finite, only 13.8 billion years old. Not sure how to reconcile that.

    To contrast Christianity, God is not limited by pre-existing matter because that would be an idol exalting matter and time itself over God. So in Christianity God created time and space; space and time and matter did not always exist. Out of God's prerogative God chose to create time, space and matter; therefore God is One Being who transcends all: God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, love, righteous and holy.

    And we see the operations of God's being in the Father, Son and Spirit. God was not always Father, Son and Spirit. He manifested Himself to us from the Parts or Persons that make up God to show us how to live and for Jesus to die for us. Persons should not be used to identify God as persons in the human sense for that is limiting God severely; rather Persons is a transcendant term we derive from seeing how God never confuses the 3 Parts or Persons. Since He revealed Himself this way in the Scriptures we must not extend beyond that by shrinking God into 3 beings, nor making God a person with modes. Both miss the mark.

  2. #2
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    Mormons say Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, never said as man is God once was and as God is man may become. What did Joseph Smith say?

    "Both the "Journal of Discourses" (JOD) and the "Teachings
    of the Prophet Joseph Smith" (TPJS) record that, on April
    6, 1844, LDS Church founder Joseph Smith preached to a
    congregation of 20,000 saying, "Here then is eternal life -
    to know the only wise and true God; and you have got to
    learn how to be Gods yourselves, and to be kings and
    priests to God the same as all Gods have done before you"
    (JOD 6:4; TPJS p.346).

    "Brigham Young, the second prophet and president of the
    Mormon Church, delivered a message in the Salt Lake
    Tabernacle on August 8, 1852, in which he affirmed this
    teaching when he said, "The Lord created you and me for the
    purpose of becoming Gods like Himself" (JOD 3:93)."

    Joseph Smith apparently wanted to set his followers straight when he proclaimed the following at the Mormon Church's General Conference in April, 1844:

    I am going to tell you how God came to be God. We have imagined and supposed that God was God from all eternity. I will refute that idea, and take away the veil, so that you may see. … It is the first principle of the Gospel to know for a certainty the character of God and to know...that he was once a man like us.... (“King Follett Discourse,” Journal of Discourses 6:3-4, also in Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 345-346, and History of the Church, vol. 6, 305-307, emphasis added)

    One thing is certain, Mormon leaders have not repudiated Joseph Smith’s non-biblical teachings on the nature of God and continue to promote them, albeit selectively. This means the Mormon Church continues to hold to doctrines that make it decidedly non-Christian, while hiding these teachings from investigators, new members and even its own missionaries. This calls for boldness as we expose the disingenuousness of Mormon leaders, and discernment and gentle forthrightness as we draw Mormon people into truth, authenticity and spiritual worthiness through a restored relationship with the one true, immutable, ‘from everlasting to everlasting’ God.

    Also I don't believe in an infinite regress of nature, because by that definition you would have had an eternity to come into being before now, so you should have already happened. In Mormonism there is no beginning just an infinite regress of nature like Atheists believe also, and gods creating gods.

    I think various religions and sects try to diminish who Jesus is and distort Him and the gospel because they don't want to true reconciliation with God to repent to the cross as helpless sinners to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior the Jesus who is the 2nd Person of the Trinity who brought all things into existence, including time and space. They want a diminished lesser Christ and one where you work for salvation rather than salvation by faith alone. Pride thinks it can work it out when God declares you can't because you are a sinner. So no eternal progression.

    Scientists have a pretty good handle on time and space. They are intricate to each other.

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