What would possess you to believe this stuff as it is clearly made up? Satan has to be the head of Mormonism and LDS. So much lying!

I watched this entire video, some things I didn't know before. A few summary comments.

1. Book of Abraham - Egyptologists say Joseph Smith was totally wrong. He was a complete fraud. How can you be part of a religion where Joseph Smith so blatantly lied and was so deceitful?
2. Smith's alteration of Luke 10.22 is completely fraudulent. And he contradicted himself. How can you take after him?
3. Translating the book of Mormon out of a hat with his rock and putting his head in the hat without supposed plates.
4. No archaeological evidence to support ancient claims on the North American continent. Inhabitants crossed from the Bering Strait. DNA evidence supports Asian origin not Hebrew. No horses in the Americas. Unique errors in the 17th century KJV also exist in the OT allegedly sent to the Americas, showing deceit. No 2 million dead fought battles. No record of a Solomon type temple in Americas.
5. Joseph Smith had a creative imagination to create the BofM, B.H. Roberts said. View of the Hebrews, 1823 was copied by Smith. Similar story as BofM. There are many people who have automatic writings like Muhammad, channeling evil spirits, and various others mentioned in this video. Mark Twain read the Book of Mormon and said nothing in it was divine. He actually said it is "chloroform in print".
6. Black men were not allowed. That's racism claiming they were from the line of Cain. The god of mormonism makes their skin black for their sin. I think the variety of skin colors of people on the planet glorify God's diversity. Claiming the Devil's representation on earth was found in black skinned people. What an evil thing to say!
7. Kinderhook Plates - were proven to be a 19th century creation by experts. Smith keeps lying about stuff on the basis of him knowing some alleged Reformed Egyptian language, but he was setup with a Greek document by those who understood Greek, and Smith falsely made up his interpretation.
8. Polygamy - Mormonism is a sex cult. There was not more women than men in the 19th century or 20th century in Utah. Smith in 1844 lied about how many wives he had. Satan is the father of lies. Smith married a 14 year old. Today, he would be in prison. "At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven" (Matt. 22.30).
9. Witnesses to the Gold Plates - The witnesses later admitted they never saw the plates with their natural eyes. If the gold plates really existed why did they need spiritual eyes? Not one of the witnesses, except close family members, remained part of the Mormon Church in 1847.
10. Temple practices - very similar to the Masons. Many Mormons were Masons.

"Why do Mormons hide their beliefs?"

"In their minds it is "complex" and "hard to explain" and "easily misunderstood." This really means it takes a lot of mental and logical stretching to have it make any sense. Once in the bubble of Mormonism, it isn't so difficult but to explain it to an outside? A sometimes embarrassing challenge.

"I think there are a few different factors which can explain what you've seen:

  • Some Mormons know their beliefs (whether grounded in written doctrine or in cultural belief) are not very acceptable to the mainstream, so they tread carefully and try to avoid opening themselves up to scrutiny.
  • The Book of Mormon is a lot like the Old Testament - lots of stories with some conflicting messages and ambiguous morality. Only to a bigger extreme. This leads to confusion and mixed messages, even (or possibly especially) for those who are more well-versed with it.
  • But the biggest issue by far is that most Mormons are not very well-informed about their religion's teachings. This is because the LDS church discourages theological investigation and espouses blind following and listening to "the spirit" (i.e. what feels subjectively right) instead. The church leaders also prefer short glib sound bites over longer theological study themselves. Lastly, the church frequently shifts its doctrinal stances because of the focuses I mentioned above.

"So in short, most Mormons know they are on shaky theological ground and prefer not to fall into a logical hole trying to explain their beliefs.

"This also explains the misguided persecution complex many Mormons have. It's easier to think the world is out to get them than realize they are a pretty insignificant religion that can't properly explain it's own teachings.

"I was once a Mormon. Now I am a Christian. The reason they do this is because the doctrine is so slippery. Most of the basic Christian terms have several different definitions within Mormonism, one which accommodates their longing to be real Christians, the other which accommodates their own unique Mormon slant. They try to sound Christian, but when pressed, they have that other definition to fall back on. At that point, they will begin to assert their uniqueness. I really feel sorry for them. But I was once them, so I know what is going on in their mind.

"Also, they hide their beliefs because quite frankly, they are embarrassed by their beliefs. They won't admit it, not even to themselves. The mind control is so strong. But in reality, they know on a very deep level that something is amiss in Denmark.

"Honestly, I don't think they have an answer for you. They are taught their whole life to not question the church and if they do they are looked upon as a dirty apostate. Most of them really feel they are doing what God wants, just like you. They really believe that the church is right and every one else is not. When some thing is drilled into you from birth its hard to break free. Try to be friendly and accept them for who they are and not what they believe.

"Mormons are taught to be non-confrontational. Most never learn how to articulate their beliefs beyond the very basics to non-believers, especially with Christian denominations. Once a person is in the church the focus is not so much on evangelism but rather on obedience to the church and following the prescribed rules and cultural norms. So there is a skill set that never gets fully developed for the majority of members, and it is therefore quite uncomfortable for most to engage in open discussion about beliefs."

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