The weirdest thing of all is that in the eternity of the past Mormons claim there is matter and intelligences. Nobody seems to be very clear on what "intelligences" is. At any rate, infinite regress of matter ultimately is naturalism the same belief held by atheists instead of the uncreated Creator (Jesus) bringing all things into existence. Mormons deep down inside ultimately is atheist.

When you include intelligences as beings or spirits you're contradicting yourself because in atheism there are no intelligences in infinite regress just matter. Do you see the fence Mormons sit on? By saying there is infinite regress of matter that is their atheistic view. When they say there is infinite regress of intelligences that is either a) claiming they always existed in some intelligence form as some being, or b) they came into being somewhere in the infinite past translated from some other intelligences. Again, "intelligences" is not well defined, purposely vague and goofy. Satan purposely vague when teaching lies.

God the Father to Mormons use to be a spirit child who was a sinner and went through these processes to gain his own planet earth. His first child was Jesus. Both are separate gods. And Jesus will have to get married, so he can have spirit children also. We are all children of Elohim the Father who come from one of Elohim's many wives. Presently, Elohim is circling the planet of Colob. Not sure what he is doing there. I guess he didn't like earth so much. Question: If we are all children of Elohim, then everyone would be a spirit child, but we are explicitly told not everyone is a spirit child of Elohim? Confusing.

All of this is salvation by works to boast.

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Mormonism is quite like Calvinism and universalistic in the sense that everyone, including Hitler, who are not spirit children are saved anyway and go to one of the 3 kingdoms.

The other way mormonism is cavlinistic is that just by praying for the dead you can save people to the celestial kingdom even though they were not going to go there. Thus, this is irresistibly imposed salvation. Perhaps that's why James White studies Mormonism because it has lots of his own teaching, e.g. being irresistibly saved by being baptized as a child as John Calvin taught.

This is not an endorsement of James White, since he is a Calvinist, unsaved, unwilling to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. But this explanation is somewhat helpful.

Those in the celestial kingdom can still have sex, but those who go to the telestial and terrestial kingdoms can't have sex anymore so they can't procreate.

Mormonism is incestuous. Elohim had sex with Mary one of his offspring to birth one of his spirit children Jesus.

What strikes me as confusing is that all these spirit children of one father use to be intelligences then become spirit children when they are birthed on earth or were they spirit children before that before Elohim was having sex with his offspring?