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Thread: Praise the Lord for Convincing Perry Stone about Partial Rapture

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    Default Praise the Lord for Convincing Perry Stone about Partial Rapture

    I discovered Perry Stone came to newly believe in partial rapture in 2011. I only wish he wasn't a Pentecostal "gibberish babbler" because tongues is a gift of languages to spread the gospel to the nations, not gibberish babble that puts a person in a trance-like state opening himself up to demonic spirits to take possession of his heart and soul. Did Jesus, Peter, James, John, Mark or Paul practice gibberish babble of the 2nd century cult of Montanism? I pray not.

    Are we 100% sure that the timing of the rapture is based on grace only? Or is it based on works too? And are we being loving if it is only based on grace without any consideration for good works towards others such as keeping the conduct of Matthew 5-7? I believe not all Christians, but only overcomer Christians (Paul said there are many carnal Christians too) return with Christ to reign on earth for 1000 years over the nations (Rev. 2.26,27; 20.4-6). A carnal Christian (one of the 5 unwise virgins) can't lose salvation, but he can lose the reward of being raptured at the start of the Tribulation and returning with Christ to reign for 1000 years (5 wise virgins) before the New City and New Earth commence.

    All Christians will be raptured, but not necessarily at the same time. I read T. Austin Sparks said about partial rapture that "there are advanced parties and harbingers in every sphere." I can agree with that. Enoch and Elijah went beforehand before the flood. Jesus is already raptured. We know that martyrs for Christ like the Two Witnesses, Enoch and Elijah, will be resurrected AND RAPTURED 3.5 days after they go to rest: "these two prophets... Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven" (Rev. 11.10,12).

    So if some believers are raptured before the Tribulation and the rest of the saints are raptured near the end of the Tribulation, why should we have a problem with that? Those who are "alive" and "left" are because they had not been taken at the first rapture. All that are alive and left are taken up in the general rapture and resurrection together with those who are asleep, and you can hear their praises from heaven when it happens: "there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever" (Rev. 11.15). "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and are left shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord" (1 Thess. 4.16,17). 1 Thess. 4 is not the first rapture before the 1st trumpet of the Tribulation, but it is the 7th trumpet rapture resurrection and rapture.

    So what if the first rapture "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9), before the 1st trumpet (8.7) of the Tribulation begins, is not a foregone conclusion for all believers, but is "according to readiness" like in Rev. 3.10?

    "Because thou didst keep the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of trial, that hour which is to come upon the whole world, to try them that dwell upon the earth."

    My thought is, Do all Christians keep the word of His patience to escape the hour of trial of the Tribulation? God can't make this promise to escape the Tribulation once a person is in the Tribulation as there will be many martyred Christians like in the 2nd century Smyrna church period who were thrown to the lions. Even the most spiritual Christians will be martyred.

    They do not receiving the wrath of God but they still receive wrath from Satan in the Tribulation. And if the bowls of wrath are the wrath spoken of then the general rapture and resurrection is still before the bowls of the 7th trumpet since Rev. 11.5 takes place at the start of the 7th trumpet, not at the end of it.

    And are all Christians prayerful in Luke 21.36 to escape the Tribulation?

    "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." You can't be saved by works, so this worthiness must pertain to the timing of the rapture. And this rapture is before the throne in 3rd heaven, not to the air at the 7th trumpet, for it says "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) before the Tribulation begins. The confusion for many lies in thinking the Seals are the Tribulation when they are the past 20 centuries.

    Isn't it better to be "taken" and not "left" to pass through Tribulation?

    "Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come" (Matt. 24.40,42). "Your Lord" is speaking to Christians, but how can being watchful save you? So "watchful" must pertain to the rapture to be "taken" and not "left."

    These are the questions I have. I have studied this on partial rapture...

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    In a recent broadcast April 2014, Perry Stone is caught teaching pretrib rapture onlyism which contradicts his teaching above of partial rapture from 2011. The Bible says be "not doubletongued" (1 Tim. 3.8). Furthermore, the Bible doesn't say no man knows the day or hour when Jesus returns, but that no man knows when the end of the millennial kingdom will be (Matt. 24.35,36). Perry even gives some verses like Luke 21.36, but then forgets this is a conditional statement, not a foregone conclusion for the believer. A believer, of course, can't lose eternal life, but that doesn't mean he is necessarily ready to be raptured "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) in 3rd heaven before the 1st trumpet is blown (8.7).

    Perry is out of control. He's all over the place. He needs to pull it back, operating by his spirit not his soulical self, so that he maintains consistency in what he teaches.

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