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Thread: Dr. Eben Alexander is Going to Hell for He Still Refuses to Give His Life to Christ

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    Default Dr. Eben Alexander is Going to Hell for He Still Refuses to Give His Life to Christ

    Dr. Eben Alexander referring to himself as a “nominal Christian” said he lacked faith in an afterlife. Yet he believes in a "multi-verse"? Truth be told we are all made in God's image and can never cease to exist, for how can God's image cease to exist?

    Before Dr. Eben Alexander's alleged vision of heaven, he said "Although I considered myself a faithful Christian, I was so more in name than in actual belief. I didn't begrudge those who wanted to believe that Jesus was more than simply a good man who had suffered at the hands of the world. I sympathized deeply with those who wanted to believe that there was a God somewhere out there who loved us unconditionally. In fact, I envied such people the security that those beliefs no doubt provided. But as a scientist, I simply knew better than to believe them myself."

    Dr. Alexander still rejects Jesus after his vision, because his view is everyone is saved and that salvation is by works even though the Bible says salvation is "not by works lest anyone should boast" (Eph. 2.9). Eben said, "You can believe me when I tell you that it will be worth every bit of the work it will take us, and those who come after us, to get it right" by works.

    In his vision he said he was told, "You are loved and cherished, dearly, forever." Yet he does not accept Jesus as Lord.

    He said these what he called angels told him in an unspoken language "you have nothing to fear." He is going to Hell but he has nothing to fear?

    Again these alleged angels said to him in a non-human language, "There is nothing you can do wrong."

    It is clear to me these are evil spirits masquerading as angels of light teaching another gospel not one recognized in the Scriptures that you need to be born-again (John 3.3,7).

    Instead of being told that he is a sinner that needs to be saved by giving his life to Christ, he is told all is right and he is universally with everyone irresistibly selected forever that which he calls "love". This is entirely Calvinist.

    When a person goes into a coma or flatlines, in that tiny intersection of brain activity to no brain activity many images through passivity of the will and blankness of the mind take place under the influence of evil spirits (though not always). Other times God intervene to reveal something. In either case one needs to discern the truth what has happened to themselves in making contact with the supernatural or their own imagination.

    Furthermore, he says a beautiful young woman accompanied him during his stay: "she was young, and I remember what she looked like in complete detail. She had high cheekbones and deep-blue eyes. Golden brown tresses framed her lovely face." Yet everyone is in soul sleep waiting to be resurrected together at the end of this age according to 1 Thess. 4.13-18. Acts 2.34 says not even David, a man after God's own heart is in heaven yet.

    The self-described Christian-in-name-only, now says his experience with heaven has deepened his understanding of God and strengthened his faith: "At the very heart of my journey [is this], that we are loved and accepted unconditionally by a God even more grand and unfathomably glorious than the one I’d learned," he concludes. But these words still don't identify Jesus as being God and the need for salvation. He believes in universalism which is a heresy never taught by the Church and so contrary to the word of God (66 books of the Bible). Friends, Dr. Eben Alexander is going to Hell. Do not go with him!

    Just because Eben now believes heaven exists, doesn't mean he is saved. He is not saved for he has still not given his life to Christ. Heck, Muslims, Deists and Roman Catholicism believe heaven exists but are they saved? They have all one thing in common. They are all works-based faiths. Roman Catholicism is different in that it claims to worship Jesus as God while harboring a Quaternity with a sinless Mary. They too are unsaved giving their lives to a false deity.

    Eben said, "we are more, much more, than our physical brains as clear as I can, both to my fellow scientists and to people at large." Before he was a naturalist masquerading as a Christian. Now he is a universalist masquerading as a Christian. Still unsaved. How is he any different than the most published Atheist of the 20th century who in his 80's turned from being Atheist to Deist?

    Recently, I showed this to my aunt and she has always called herself a Christian and even goes to Church. She insisted that the person was saved. But how can Eben be saved if he still does not recognize Jesus as being God both before and after his experience?

    There are so many false Christians out there who claim to be a Christians but are not - termed "nominal Christians".

  2. #2
    darksin7 Guest


    Have you ever considered the possibility that the bible is manipulated by men, and that maybe God's love is so great that at the end He will not allow anybody go to hell?

    For me, the concept that most believers have that says "Only my religion is true, and everybody (even christians of other denominations) that doesn't share my believes will go to hell" is not compatible with a full loving God. What kind of father will condemn most of his children to an eternity of suffering? And adding the fact that there are so many religions in the world and that the bible is definitely so ambiguous that it turned out that it appeared so many different christian denominations, it makes me harder to believe that God would condemn anybody just for not "picking the correct one".

    Anyway, I'm in the wrong forum and probably this comment will be deleted, but I just wanted to say that the vision that Dr have over the afterlife, for me is one of the most coherent and logical ones that I (in my 34 years of life) have ever heard. The vision of God that he has it has infinitely more sense that the vision that most religions in the world have (including christianity). I used to be an atheist for some years, but his story have moved my ground and has made me believe that it really has to exist a full loving God, not a "god" as the bible says, that is able to send universal Floods and let most of his children go to hell, but a real full loving God that will love us not matter what we do, and will not condemn us for just "picking the wrong religion".
    Now I know there is a God, I don't know what religion is correct, nor do I care because I know is not relevant.

    May God be with you.

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    Have you ever been able to find a naturalistic explanation for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles that would concur with your theory that the Bible is manipulated?

    Would that be love to allow a person who refuses to repent to not go to Hell so will harm others?

    The difference between Christianity and other religions is that Christianity provides proof.

    Your idea of love is false, because God does not force His love on people, but gives them the free choice to want to be eternally separated from God.

    You assume just because a person is made in God's image they are automatically God's children. The truth is that only those who receive what Jesus are God's children.

    Indeed, it would be eternal suffering if a Christian had to endure Hell where you are going, but you will be right at home.

    There is no ambiguity in the Scriptures that Jesus claimed He is God, proved it by His resurrection, and saves any who receives what He did on the cross.

    You haven't overturned anything that was said in the opening post so it stands.

    The local flood was not a universal flood. Do you see how you are always wrong, misreading, misunderstanding for the sake of your flesh?

    You want to be eternally separated from God so why complain about Hell that place of eternal separation from Him? You're very confused.

    God loves you, but if you want to be a rapist, murderer, hater, thief, how can you expect God to allow you to be with His sinless sons and daughters? What love would that be of God to let you near His cherished ones? You're not thinking these things through properly. If we have to put people in jail for life, how can God's standards be less than that?

    You are condemned for picking the wrong religion. Jesus proved He is God and you reject His love.

    It is quite relevant you accept Christ for your salvation, because sin leads to death and the second death which is Hell. And only God can atone for your sins what Jesus did shedding His precious blood.

    God is accessible so only one of the 3 major religions is true. So you need not worry about other religions.

    May you one day receive Christ as your Lord and Savior.

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