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Thread: December 21, 2012 Racquetball in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

  1. #1
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    Default December 21, 2012 Racquetball in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

    I thought December 21, 2012 would roll right by and nothing would happen, but indeed, something has happened.

    Gordon Cutting, John Halko, Barbara May, Marc Caouette, Gerry Slamko, Barry Ould, Jerry Vasilash and Manny Gregorio have been banned from the Mayfield Athletic Club in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada for life since it is closing down permanently this day Dec. 21, 2012. Sadly, this hurts others as well even though they did not conspire.

    This is not my desire, for I wish that they would come to repentance, but God's wrath is clear, banning a Christian from this club (at the impetus of the ARA) by attempting to fabricate some lame reason in your own minds, you erect judgment upon yourself. A month after banning a Christian, word was given that this club would be closed down to ban those who conspired. It's a sin to bear false witness, and it's a sin to lie to protect your hide as we all know Barb did, and to cling to that lie. Sin has its consequences.

    Speaking to the above individuals, understand in the deepest part of you why you behave this way. You're trying to exalt yourself above a Christian because you know the word of God says you will go to Hell for eternity unless you come to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior, by accepting who He truly is: God the Son, resurrected the third day; nothing exists that exists without Him having created it, and before the foundations of the world and Abraham, He said I AM. He also said the only way to the Father is through the Son, and there is no other name under heaven by which one can be saved. Unless you are willing to confess Jesus to others, He said He will deny you before the Father in heaven. If you are ashamed of Him, He is ashamed of you.

    The choice is yours and yours alone!

    Remember what Jesus said, "Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you [from their company], and shall reproach [you], and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake" (Luke 6.22).

    You've blessed a Christian greatly that you have attacked, because he will receive reward on your account by how you treated him.

    Unless you take action to rectify this situation, the judgment continues upon you. True repentance is followed by action. God does not stop at the first plague (Mayfield Athletic Club closed down) against the Pharaoh. He continues on with 9 more plagues: no juniors from Edmonton in the top 100 in Canada, hernias (Cam Bourque), pumpkin seeds (Jerry Vasilash), having to find a new line of work (Manny Gregorio), poor rankings (all those mentioned above), or any number of unexpected other things.

    It's kind of funny in a way hearing through grapevine how these particular indviduals are scurrying about trying to find out where they can play racquetball in their 50's, 60's and 70's, including Jack McBride, since they have been banned from the Mayfield. So far, I hear they have been rejected by the U of A and GARC.

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    In response specifically to this message, Gordon Cutting, president of the Edmonton Racquetball Association, shows his attitude when he wrote [Friday, December 21, 2012 3:33 PM.], "Don't send me any more emails of this sort."

    Instead of dealing with the problem set before him, a privilege granted to him by his position, he thumbs his nose. Is this what we want from people who are in a position of power in society?

    This typifies how the above handful of individuals try very hard with seared consciences to shut their minds down to what they have done. It's a "shove it under the rug" policy and hope it goes away instead of doing the right thing!

    I have no idea who Gordon Cutting is to put a face to his name, but Gordon Cutting is the belligerent person who removed Troy Brooks in October from the Edmonton Open racquetball tournament in Nov. 2012 with no explanation given as to why.

    A letter was sent to all board members of the ARA and ERA to appeal to them not to ban people from these associations and from playing in sanctioned events without just cause.

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    Default A Further Judgment Upon Gordon Cutting and John Halko

    [Gordon Cutting is the president of the Edmonton Racquetball Association and also on the board of the Alberta Racquetball Association. John Halko is the president of the Alberta Racquetball Association. These two persons are accountable for what they have done.]

    Gordon Cutting,

    I thought I would do God's work today December 25, 2012 and speak by the Holy Spirit the Spirit of Truth.

    Normally I wouldn't claim this, but the fact that you were so cruel to me, removing me from the 2012 Edmonton Open without any explanation certainly has its side effects on you. You lost to Gordon Porter in the Edmonton Open in the first round of the Men's Singles A division. The match was very very close! The link is undeniable. If you had won handedly or lost by a wide margin I would not bring it up, but because the second game was so close 15-17, and the tiebreaker as well, we can confidently make the connection between your conscience and your performance.

    Deep down inside, you know what you are doing is evil and cruel segmenting certain people from playing in Edmonton and Alberta sanctioned racquetball tournaments without just cause and who don't bow down to your every whim. Your conscience is not clear before God so that is death working in you which no doubt impacts your performance at racquetball.

    It is doubly worse when your motivation is religious hostility and religious discrimination against a Christian one of God's chosen elect. Why do you feel it is incumbent upon you not to treat others as you would like to be treated? God keeps a record of your actions and your heart. There is nothing you can put past Him. He knows every hair on your head. Jesus returns not for your sake Gordon C. but for the sake of the elect. As you try to self-righteously self-exalt yourself in some deluded way to rationalize what you have done, you only incur judgment upon yourself. You are not blameless before God. Who among you will cast the first stone? banning people.

    I am not telling you any of this for any other reason than I don't want you to perish to die in your sins. Sin leads also to the second death which is Hell an eternal separation from God in which you lock yourself in Hell from the inside because at the end of the day that is what you want. God is just giving you what you want. You can be saved. You can give your life to Christ. You don't have to remain this obstinate belligerent jankhole.

    Jagoff John Halko who is your kingpin leader behind this movement against a Christian made it to the semifinals in the Edmonton Open division for one reason only, because he along with you banned me from this tournament; otherwise, I would have been in the semi's. His motivation is self-evident. Now for great wisdom. If it quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it's probably a duck. "By their fruit you shall recognize them" (Matt. 7.16).

    I think John Halko is a better player than 81st in Canada, but to my surprise since my coming back to racquetball this year, I noticed he still can't crack the top 80 in Canada, thus, not reaching his potential. He is underperforming because his conscience is not clear before God. He clings to sin and selfishness and discrimination. This is far more evil than you realize!

    By the grace of God during the very same weekend as the Edmonton Open I ended up beating the 9th ranked player in Canada in the Saskatchewan Open by a margin that was even smaller than your loss against Gordon Porter. Go figure! I don't recall ever beating anyone in the top 10 in Canada before. This is one of those cases Gordon Cutting where He used your evil for good. Praise the Lord!

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    In Christ

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