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    by Published on 12-15-2009 09:56 PM     Number of Views: 11602 
    1. Categories:
    2. Messianic Judaism

    "And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel" (Ex. 19.6).

    This simply means God will usher in the Messiah through Israel, for God needs a holy nation to enter in through. It does not mean Israel is going to rule the world or even receive the reward of reigning with Christ during the 1000 years; though it does mean the promise is for Israel to be the center of all nations from which Christ will reign in Jerusalem in the Temple. The kings and priests in Rev. 20.4,6 are overcomer believers, a segment of the saved, from all previous dispensations.

    Messianic Judaism is a contradiction in terms because Judaism rejects THE Messiah. There is only one right Messiah who already came in His first coming. Judaism claims it has its own Messiah but it is not the Christ. Christians reject Judaism and Pharisees, so it is wrong for a Christian to call himself a Messianic Judaism Jew or any derivative thereof. If you are a Messianic Judaism Jew you worship a false Christ. The Messiah already came. We do not wait for His first coming but His second coming. Therefore, now you should be a Christian. Period!

    Messianic Judaism is a cult of Jews (and non-Jews) who accuse the Church of persecuting the Jews. A false Church which persecuted the Jews does not equate with the Church which never would persecute the Jews. And brothers and sisters in Christ would not attack the Church (Messianic Judaism is not the Church) for we are the Church and we love our little brother the Jews though sadly only a remnant will remain as the center of all nations.

    Messianic Judaism Jews are exalting themselves divisively and have given their lives to a false Christ, one that accuses falsely the Church and Christ our Creator. Jesus did not say to create a denomination called Messianic Judaism, saying "I of Cephas" (denom 1) or "I of Apollos" (denom 2, etc.) or "I of Christ" (congregationalist). We are not even to say "I of Christ" the Bible says since a church is not a congregation but a locality of believers. And the Bible makes a distinction between the false Church or false tares that try to look like the saved wheat. The Bible distinguishes the Church as not the great harlot of religious Rome (Rev. 14.8; ch. 17) which has over 1 billion adherents today-the Roman Church. There is the outward appearance of the kingdom of heaven and the actual Church of born-again believers within that kingdom.

    The question a Messianic Jew should ask himself at this point is why is he accusing the Church of being the harlot when God's word says the harlot is not the Church? If the Messianic Jews are born-again, saved in Christ by His precious blood, then why are they so hostile to Christians the Church-body of Christ? It seems to me that it all comes back to a racism pride by Jews, exalting themselves ...
    by Published on 12-15-2009 08:52 PM     Number of Views: 4299 
    1. Categories:
    2. LDS/Mormons

    C. J. Labuschagne points out, the Hebrew word for "one" (echad) in Deuteronomy 6.4 refers to "somebody who has no family, and, applied to Yahweh, this means He does not belong to any family of gods. This aspect distinguishes Him from all other gods. Furthermore, the confession that Yahweh was a Singe One was directed against the concept of divine families common in many pagan religions." "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God one LORD" (Deut. 6.4).
    by Published on 12-15-2009 08:52 PM     Number of Views: 6640 
    1. Categories:
    2. LDS/Mormons

    Everything else is periphery or secondary. The 6 major sins of Mormonism/LDS:

    1) Claim God is not alone, uncreated, from everlasting;

    2) Denying Jesus created all things;

    3) Claiming a person who is born-again can perish;

    4) Claiming there were gods before God and gods after God;

    5) Making God into gods rather than One Being;

    6) Absurdly, thinking ancient Israel were polytheists.
    by Published on 12-15-2009 08:52 PM     Number of Views: 2830 
    1. Categories:
    2. LDS/Mormons

    There can only be one transcendent, always existing intelligent being because if you introduce another transcendent entity, they would be de facto (in fact, in reality; though not formerly recognized by all) competing with each other and thus, neither would be transcendent over the other. But the very nature of being uncreated, always existing, from everlasting, before time, and infinitely greater is that of transcendence: transcending all things, both time and space; not just some things.

    Will you receive Jesus as the creator of all things now, who with the Father and the Holy Ghost, the One True [Triune] God, as the uncaused cause of all things?

    "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made" (John 1.3).

    God did NOT make beings to do evil, but certainly created the option to do evil so that we have true free will.

    "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things" (Is. 45.7). To be understood more clearly the NLT reads,

    "I am the one who creates the light and makes the darkness. I am the one who sends good times and bad times. I, the LORD, am the one who does these things."

    Why would God send bad times? Because it is the proper response to evil and sinfulness.

    For example, God hardened the Pharaoh's heart, after the Pharaoh hardened his own heart first and in so doing increases the likelihood the Pharaoh would repent without forcing the Pharaoh to repent or infringe on his free will.

    And we all know what happened during the 10 plagues as well as what happened to Pharaoh's army in the Gulf of Aqaba.
    by Published on 12-15-2009 08:52 PM     Number of Views: 3960 
    1. Categories:
    2. LDS/Mormons

    First, like Judaism, the Christian Gospel proclaims that God created all things 'out of nothing' ('ex nihilo'). This is contrary to the Greek view of pre-existing eternal matter. Second, since God created all things, including matter, Christianity (with Judaism) understands matter in general, and the human body in particular, as 'very good' (Gen 1:31). The Hellenistic worldview understood matter as questionable at best--if not down-right evil. The body was seen as something like an unnatural tomb, within which the eternal human soul was temporarily trapped until released by death. Whereas, with Judaism, Christianity proclaimed that to be human was to have a body, and thus that we would experience resurrection of the body (an incorruptible body!) in the after-life, the Greek view of the after-life was freedom from the body.

    So you see Mormonism with its infinite regress, spirit beings and not returning with Christ in our bodies to reign during the 1000 years is so Hellenistic.

    Now I know why Mormons always accuse Christians of Hellenization, because the Mormon is just projecting their own condition of being trapped in Hellinising themselves.

    My advise to Mormons and LDS. Don't take it out on us Christians, but repent of your false teachings.
    by Published on 12-15-2009 08:52 PM     Number of Views: 8432 
    1. Categories:
    2. LDS/Mormons

    "Do you still think it's enough just to believe that there is one God? Well, even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror!" (James 2.9). It is not enough to know there is only one God, but you must receive Him honestly, truthfully and humbly. A Mormon is worse off than a demon.

    There are lots of gods in Mormonism. Sometimes they get their gods mixed up. Who is the author of confusion?

    Not once in the New Testament do you find Jesus called the Father.

    We read the Jesus of Mormonism “being the Father and the Son…thus becoming the Father and Son” (Mosiah 15.2,3).

    The Bible says, “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matt. 28.19). “My judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me…the testimony of two…is true…. I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me” (John 8.16-18).

    “Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him” (John 14.23).

    Paul maintains the same: “Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom. 1.7).
    by Published on 12-15-2009 08:52 PM     Number of Views: 2891 
    1. Categories:
    2. Judaism

    "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" (Numb. 23.19).

    "And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent" (1 Sam. 15.29).

    God is not a man but He can come in the likeness of flesh in Jesus, 2nd Person of the Trinity, or in other instances such as the three angels as men before Abraham - the Trinity of God.

    While the Father remained in heaven, the 2nd Person entered His creation. But with Abraham, the Father, Son and Spirit came in human likeness.

    God is complex in His unity. He has diversity in His unity. Whereas other claims have a god without this complexity and diversity. Still others make their god among many gods, so they have diversity but no unity, nor complexity in the unity of one God alone from everlasting.

    A complex God always trumps a simple god or a god who has human form, that is, made in man's image such as the god of mormonism.

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