In the 2017 US Open Final for the IRT (International Racquetball Tour), Rocky took a game off Kane, but what is most noticeable after all these years Rocky keeps making the same mistakes over and over. He never learns. Let me give you an example to bring home the point.

There was a study done of 18,000 people on weight loss, and the only people that were over 300 pounds who managed to permanently stay under 200 pounds were those who kept an excel spreadsheet of their calories they took in each day.

What I am proposing is Rocky Carson lives in his emotions from day to day, and not in actual reality which the numbers convey. If you look at this table attached it shows there are only two serves a person should ever serve against Kane, the drive to Kane's backhand (43%) and the drive to his forehand (44%).

In fact, Rocky did not drive serve in proper proportion either, because he drove 37 times to Kane's backhand and only 10 times to his forehand. Rocky should have drove more to Kane's forehand than his backhand according to the success ratio for everyone.

In the US Open Final Rocky tried a plethora of serves: DB, GB, DBZ, HFN, HBN, DF, GF, HBL, MBL, MBZ, DFZ. He should have only used the DB and DF.

Of course, I want Kane to always win because he is from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, but I would like to see better competition for him which makes things more interesting.

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Rocky should at least be able to attain 43% for the DB and 44% for the DF.