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Thread: The Mormon Iwaasa Family is Entrenched in This Cult of Mormonism

  1. #11
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    God is hyper-dimensional.

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    There really is a thing called evil, and you need look no further than LDS, Mormon doctrine and culture. Mormons teach the Blood Atonement, that is, Jesus' blood was not sufficient to atone for all sins, so Mormon hierarchy have a kill list.

    The purpose of all the Pentagrams and no Crosses in Mormon Temples is to call down upon itself the power of Satan.

    Gordon B. Hinckley, his sex parties and his homosexuality with 15-16 year old boys is well testified by many witnesses.

    Moral degradation in Utah is pervasive: homosexuality, child abuse, pedophilia, family abuse, and adultery.

    Mormons have spent more money on building a shopping mall than they have spent on charity work over the past 50 years.

    Goal of Mormons: worldwide domination through media and other means.

    Mormons who end up leaving Mormonism and become Christians speak of having read the Bible for the first time to see the differences. They discover the God of the Bible they really had never known before. How do you get a Mormon to actually read the Bible? The lazy flesh doesn't read the Bible; the flesh is too busy in the Mormon world and programs set up for Mormons. One ex-Mormon said to read the book of Micah over and over and that's what did it for him. Mistaken assumptions are so dangerous. The mistaken assumption Mormons start with is that the Bible should only be trusted insofar as it was translated properly, and that Joseph Smith is the one who translates it properly, so only trust what he has to say. The Bible though says trust no man. But in fact, if you read the Book of Mormon it will teach many things that Mormons reject today such as the atonement on the cross not in the garden of gethsemane. That's why Mormons don't have any crosses in their churches and temples. They say that wouldn't make sense to wear a guillotine around your neck if Jesus died by guillotine. This shows Mormons miss the point entirely. The cross is where Jesus shed His blood for forgiveness of sins. The cross is forgiveness and redemption with God. Without the cross there can be no reconciliation.

    The work of the cross is a completion, finished work once and for all. Finding freedom in Jesus instead of constantly striving is so refreshing to Mormons who come to Christ. The burden is lifted. No longer do they strive for Godhood. There is only one God. The encouragement is to read the Bible from beginning to end in context, starting from the humble position of admitting you don't know anything. This is the humility that draws one to Christ.

    The problem with Mormons in a lot of cases is you can't even reach them, because if you email them they block it, or if you try to talk to them in public they will have none of it. They have blocked themselves off from all lines of communication. I believe there is a central message teaching in Mormonism which they are reminded of on a weekly basis don't talk to anyone else about the faith that they just don't understand. So all these YouTube videos, all the books, etc. in efforts to reach out to Mormons does not penetrate that iron curtain of Mormon tactics to keep their adherents in line and tithing 10%. Is it 10% pre-tax income? After tax? Or 10% of disposable income? What constitutes disposable and non-disposable? Is there interest charged on tithing that is in arrears? Do you have submit a tax return to the Elders, Bishops or President?

  4. #14
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    Mormons are so evil. Listen to what Donny Osmond said, "they [black people] are not allowed to hold Christianedness." Mormons aren't Christians. They reject Jesus is the uncreated Creator who created all things. Donny even had the audacity to say black people are offered more in Mormonism than in any other religion while he remains racist to black people? Has he no conscience? No wonder why Mormonism has splintered off into 150 different sects.

    Whereas in Christianity, everyone is made in God's image, and everyone has received sufficient grace to have the free choice to accept what Jesus did--the true Jesus--on the cross for the sins of the world. Mormons say you get to heaven by your works, whereas the Bible says salvation is not by works lest any should boast. No man can bridge that gap between God and man. Pride thinks it can. Pride gets off on itself thinking it can. God would never put that burden on anyone nor is anyone capable of doing so. He is love. And boy do they ever boast claiming they will be gods of planets. The diversity of skin color has to do with God manifesting His glory not their sin. I will forever rebuke Mormons in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They are going to Hell, the Lake of Fire, eternal perdition and eternal separation from God Almighty who is One Being not multiple beings.

    Jesus died for all sins, not just some sins as Mormons teach. The Mormon Jesus can't do what Jesus did paying the ransom for all. The god of Mormonism is impotent, pathetic and evil. Never trust a Mormon! As Joseph Smith was criminally convicted for being a con artist, so are all Mormons today in possession of this same evil spirit. They are evil down to the bone. All the while they are stripping you of your wealth they will claim they are gods. All the while they are saying to black people Mormonism has more to offer than any other religion, they subjugate black people to a position of servants in eternity even now. The Mormon organization is all about money and power and has spent more money on a recent shopping mall than the past 50 years towards charity work.

    Good thing I didn't give Milton Iwaasa any money to support Coby going to tournaments after the 2015 Nationals (even though Coby would have been able to support himself since he would usually make it to quarterfinals on the IRT or better), because he failed to mention when soliciting money from me that his son was quitting racquetball. Personally, I think Coby was suffering from the fear of success. That overriding emotion of fear caused him to depart from racquetball when effectively he was the 2nd ranked player on the IRT. The Greek evil spirit of 'Mormo' is said to bite children for being bad. Fear is the overriding emotion in Coby Iwaasa.

    He would have used my money on his missionary tour for his cult instead, other than what it was intended for, to support Coby Iwaasa trying to convert people into his cult in Japan. Crazy! Evil. I lost all respect for Milton not the least of which he is ruining his childrens' lives by programming them at an extremely vulnerable age into this cult, training them not to think for themselves, nor "test the spirits" (1 John 4.1), and degrade their conscience which is what all cults do. Make no mistake that is what the Mormon culture does and it come from the top brass. Don't confuse burning emotion for soft sensitive intuition and that still small voice of the Holy Spirit given to those who have accepted Jesus who He truly is.

    Why do Mormons have no crosses on the their temples and only pentagrams? Because they reject the atonement of the cross and are attempting to call down upon themselves the power of Satan the Devil. Jesus created Lucifer. Lucifer was never the brother of Jesus. How sick and twisted is that? The 66 books of the word of God have not changed and the traditional faith of the church fathers has remained intact. The audacity to change traditional Christianity is premediated evil! Do not understand the Devil hard at work.

    Women are taught passivity, not to think for themselves (Marie Osmond admitted it), that man is the patriarchal head. Only he is allowed to speak his mind Marie said. That is not what the Bible teaches. That's how you get 30,000 polygamists in the state of Utah, and women are looking forward to sharing their husband with many wives, and the woman is eternally pregnant in heaven pumping out billions and billions of spirit babies. Oh joy! Mormon women sure must like sex or the feeling of being continually pregnant. Joseph Smith told 34 women who became his wives that if they marry him, they and their family will saved and go to heaven. The truth is all this contrived nonsense is for the sole purpose of rejecting the blood of Jesus shed for forgiveness of sins on the cross and that Jesus is the word of God. Jesus is the Word, the Word is with God and the word is God (John 1.1). This is the Trinity.

    Sorry Mormons, but the Church did not disappear for 1800 years despite your adamant position that it had. Joseph Smith couldn't even hold his church together, now with over 150 sects or offshoots of the Moron cult, following the evil spirits of Mormo (biter of children) and Moroni (that evil angel they put on top of all their temples).

    Praise the Lord for this discernment! Amen.

    [2Co 10:3-5 KJV] 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 4 (For the weapons of our warfare [are] not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

    Joseph Smith was not just wrong but willingly lied. Adam and Eve did not dwell in the alleged Garden in Missouri. The Garden the Bible says is next to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

    A great judgment is upon the Iwaasa family. [Psa 5:4-6 KJV] 4 For thou [art] not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee. 5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity. 6 Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing [lies]: the LORD will abhor the bloody and deceitful man. (e.g. Mormon Blood Atonement claiming Jesus did not die for all sins so killing people for their own sins is for atonement.)

    "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them." (Eph. 5.11)

    Problems simply start piling up that's how Mormons leave. They inadvertently go on the Internet for something and come across apologetic material to help Mormons.

  5. #15
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    Mormon scholar, Grant Palmer, very intelligent guy, with a P.HD. and multiple degrees in history and philosophy who was a Mormon for decades describes how he finally left Mormonism and the book he wrote on the subject.

    I find this all quite fascinating, the psychology behind it all. Apparently the last decade or two the culture has really turned a mile wide and one inch deep. There is very little tolerance for dissension or discussion. Come and go, but don't discuss anything with anyone. The Mormons I know exhibit this personality trait.

    There is no depth to their beliefs anymore, because as soon as you go into any depth it is more likely you will leave the cult. So the only trump card they have is as a social organization and creating business partners even though everything in Mormonism is a lie. I am sure in Hell Mormons will have lots of friends, but who would want friends like that?

    Joseph Smith was like a sponge and then redistributed from what he read elsewhere. For example, the 3 kingdoms Smith got from Swedenborg (Swedenborg was a false Christian for many reasons).

    There is a long list of "you haven't heard the whole story..."

    Mountain Meadows massacre
    Endowment ceremony created 5 weeks after Joseph Smith was part of a Masonry lodge in Illinois
    There is a long list of problems (watch the whole video)

    There's a thing in Mormonism not to share what spiritual in Mormonism with others so they are often quite coy and non-conversant. For example, don't give what is holy unto dogs. Mormons think this way towards others. But you will find in the Bible Christ and the Apostles were quite open as Paul was with Agrippa or Stephen was in his long discourse before he was martyred. Christians have deeper truths such as the dividing of spirit, soul and body to walk after the spirit and how to activate the spirit and the mind aiding the spirit, but we won't talk about it with someone who is not even born-again. First a Mormon needs to get saved, to be a Christian, born-again, before we can even given them milk.

  6. #16
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    Mormons are really afraid of being summoned to court as Grant Palmer was, but they should embrace it as their opportunity to rebuke Mormonism in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as One Being. The irony is after he was excommunicated, he had a wonderful feeling of comfort come over him to finally be released from this demonic enterprise that I the LDS Mormon belief system and taken off the roll pad.

    Grant said the best way to reach Mormons is to encourage them to read the Bible with their own eyes and own intuition rather than having it filtered or discounted by PGP, BM, and D&C. That goes a long way. Read the Gospel of John first. The same way you came into Mormonism with all these hits is the same way you get out, one by one, by placing these sales techniques of Mormons on the cross and let theme die one by one. 7 hits in, 7 hits out.

    There are several anti-Mormon programs on tv now to help you. Every Mormon now knows someone who left their cult.

    Why would you believe Joseph Smith that you will be married for eternity when everything else he said is not true? Why reject the Bible that says there is no marriage in heaven; we are instead like the angels.

    The keyword is fear. Grant Palmer said his relatives who are Mormons know he has left Mormonism, but they don't ask him one single question after all these years.

    You have to realize though this guy is not a Christian because he still embraces the pre-mortal existence of man and 3 beings in the Godhead. So you see even a guy like this still is not a Christian, because he does not accept Jesus created all things, that He is the 2nd Person in the Trinity so Grant Palmer is going to Hell. He does not want a Jesus that is the Great I AM, but a lesser Jesus for atonement so that he can exalt himself beside Jesus in pre-mortal existence. His flesh is most active!

    He rejects the Trinity. The Trinity is easy to understand. Draw a stick figure on a piece of paper and get a cube with different colors for each side. The stick figure only sees squares not blocks and only one color at a time because he is on a lower plane and can never be on God's plane because God is infinitely greater. Likewise you can see each side of God in the Father, Son and Spirit. He shows you the most you can take in, no more, no less, because you are on a lower plane.

    Having a relationship with a Jesus who is a different being than the Father and the Spirit is a different relationship with the Jesus who is the 2nd Person of the Trinity who created all things. By making Jesus the Great I AM with the Father who is the Great I AM, you place yourself on a higher level with respect to Jesus than you should.

    It's not in the self-interest of Mormons to come clean. William and Jane Law close advisors to Joseph Smith left because they knew it was a fraud what Smith was doing. Smith was a narcissist and grandiosity is a good word to describe him. He deemed himself king of the world. He's a god who rules in the spirit world. Funny.

    Emma wanted William Law for a sexual substitute because he was nice guy, because Smith had dozens of wives. According to William Law, Smith put an assassination order on the governor Lilburn Boggs. William and Jane Law said, Joseph and Hiram tried to poison him. Joseph Jackson said he was hired by Joseph Smith not only to kill Boggs but to kill William Law as well in his own affidavits.

    Smith threatened Emma, his first wife, with death.

    The salamander letter is a counterfeit document about the history of the Latter Day Saint movement that was created by the forger Mark Hofmann in the early 1980s.

  7. #17
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    May 14, 1961 - Apostle Joseph Fielding Smith announces to stake conference in Honolulu:

    "We will never get a man into space. This earth is man's sphere and it was never intended that he should get away from it."

    Smith, the Twelve's president and next in succession as LDS President, adds:

    "The moon is a superior planet to the earth and it was never intended that man should go there. You can write it down in your books that this will never happen."

    This discourse was given while he was the "prophet".

    The funny part is that after Apollo 15's journey to the moon, the astronaut team brought JFS a Utah State Flag that they had taken with them to the moon. They gave him the flag in 1971 as a token of his "failed prophecy".

    Update: I'm not saying JFS needs to be perfect; I'm saying that the LDS Church claims that "the prophet cannot lead you a stray. God won't permit it". Joseph Smith also said that a prophet is only a prophet when acting as such; when speaking "in the name of the Lord".

    Since JFS closed his talk "in the name of Jesus Christ", and since he was a "prophet, seer and revelator"; it would seem to me, then, that according to LDS theology, this statement and prophecy would HAVE to be divinely inspired.

    Beyond all reason don't know how someone can be a Mormon, but I will say that it appears some people don't care about the truth just what it makes them feel. The Bible says nobody knows all the wonderful things God has planned for us who love Him. Being born-again, having eternal life, an ability to have a relationship with Jesus, promise of eternal blessings, and fellowship in the body of Christ is a far better feeling than what Mormons offer.

    Grant Palmer says the Mormon Church is redeemable and needs to be Christ centered. No it's not redeemable. The flesh must die. You cannot refine the flesh. They will for eternity reject Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity so they are all going to Hell. Being more centered in a Jesus that was created in an alleged pre-mortal existence is getting away from who Jesus is.

    Grant also said not even Jesus was good, only the Father is good. That's not what Jesus said. Jesus was sinless. He is simply pointing to the Father not to Himself even though He was perfect, the fullness of the Godhead bodily. I don't like things Grant says which no Christians should say either.

    I think I have figured it out. Mormonism is a Feeling Religion not a Truth Religion. Feelings trumpet facts. Mormons don't appreciate they also have a mind of their soul and a intuitive communing conscience of their spirit. God wants people to walk by the latter if it is regenerated and quickened and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Then the Feeling will be right and trustworthy by a renewed man as the Holy Spirit works from inner to outer.

    Section 9 in the Doctrine & Covenants says you shall feel that it is right rather than test the spirits to know if a thing is right with all your faculties not just your feelings. Or, when you feel something it must be true (Section 45 or 50).

    Watchman Nee said something about this that was very memorable (you have to intuit it not just feel it):

    The adversary is skillful in imparting all sorts of feelings to men. He may cause them to feel happy or sad; he may induce in them a feeling of guilt or of none whatsoever. But a child of God should understand that his feeling is not necessarily accurate when he thinks he is not wrong, for often he feels right when actually he is wrong. Moreover, he may not be wrong even when so feeling; it may be just his feeling and not be factually grounded at all. Whatever he feels, he must test it out for sure so as to know where he really stands. The child of God should adopt a neutral attitude towards every accusation. He should not take any action before he is assured as to the source of it. He must not be hasty, rather, he should wait quietly for assurance as to whether it is indeed the chiding of the Holy Spirit or but the charge of the evil spirit. If it originates with the Holy Spirit, he will then deal with it honestly. The believer’s present waiting is due to his uncertainty and not to rebellion. Nevertheless, he absolutely must resist making all confessions to men which are motivated by sheer force from outside, for the enemy often tries to compel him to do this.

    In heaven our total being, a temple of God, is employed, not just our feelings. These make good friends and develops good friendships. Good friends are not those who live primarily in their feelings. They will go off at any moment.

    But in Mormonism they only care as long as you pray, pay and obey that's good enough for them. Pay to play! You go ahead and believe whatever you want. As long as the money flows!

    In short Mormonism is just one big expensive club! The problem is, of course, is Mormonism leads to eternal damnation. So Satan wins!

    You have to pay $10,000 tithing to see your daughter married in a Mormon temple. This is called "pay to play". You have to have a civil marriage then you go and have a temple marriage. No country in the world recognizes Mormon marriages. No temple ticket if you drink coffee. Coffee is healthy for you. Helps me think clearly. Oh I get it, Mormons don't want me to think clearly.

    Mormons are interested in the survival of the organization. They will do almost anything to keep it going. They will morph into anything to keep it going. No lie is too big.

  8. #18
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    Mormons are premediated in their evil! Now I know why Mormons keep accusing Christians of bigotry because they are using the word "bigotry" preemptively, because it is bigotry to say black people came from Cain when he sinned when no such skin color change occurred. Joseph Smith just made it up. If people repented of their sins why do they still remain black and not become "white and delightsome"? Mormons are the biggest bigots on the planet except for the KKK.

    Excellently done videos.

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  9. #19
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    Perhaps the best video I have ever seen to help Mormons.

  10. #20
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    If you started with the Bible, reading it from beginning to end, would you come up with Mormonism?

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