James White looks like a zombie for Calvinism and cancerous. Does he have cancer or an eating disorder?

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I'm 100% convinced by the Holy Spirit and the word of God in agreement with brothers and sisters in Christ that James White is going to Hell because he refuses to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. Pridefully he in his own strength and works erects himself up on a pedestal declaring to God that he is irresistibly selected and not passed over he claims others are in which he has freely and willingly accepted an imputation and facsimile by Satan of God's redemptive design masquerading as an angel of light. in short, he worships a false Christ. Did not Jesus say there would be many false Christs that people would follow, rejecting the One True Christ?

Steve Greg is an Open Theists so he is not a Christian either. Open theists reject God because they reject the God who has infinite foreknowledge.

James and Steve are both going to Hell. They might even share bunk beds in the prison of Hell.

Christians are OSAS Arminian. God predestinates by foreknowing our free choice: a conditional election, unlimited atonement, resistible grace, for preservation of the saints.

Has anyone seen James White's scalp? It looks really weird.

Why does the Father give some to Christ and others not? The reason is that the Father approves those who search Him out with all their heart and soul shall find Him, so they meet the condition. You can say, therefore that Gregg and White have not sincerely searched God out with all their heart and soul even though they have both received sufficient grace to have the free choice to do so. God draws everyone, but sadly many "draw back unto perdition" (Heb. 10.39), never born-again to begin with.

The reason they can't agree is because they are both wrong and they talk over each other. This is what Hell will be like for them.

A Christian can fall, but he can never fall away all the way. John 10.28 says those who are born-again "they shall never perish" (John 10.28). An Arminian is once-saved-always-saved. Jacob Arminius said never once did he ever say a person who was saved could lose salvation. Therefore, Steve Gregg is both an Open Theist and a Remonstrant. He is not an OSAS Arminian.