Money is human value. Giving no interest on that human value is to devalue humanity. There are two faiths that teach no usury: Islam and Marxism. They hate the individual's rights. Their hatred of the Jews is based in their hatred of God since the Jews were the first nation God revealed Himself to to bring in the Messiah who died on the cross for the sins of the world.

As debts mount and increasing inability of governments to balance their budgets, because society doesn't want to endure temporary annual drops in GDP that is the consequence of being fiscally and monetarily responsible (fair interest rates), the end game is zero and even negative interest rates that give those in power ultimate power to be under the control of Marxism and Islamic control. That is to say, a human being will earn a wage and no matter how much he saves up, his human value is immediately devalued and he generates no savings for retirement.

The financial elite have no problem with this scenario because it increases their control and their hold on money as they are the printers of the money. They decide what a fungible dollar (human being) is worth by printing any amount they choose and giving themselves any amount they want to keep the system afloat.

Get the book Leverage - How Cheap Money Will Destroy the World, by Karl Denninger.

The problem with the banking industry is not the fractional reserve system, which is fine in itself, but that it should have been marked to the market for the assets the banks have on their books they receive as security for loans they give out.

The US Dollar will collapse because all this counterfeiting of currency by not marking to market and not having security for credit cards and other bad loans. The economy is running on this debt that will never be paid back with non-depreciated currency.

TARP 2008 says there is no reserve requirements for banks. This is naked selling the dollar worse than a house of cards. More and more debt to gdp will be needed each quarter in order to hold up the house of cards. The federal banks come in to bail out the banks like a snake eating its own tail

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Thank you Ann Barnhardt and Karl Denninger for this information.