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    by Published on 12-23-2010 06:52 PM     Number of Views: 3337 
    1. Categories:
    2. Atheist, Agnostic, Agtheist


    1) something can't come from nothing for what does not exist can't produce anything


    2) infinite regress is impossible because you would have happened already having an eternity to do so


    3) what is outside of nature-time and space-necessarily is the uncaused cause and can't be lesser than us with minds.

    WHO IS HE?

    4) Jesus is God since all naturalistic explanations have been exhausted for the origin of the disciples' beliefs, multiply attested appearances, in various groups.


    p.s. by all means go ahead if you feel the need to challenge these words, but the burden is on you. ...
    by Published on 12-11-2010 03:19 PM     Number of Views: 4689 
    1. Categories:
    2. Revelation 14

    Deriving the 144,000 from the 120 Jubilees of 6000 Years

    Amazing revelation about the 144,000. 120 Jubilees or 6000 years (1 year equals 1 day in this case) x 24 hours/day = 144,000 (Rev. 14.1-5).

    For the first time in my life I understand where the 144,000 are derived from. I knew who they were and even knew they were the pinnacle reached, but didn't know why it was exactly 144,000. God is saying from 3986 BC when Adam was 18 years old (born 4004 BC; age of accountability and sinned at age 18) to 2015 which is 6000 years, He is looking for 144,000 virgin firstfruits overcomers by virtue of being virgins and faithful. (I am not a virgin so I don't qualify, but I am faithful.) Once His number is reached, the first rapture according to readiness takes place "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) of the man-child overcomers (12.5), before the trumpets of the trumpets of the Tribulation (8.7ff) commence, who kept the word of His patience (3.10), were prayerful (Luke 21.36) and watchful (Matt. 24.42). Please note Rev. 7 to 11 are the major points, and chapters 12 to 19 give the details like Gen. 2 gives the details of Gen. 1.

    I now know. So the reason why Satan, the great Restrainer, holds back the Antichrist is because he is waiting for the opportune time. But his hand is forced when the first fruit overcomers, martyrs from the past 20 centuries (5th seal), and living overomers are raptured alive at the first rapture (about 1/7th of living overcomers as represented by the Philadelphia church being the only overcomer church of the 7 churches). In retaliation, Satan sets up his grand deception with a false peace treaty only to break it midway that leads to WW III. God help us all! ...
    by Published on 12-07-2010 06:51 AM     Number of Views: 7253 
    1. Categories:
    2. Spiritual Warfare

    A Mind under the Attack of the Evil Spirits

    One fact which we must always bear in mind is: man possesses free will. God’s intention is for man to control himself. Man has the authority to regulate his every natural endowment; hence his mental processes should be subject to the I power of his will. A Christian ought to inquire of himself: Are these my thoughts? Is it I who am thinking? If it is not I thinking, it must then be the evil spirit who is able to work in man’s mind. Since I will not to think (and my mind usually follows my will) then the thoughts which presently arise in my head cannot be mine but rather are those which emanate from another “person” who uses the ability of my mind against my own will. The person should know that in case he has not intended to think and yet there are thoughts arising in his head, he must conclude that these are not of him but of the evil spirit.

    To determine whether an idea is of himself or of the wicked spirit, a Christian should observe how it arose. If in the beginning his mental faculty is peaceful and composed and is functioning normally and naturally according to the circumstances he is in, but suddenly a thought or a complete idea (having no bearing on his present circumstances or the work in which he is engaged) flashes across his brain, such inordinate and lightning quick thought is most likely the action of evil spirits. They are attempting to inject their thoughts into the believer’s head and thus induce him to accept them as his own. It is unmistakable that the notion which the evil spirits introduce into man’s mind is a matter he has not thought about at the moment and which does not follow the trend of his thinking. It is entirely “new”—something he never thought of himself. It has arisen abruptly and all by itself. When one gains this kind of thought it is well for him to inquire: Do I really think in this manner? Is it really I who am thinking? Do I want to think that way? Or is this something which simply becomes activated in my mind all by itself? The child of God should determine whether or not it is he himself who does the thinking. If he has not originated the idea but on the contrary opposses it, and yet it abides in his head, he then can assume that that idea issues from the enemy. Each thought which man chooses not to think and each one which opposes man’s will come not from the man but from the outside.

    Oftentimes also one’s brain is abounding with sundry ideas which he is helpless to stop. His head is like a thought machine, operated by external force; it continues to think but is impotent to desist. The believer may shake his head repeatedly, yet he cannot shake off the thoughts in his mind. They come to him in waves, rolling unceasingly day and night. There is no way to terminate them. He is not aware that this is but the activity of the evil spirit. He ought to understand what a “thought” is. It is something ...
    by Published on 12-06-2010 03:36 AM     Number of Views: 2084 
    1. Categories:
    2. Spiritual Warfare

    The mind of man is his organ of thought. Through it he is equipped to know, think, imagine, remember, and understand. Man’s intellect, reasoning, wisdom and cleverness all pertain to the mind. Broadly speaking the mind is the brain. Mind is a psychological term whereas brain is a physiological term. The mind of psychology is the brain of physiology. Man’s mind occupies a large place in his life because his thought easily influences his action.

    Before Regeneration

    According to the Bible the mind of man is unusual in that it constitutes a battlefield where Satan and his evil spirits contend against the truth and hence against the believer. We may illustrate as follows. Man’s will and spirit are like a citadel which the evil spirits crave to capture. The open field where the battle is waged for the seizure of the citadel is man’s mind. Note how Paul the Apostle describes it: “though we live in the world we are not carrying on a worldly war, for the weapons of our warfare are not worldly but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every proud obstacle to the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Cor. 10.3-5). He initially tells us of a battle—then where the battle is fought—and finally for what objective. This struggle pertains exclusively to man’s mind. The Apostle likens man’s arguments or reasonings to an enemy’s strongholds. He pictures the mind as held by the enemy; it must therefore be broken into by waging war. He concludes that many rebellious thoughts are housed in these strongholds and need to be taken captive to the obedience of Christ. All this plainly shows us that the mind of man is the scene of battle where the evil spirits clash with God.

    Scripture explains that before regeneration “the god of this world (had) blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the likeness of God” (2 Cor. 4.4). This verse concurs in what the other verse just quoted said by declaring here that Satan holds on to man’s mind by making it blind. Some people perhaps may consider themselves extremely wise in their ability to advance many arguments against the gospel; others may take for granted that unbelief is due to dullness of understanding; but the truth in both cases is that the eyes of man’s mind have been covered by Satan. When firmly held by Satan the mind of man becomes “hardened”; man “follows the desires of body and mind (as) children of wrath” and so “is estranged and hostile in mind” because “the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God” (2 Cor. 3.14; Eph. 2.3; Col. 1.21; Rom. 8.7).

    Upon reading these various passages we can see clearly how the powers of darkness are especially related to man’s mind, how it is peculiarly susceptible to Satan’s assault. With respect to man’s will, emotion and body, the powers ...
    by Published on 12-03-2010 08:17 AM     Number of Views: 2281 
    1. Categories:
    2. Spiritual Warfare

    In Battling the Enemy

    Those who live by feeling are even more worthless in spiritual warfare, because to battle the enemy in prayer is truly a self-denying work. What incalculable suffering is involved! Nothing for satisfying one’s self can be found here; it is pouring out one’s all for the body of Christ and the kingdom of God. How unbearable must be this resisting and wrestling in the spirit! What pleasure is there for the spirit to be laden with indescribable burden for the sake of God? Is it interesting to attack the evil spirit with every ounce of strength one can summon? This is a prayer warfare. But for whom is the believer praying? Not for himself surely, but for the work of God. Such prayer is for warfare which is thoroughly lacking in interest one usually encounters during ordinary prayer. Is there anything in this that can make him feel comfortable when he must travail in his soul and pray to destroy and to build? No element in spiritual warfare can gladden the flesh—unless of course one is contending merely in his imagination.

    An emotional Christian is easily defeated in conflict with Satan. While he is praying to assault the enemy the latter by his evil spirit will attack his emotion. He will set the Christian to feeling that such contesting is painful and such prayer is lifeless. So as he becomes sorrowful, insipid, dark and dry, he immediately stops fighting. An emotional Christian is powerless to war against Satan, for as soon as his feeling comes under attack by Satan he quits the field of battle. If one’s emotion has not experienced death, he may provide opportunity to Satan to strike at any hour. Each time he rises to oppose the enemy he is defeated by a satanic touch upon his feeling. Can anyone expect victory over Satan unless he has first overcome his life of sensation?

    Spiritual warfare accordingly demands an attitude of total death to feeling and an absolute trust in God. Only a person with this attitude can bear up alone and not seek companions or man’s approval in fighting the enemy. Only this caliber of Christian can proceed under all sorts of anguished feelings. He cares not at all for his life nor about death but only cares for the leading of God. He indulges no personal interest, desire or longing. He has offered himself to death already and then lives exclusively for God. He neither blames nor misunderstands Him because he considers all His ways to be loving. This is the class of person who is able to fill the breach. Though he may appear to be deserted by God and forgotten by men, yet he mans his battle station. He is a prayer warrior. He overcomes Satan. ...
    by Published on 11-19-2010 07:14 PM     Number of Views: 3140 
    1. Categories:
    2. Revelation 10

    I realize what I am about to say is very difficult for almost every Christian to understand but it is 100% true. You just need to allow it to sink in as you pray over these words by the Holy Spirit in agreement with God's word. This information takes you down the narrow path with wonderful blessings (Rev. 1.3).

    Please try to picture like a lock tumbler how events unfold in Revelation. Rev. 6.1 to 11.19 are the major points with chapter 6 referring to the past 20 centuries which are general in nature. The 5th and 6th seal occur shortly before the Tribulation commences. Ch. 7 is the interjection, and includes the first rapture according to readiness, before the 7th seal opens up the 7 trumpets of the Tribulation. So far so good, I hope you understood that. Stay with me, because this is very precious.

    Just as the 7th seal opens the 7 trumpets of the Tribulation, the 7th trumpet will pour out the 7 bowls (God's wrath) near the end of the Tribulation. Near the end of the Tribulation is another visionary interjection that takes place from the 6th to the 7th bowl in Rev. 16.12-16 (battle of Armageddon). The 7 bowls last 24 months, because the 6th trumpet (2nd woe) is 13 months, and the 5th trumpet (1st woe) is 5 months (see Rev. 9). The 1st, 2nd and 3rd woes combine to last a total of 42 months. This 42 month period comprising 30 Biblical days each is called the Great Tribulation, and the Tribulation is the full 84 months. The Tribulation is Daniel's 70th week, considered a "unit of seven," like each of Daniel's 69 sets of seven. Revelation 7 occurs at the start of the Tribulation, speaks of the first rapture "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) and eternal blessings for all the saved. God's promise is also given to protect a remnant of Jews (7.1-8) to preserve the nation of Israel from where Jesus will reign on earth for 1000 years in the 3rd Temple (no sacrifices though).

    Revelation chapter 10 is the pivotal chapter of the book of Revelation. The "little book" (10.2) is the same book Jesus held in chapter 5 that only He could open. Would Jesus wait 2000 years to begin opening it? No, of course not! Because the 7th seal contains the 7 trumpets, the 7th seal can't be opened yet, because the 7 trumpets (the Tribulation) haven't begun yet. But the first 4 seals have been opened. The 5th seal is opened when the martyrs are raptured before the Tribulation and the 6th seal is opened when the very rare H3 Solar Eclipse in 2013 and Total Red Blood Moon in 2014/15 take place (6.12). This will be the 8th occurrence of the Red Blood Moon since Christ that fell on Passover, Tabernacles and again on Passover and Tabernacles.

    John sees the opened book in Rev. 10.2,7,8, but this is a vision so the book is not opened (fully understood) until the blowing of the 7th trumpet since the "seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery ...
    by Published on 11-15-2010 04:36 AM     Number of Views: 3273 
    1. Categories:
    2. Regeneration

    Many Atheists, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists will say that if Jesus showed Himself before their very eyes and convinced them or performed some miracle that they would accept He is God, died on the cross for the sins of the world and was resurrected the third day.

    I really doubt that. My question is, how do you know this Jesus is the same Jesus of two thousand years ago? Does not the evidence of 2000 years ago stand on its own to prove Jesus is God? And if Jesus were to return personally to you right now then how could that be Jesus since the Jesus proven 2000 years ago is the one who said when He returns we will all know it.

    "For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" (Matt. 24.27).

    "Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him..." (Rev. 1.7).

    "Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven" (Acts 1.11).

    "And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which [is] before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, [and there shall be] a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south" (Zech. 14.4).

    So let me get this right, you want Jesus to perform a parlor trick just for you? Isn't that selfish? What you are telling me is if a Jesus displays himself before you and does adequate enough tricks according to your selfish wants, you will accept him as the Jesus of 2000 years ago?

    Isn't that contradictory? You're claiming you will accept the historical Jesus based on a false Jesus that presents himself to you today? That's crazy. So illogical! Do you really think you are being intellectually honest with yourself?

    The reason Jesus is not here now is because you killed him, or people like you you killed, so you don't want Him here, otherwise you would not have killed Him.

    So He will return when we really need Him like the first nation He presented Himself to was Israel who were enslaved for 400 years. They had an ear to hear then when no one else would.

    The Tribulation will shortly come to pass, only then will Jesus return in Person.

    See, that's how it works! That's reality.

    In my experience trying to talk logically to an atheist or believer in any other religion is futile, because they have already made up their mind. What you have to do to convince someone to believe in Christ is draw them to the Person indwelling in you by the Holy Spirit.

    The only way to show someone saving grace is to show them that it is no longer ...

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