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Thread: Be Careful Around People Who Believe in Allah

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    Default Be Careful Around People Who Believe in Allah

    According to Matt. 10.16, we should be wise AS serpents (not like serpents), which means to not unnecessarily provoke them with the truth to our own harm.

    "Harmless as doves" - Among the wicked, be wise lest you suffer needlessly. And do not ever hurt others.

  2. #2
    DesertRose Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    Be careful aroudn people who believe in Allah.
    That's not very nice. You've hurt my feelings. :embarrass

    Contrary to popular belief, Muslims are not violent, oppressive, intolerant and opposed to enlightment. A beautiful verse comes to mind - In Chapter 16, Verse 125 in the Qur'an it says: "Invite all to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching, and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious."

    Judaism, Christianity and Islam have a lot in common. They are all also, the basis of great world civilisations.

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    The Truth Hurts Not Because it is Unreasonable But Because it is Unloved
    Quote Originally Posted by DesertRose View Post
    That's not very nice. You've hurt my feelings.

    Contrary to popular belief, Muslims are not violent, oppressive, intolerant and opposed to enlightment. A beautiful verse comes to mind - In Chapter 16, Verse 125 in the Qur'an it says: "Invite all to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching, and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious."

    Judaism, Christianity and Islam have a lot in common. They are all also, the basis of great world civilisations.
    You hurt your own feelings, for you call Jesus a liar; thus, there are consequences to the emotion of your soul. And to say you are not violent muslims is lack of accountability for Islam tries to remove Israel, the little brother, from the face of the earth every ten years or so. God disallows this, because Israel is God's chosen people. This makes you very angry that your nation was conceived through the lack of self-discipline of conceiving Ishmael, instead of waiting for God's promise and timing of Isaac.

    That's why the Bible says you shall we shall know them by their fruit. What they say does not match their actions. People say lots of things, but does it bear out in their fruit?

    You can't have two Lords. Either Allah is Lord or Jesus is Lord. Compare them. Jesus died for you to atone for sins as the perfect sacrifice, was agreed upon over 1500 years by 40 writers of the 66 books of the Bible in complete harmony. There were many eyewitness accounts: 11 different group-szed meetings of His resurrection of over 500 souls. The 12 apostles agreed with Him and spent three and a half years with him in His ministry. They died with Him on the cross and were raised with Him in His resurrection unto spiritual life. Later, the apostles were put to death for their testimony of Christ's death on the cross and resurrection being their Lord and Savior.

    Mohammad did not atone for sins, nor could he, because he is Satan. There is really no comparison. Islam is belligerent, hostile and evil all the way down to the core. It's Satan's greatest evil work of the nations as Islam is the second largest religion of the world. Islam is founded on one man alone in his imagination and hostility to God's chosen people to satisfy the lustful cravings and warring of a people. Mohammed murdered in his early days, enjoyed his pedophilia, and continued to wager war until it no longer suited his purpose. He was alone in his hatred, so six and half centuries later of the development of the Church, he created a religion that called Jesus a liar and the disciples liars.

    Do not think there is not consequences to this sin of separation from God.

    My prayers go out to you that you may yet be saved by Christ by coming to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, because He is God!

    If you affirmately accept this, you shall be saved! There is no greater love.

    "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God" (John 3.16-18).

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