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Thread: Hal Lindsey Might Not Be a Christian for This Reason

  1. #1
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    Default Hal Lindsey Might Not Be a Christian for This Reason

    Re: Hal Lindsey

    Hal Lindsey believes the Holy Spirit is the Restrainer. Rather, Satan is the Restrainer waiting for the moment to unleash his Antichrist. Only when things are ripe will he do so when the world is ready.

    Never once in the Bible is the Holy Spirit called the Restrainer. The Holy Spirit goes by many names such as the Spirit of Truth and the Comforter but never Restrainer. How evil that would be to call the Holy Spirit the Restrainer who would be taken out of the way so people can't be saved during the Tribulation or there be no guidance for the Church.

    Luke 21.36, Rev. 3.10 and Matt. 24.40-42 are conditional statements for the first rapture. Whosoever keeps the word of His patience, are watchful and prayerful will escape the hour of trial, all these things that shall come upon the earth. Do all Christians do this? Of course not, so there are consequences for carnal Christians lying on a bed of fornication. They will not be received at the first rapture "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) before the first trumpet (8.7), but must wait with those who are alive and left (1 Thess. 4.14-18) to be raptured at the start of (Rev. 11.15) the last trumpet (7th trumpet or 3rd woe) to be meet the Lord in the air. They will be "caught up together" (1 Thess. 4.17) which comforts us: "Wherefore comfort one another with these words" (v.18). It doesn't comfort me that the whole Church be raptured before the Tribulation leaving saints without the Holy Spirit during the Tribulation. What love is that?

    Therefore, when the prideful and arrogant pretrib rapture onlyist is in the Tribulation and claims it is not the Tribulation because he would have been raptured already, it shows he is already deceived as he accuses the brethren day and night (Rev.12.10) who were first raptured according to readiness. Only those believers who keep the conduct of Matthew 5-7 will be included in the first rapture.

    The falling away comes first then the general rapture and resurrection takes place at the start of the last trumpet, that is, the last of the 7 trumpets of the Tribulation. Trumpets of the Tribulation signify it is loud. Much is happening. Tensions are high. Whereas Seals the past 20 centuries (Rev. 6) are opened in secret (the world does not understand) and Bowls, larger than cups, poured silently are the wrath of God contained in the 7th Trumpet. The saints are not appointed unto wrath. Both overcomers believers as well as non-overcomer believers are taken up, though, before the Bowls of Wrath, the 7th Trumpet, are poured out.

    Consider this consequences and accountability for Christians to be recevied up to the throne and reward of returning with Christ to reign over the nations for 1000 years. Praise the Lord! Amen. Though a Christian can't lose eternal life, he can lose these temporary blessings before the New City and New Earth commence.

    Sadly, Hal Lindsey is an antinomian, a false teaching, rejected by the Church.
    Last edited by Faithful; 08-26-2012 at 10:49 AM. Reason: Added Hal's link. Please don't buy any products from him.

  2. #2
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    My email to Hal Lindsey...


    You've excluded yourself from the first rapture at the start of the Tribulation that is according to readiness, for those Christians who keep the word of His patience, who are watchful and prayerful. If you are saved Hal, and I am not saying you are, you will be in the Tribulation not recognizing that it is the Tribulation since you assumed you would be raptured no matter how carnal a Christian you are. When a couple million people are raptured alive Feast of Trumpets Sept. 14, 2015 you will accuse them day and night along with Satan (Rev. 12.10). Who can be confident you are my brother in Christ then?

    You've said in your broadcast that the Church is gone when the Tribulation starts. How evil that would be if that were true for then how would someone come to Christ not hearing the gospel of salvation from members of the body of Christ of the Church? The Holy Spirit is not taken out of the way, nor is the Church vanished. The first rapture occurs at the start of the 1st trumpet then 5 years later the general rapture and resurrection takes place at the start of the 7th trumpet.

    You're a dangerous man Hal. May God protect His children from your deception.

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