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Thread: Mormons are a Lost People Group

  1. #1
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    Default Mormons are a Lost People Group

    The Mormon Jesus:

    Jesus was first “procreated” as a spirit child of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, then later conceived in an act of physical sexual intercourse between God the Father and Mary. He is the spirit brother of Satan, and is rather common in terms of His nature (in that he is one of many gods who share the same nature). Jesus was once sinful and flawed but earned His salvation through good works, eventually being exalted into godhood (like other obedient Mormons have been and will be). He is not a member of the triune Godhead but is instead a separate god from God the Father.

    This description is quite different from the Jesus of Christianity:

    Jesus is the uncreated, unique God of the universe, the Second Person of the triune Godhead. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit who supernaturally “overshadowed” Mary (she, therefore, remained a true virgin). Jesus was (and is) eternally perfect and sinless; for this reason, He’s never needed to earn His salvation.

    Bizarre consequence of being a Mormon:

    You must accept that God the Father and God the Mother had physical sex and produced Mary the mother of Jesus. But that would entail incest because God the Father in Mormonism had physical sex with his own daughter Mary.

  2. #2
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    Mormons are dependent on works for eternal life.

  3. #3
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    The Bible says nobody is married in eternity future in the New City and New Earth. Yet Mormons exalt marriage in their Celestial kingdom.

    Who's right? the Bible or Mormons?

  4. #4
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    Mormons keep changing their doctrine, e.g. black people are black because of their sins. But now they no longer teach that. Polygamy is no longer acceptable, supposedly, depending on which denomination of Mormonism you subscribe to.

    I can tell you one thing that no matter how much a Mormon changes his doctrine and no matter how many branches of Mormonism he breaks off into, any kind of Mormonism will never be compatible with Christianity, because in Christianity the grace of God is given to save a sinner, and once saved by accepting who Jesus is, that person can never lose salvation. No amount of works can lose salvation or improve his standing in Heaven.

    Works pertain to rewards only in the millennial kingdom when Christ reigns on earth for 1000 years. Mormons reject premillennialism as well. It seems there is no verse of Scripture Mormons read and understand as the Christian does.

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    You cannot know if you are saved or not in Mormonism because it depends on your works. You have to be perfect. Obviously Mormons are not perfect. But I am a Christian and I am perfect because it is no longer I that live but Christ in me by the Holy Spirit. My assurance is once saved always saved. A Mormon could never say that. Nobody can take away the eternal life God gave me.

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    Christians can live their eternal life right now for we have the assurance of the Good News. "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent" (John 17.3). Mormons are jealous of us because we have the Good News. They have works they never know if are good enough.

  7. #7
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    The best question you could ask a Mormon is this: "Is the Book of Mormon ancient?" Obviously not. Yet it claims to be. But no archaeological evidence supports that claim. In fact history shows it is completely a fraud. The best the Mormon can do is to say they have a burning bosom that it is ancient. But since the archaeological evidence shows it is not ancient then the burning bosom is false. Your emotions are very untrustworthy especially if you are in Mormonism.

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    Indeed, the book of Mormon describes ancient events that never happened. In a court a law Joseph Smith would go to jail for being a fraudster. And in fact, that is exactly what happened. He was put in jail for conning people.

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